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Last active December 28, 2015 19:00
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Moving Up in life.. and to the Right
open System
/// Returns a tuple of the first two elements of an array.
let head2 (a : 'a array) = a.[0], a.[1]
/// Reads a line from standard input, and verifies it is of the given length.
let readln length =
let line = Console.ReadLine() in
if line.Length = length then line else sprintf "Invalid line length: %s" line |> failwith
/// Calculates the (a, b)th Delannoy number.
let rec del = function
| (0L, _) | (_, 0L) -> 1L
| (a, b) -> del (a - 1L, b) + del (a - 1L, b - 1L) + del (a, b - 1L)
/// Calculates the number of path combinations in the given input lines.
/// Nasty int64 conversion malarkey because the numbers get large quickly.
let rec combs i j (c : int64) = function
| [] -> c
| (x :: xs) : string list as s -> match x.IndexOf('X') with
| -1 -> combs i (j + 1) c xs
| x when x < i -> 0L
| i_ -> let _i = x.LastIndexOf('X') in
combs _i 0 (if c = 0L then 1L else c * del (i_ - i |> int64, j + 1 |> int64)) xs
let main argv =
let (width, height) = Console.ReadLine().Split(',') |> int |> head2 in
let count = List.init height (fun _ -> readln width) |> List.rev |> combs 0 0 0L in
(if count = 0L then "No Xs on grid, or impossible solution." else string count) |> printfn "%s"
Console.ReadKey(); 0
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