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Created November 5, 2020 19:12
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#!/bin/bash -e
# Write out prometheus metrics for docker volume size.
while read -r container_id; do
container=$(docker inspect "$container_id")
state=$(jq --raw-output .[].State.Status <(echo "$container"))
if [[ $state = 'running' ]]; then
name=$(jq --raw-output .[].Name <(echo "$container") | sed 's/\///g')
id=$(jq --raw-output .[].Id <(echo "$container") | sed 's/\///g')
while read -r volume_path; do
volume_name=$(echo "$volume_path" | sed 's/\/var\/lib\/docker\/volumes\///' | sed 's/\/_data//')
if [[ -n $volume_name ]]; then
size=$(sudo du -sb "$volume_path" | cut -f 1)
echo "container_volume_fs_usage_bytes{container_id=\"${id}\",container_name=\"${name}\",volume_name=\"${volume_name}\",volume_path=\"${volume_path}\"} ${size}"
done <<< "$(jq -r '.[].Mounts[] | select( .Type == "volume" ) | .Source' <(echo "$container"))" # Returns a list of volume paths
done <<< "$(docker ps -aq)" # Returns a list of container IDs
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