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Last active May 4, 2022 13:15
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Script to setup the root and intermediate CA
mkdir -p "${ROOTCA}"
mkdir -p "${PUPPETCA}"
# setup the root ca
cd "${ROOTCA}"
mkdir -p certs crl newcerts private csr
chmod 700 private
touch index.txt
echo 1000 > serial
echo 1000 >crlnumber
if [ ! -f openssl.cnf ] ; then
echo "downloading example openssl.cnf for root ca file from github gist"
curl -o openssl.cnf
# setup of intermediate ca
mkdir -p certs crl newcerts private csr
chmod 700 private
touch index.txt
echo 1000 > serial
echo 1000 > crlnumber
if [ ! -f openssl.cnf ] ; then
echo "downloading example openssl.cnf for intermediate ca file from github gist"
curl -o openssl.cnf
echo "=============================================="
echo "creating encrypted passphrase file "
echo "You need to enter an encryption password twice"
echo "=============================================="
# this secret we will use to protect private keys
echo "your secret" > passfile
# You need to enter a encryption password
openssl enc -aes-256-cfb8 -salt -in passfile \
-out passfile.enc
chmod 0400 passfile passfile.enc
# create the root ca
echo "===================="
echo "creating the root ca"
echo "===================="
openssl genrsa -aes256 \
-passout file:../passfile.enc \
-out private/cakey.pem 4096
chmod 400 private/cakey.pem
openssl req -config openssl.cnf -new -x509 -days 3650 -extensions v3_ca \
-passin file:../passfile.enc \
-key private/cakey.pem \
-out certs/cacert.pem
openssl ca -config openssl.cnf \
-passin file:../passfile.enc \
-gencrl -out crl/crl.pem
# create the intermediate ca
echo "============================"
echo "creating the intermediate ca"
echo "============================"
openssl genrsa -aes256 \
-passout file:${BASEDIR}/passfile.enc \
-out private/puppet.cakey.pem 4096
chmod 400 private/puppet.cakey.pem
openssl req -config openssl.cnf -new -sha256 \
-passin file:../passfile.enc \
-key private/puppet.cakey.pem \
-out csr/puppet.csr.pem
openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -extensions v3_intermediate_ca \
-days 2650 -notext -batch \
-passin file:../passfile.enc \
-in ../puppet/csr/puppet.csr.pem \
-out ../puppet/certs/puppet.cacert.pem
openssl ca -config openssl.cnf \
-passin file:../passfile.enc \
-gencrl -out crl/puppet.crl.pem
echo "=============================================="
echo "creating files for Puppet Enterprise installer"
echo "=============================================="
mkdir -p /root/puppet_install
cat ${PUPPETCA}/certs/puppet.cacert.pem > /root/puppet_install/cert_bundle.pem
echo >>/root/puppet_install/cert_bundle.pem
cat ${ROOTCA}/certs/cacert.pem >>/root/puppet_install/cert_bundle.pem
echo >>/root/puppet_install/cert_bundle.pem
cp ${ROOTCA}/crl/crl.pem /root/puppet_install/crl_bundle.pem
echo >> /root/puppet_install/crl_bundle.pem
openssl rsa -in private/puppet.cakey.pem \
-out /root/puppet_install/puppet-ca.key \
-passin file:../passfile.enc
exit 0
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