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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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DailyProgrammer Challenge #208h Solution (The Universal Machine)
-- My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Dm
type Symbol = Char
type Alphabet = [Symbol]
type State = String
type Tape = Dm.Map Int Symbol
type Rule = (State, Symbol, State, Symbol, Int -> Int)
type Machine = (Alphabet, [State], State, State, Tape, Int, [Rule])
splitStr :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> (String, String)
splitStr d s = let (first, rest) = break d s
second = dropWhile d rest
in (first, second)
readRule :: String -> Maybe Rule
readRule s0 = let actionOf "<" = \a -> a - 1
actionOf ">" = \a -> a + 1
(state, s1) = splitStr isSpace s0
(sym:_, s2) = splitStr isSpace s1
(arrow, s3) = splitStr isSpace s2
(state', s4) = splitStr isSpace s3
(sym':_, s5) = splitStr isSpace s4
(action, _) = splitStr isSpace s5
in if arrow == "="
then Just (state, sym, state', sym', actionOf action)
else Nothing
readStates :: String -> Maybe [State]
readStates s = readStatesR s [] where
readStatesR [] a = Just $ reverse a
readStatesR s a = let (state, states) = splitStr isSpace s
in readStatesR states (state : a)
readMachine :: [String] -> Maybe Machine
readMachine (alphabet':s:si:sf:t:r) = do
let alphabet = '_':alphabet'
states <- readStates s
if all (`elem` states) [si, sf] then
let rules = map readRule $ r
in if all isJust rules then
return $ (alphabet,
states, si, sf,
Dm.fromList $ zip [0 ..] t, 0,
map fromJust rules)
fail "Bad rule set"
fail "Unknown states"
stepMachine :: Machine -> Maybe Machine
stepMachine m@(a, states, si, sf, tape, pos, rules)
| si == sf = Just m
| otherwise = let sym = Dm.findWithDefault '_' pos tape
in case find (\(st, s, _, _, _) -> si == st && s == sym) rules of
Just (_, _, st', s', act) -> stepMachine (a, states, st', sf, Dm.insert pos s' tape, act pos, rules)
Nothing -> Nothing -- no rule found
printTape :: Tape -> Int -> IO ()
printTape tape fi = let indices = Dm.keys tape
(min, max) = (minimum indices, maximum indices)
tagInd 0 = '|'
tagInd i
| i == fi = '^'
| otherwise = ' '
in do putStrLn $ map (\i -> Dm.findWithDefault '_' i tape) [min..max]
putStrLn $ map tagInd [min..max]
main :: IO ()
main = do
contents <- getContents
let input = filter (not . null) $ lines contents
case readMachine input of
Just m -> case stepMachine m of
Just (a, states, si, sf, tape, pos, rules) -> printTape tape pos
Nothing -> putStrLn "Badly defined machine."
Nothing -> putStrLn "Badly initialized machine."
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