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Last active June 24, 2020 19:52
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Partials of states have different values for non-stiff ODE solvers with a callback at the event location
using OrdinaryDiffEq, ForwardDiff, LinearAlgebra
y0val = 0.6
vy0val = -0.1
gyval = 0.005
# val d/dy0 d/dvy0 d/dgy
y0 = ForwardDiff.Dual( y0val, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
vy0= ForwardDiff.Dual(vy0val, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 )
gy = ForwardDiff.Dual( gyval, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 )
u0dual = [y0; vy0]
u0 = [y0val; vy0val]
Δy, Δvy, Δgy = 1.0e-4 .* (y0val, vy0val, gyval)
tspan = (0.0, 2.0)
function st!(du, u, p, t)
@inbounds begin
du[1] = u[2]
du[2] = (1-u[1]) - p
return nothing
cnd(u, t, integ) = u[1] - 1
CC = ContinuousCallback(cnd, terminate!, save_positions=(true,false),
interp_points=100, affect_neg! = nothing, abstol=0, reltol=0)
prbdual = ODEProblem(st!, u0dual, tspan, gy )
prbcenter = ODEProblem(st!, u0 , tspan, gyval )
prb_y_back = ODEProblem(st!, u0 .- [Δy; 0], tspan, gyval )
prb_y_forward = ODEProblem(st!, u0 .+ [Δy; 0], tspan, gyval )
prb_vy_back = ODEProblem(st!, u0 .- [0; Δvy], tspan, gyval )
prb_vy_forward = ODEProblem(st!, u0 .+ [0; Δvy], tspan, gyval )
prb_gy_back = ODEProblem(st!, u0 , tspan, gyval-Δgy)
prb_gy_forward = ODEProblem(st!, u0 , tspan, gyval+Δgy)
sldual1 = solve(prbdual, Vern9(), abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12, tstops=0.0:0.01:2.0)
sldual2 = solve(prbdual, Vern9(), abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12, tstops=0.0:0.01:2.0, callback=CC)
slcenter = solve(prbcenter, Vern9(), abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12, tstops=0.0:0.01:2.0)
sl_y_back = solve(prb_y_back, Vern9(), abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12, tstops=0.0:0.01:2.0)
sl_y_forward = solve(prb_y_forward, Vern9(), abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12, tstops=0.0:0.01:2.0)
sl_vy_back = solve(prb_vy_back, Vern9(), abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12, tstops=0.0:0.01:2.0)
sl_vy_forward = solve(prb_vy_forward, Vern9(), abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12, tstops=0.0:0.01:2.0)
sl_gy_back = solve(prb_gy_back, Vern9(), abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12, tstops=0.0:0.01:2.0)
sl_gy_forward = solve(prb_gy_forward, Vern9(), abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12, tstops=0.0:0.01:2.0)
#Event time
te = sldual2.t[end].value
#Numerical differentiation du(te)/dy0 without callback
duₜₑ_dy₀_numerical = (sl_y_forward(te) .- sl_y_back(te) ) ./ (2Δy)
#Dual differentiation du(te)/dy0 without callback
getindex.(getproperty.(sldual1(te), :partials), 1)
#Dual differentiation du(te)/dy0 with callback
getindex.(getproperty.(sldual2[end], :partials), 1)
julia> duₜₑ_dy₀_numerical = (sl_y_forward(te) .- sl_y_back(te) ) ./ (2Δy)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> getindex.(getproperty.(sldual1(te), :partials), 1)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> getindex.(getproperty.(sldual2[end], :partials), 1)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
#Numerical differentiation du(te)/dvy0 without callback
duₜₑ_dvy₀_numerical = (sl_vy_forward(te) .- sl_vy_back(te)) ./ (2Δvy)
#Dual differentiation du(te)/dvy0 without callback
getindex.(getproperty.(sldual1(te), :partials), 2)
#Dual differentiation du(te)/dvy0 with callback
getindex.(getproperty.(sldual2[end], :partials), 2)
julia> duₜₑ_dvy₀_numerical = (sl_vy_forward(te) .- sl_vy_back(te)) ./ (2Δvy)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> getindex.(getproperty.(sldual1(te), :partials), 2)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> getindex.(getproperty.(sldual2[end], :partials), 2)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
#Numerical differentiation du(te)/dgy without callback
duₜₑ_dgy_numerical = (sl_gy_forward(te) .- sl_gy_back(te)) ./ (2Δgy)
#Dual differentiation du(te)/dgy without callback
getindex.(getproperty.(sldual1(te), :partials), 3)
#Dual differentiation du(te)/dgy with callback
getindex.(getproperty.(sldual2[end], :partials), 3)
julia> duₜₑ_dgy_numerical = (sl_gy_forward(te) .- sl_gy_back(te)) ./ (2Δgy)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> getindex.(getproperty.(sldual1(te), :partials), 3)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> getindex.(getproperty.(sldual2[end], :partials), 3)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
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