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Last active December 20, 2015 13:19
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Another implementation of std.random.RandomCover. It is faster than std.random.RandomCover in average time.
* Another implementation of std.random.RandomCover
* Execution time for popFront (n: length):
* std.random: O(n)
* this : O(1)
* Memory consumption:
* std.random: O(n)
* this : O(n)
struct RandomCover(Range, Random)
if(isRandomAccessRange!Range && hasLength!Range && isUniformRNG!Random)
private Range _input;
private Random _rnd;
private size_t[] _rest;
private size_t _current;
private bool _empty;
this(Range input, Random rnd)
_input = input;
_rnd = rnd;
_rest = iota(cast(size_t)input.length).array();
@property size_t length() const pure nothrow
return _empty ? 0 : _rest.length+1;
@property auto ref front()
return _input[_current];
void popFront()
if (_rest.empty)
_empty = true;
import std.algorithm;
auto idx = uniform(0, _rest.length, _rnd);
_current = _rest[idx];
swap(_rest[idx], _rest[$-1]);
@property typeof(this) save()
auto ret = this;
ret._input =;
ret._rnd =;
return ret;
@property bool empty() const pure nothrow { return _empty; }
/// Ditto
RandomCover!(Range, Random) randomCover(Range, Random)(Range r, Random rnd)
if(isRandomAccessRange!Range && hasLength!Range && isUniformRNG!Random)
return typeof(return)(r, rnd);
import std.random: Random, unpredictableSeed;
import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
int[] a = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ];
auto rnd = Random(unpredictableSeed);
RandomCover!(int[], Random) rc = randomCover(a, rnd);
static assert(isForwardRange!(typeof(rc)));
int[] b = new int[9];
uint i;
foreach (e; rc)
b[i++] = e;
assert(a == b, text(b));
int[] a = [1];
auto rnd = Random(unpredictableSeed);
auto rc = randomCover(a, rnd);
auto b = rc.array();
assert(a == b, text(b));
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