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Created April 16, 2014 18:07
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C++/C++11 Variadic template CSV parser. Supports quoted strings, custom parsers, strongly typed, STL-like, generic, fast, highly customizable.
#include <functional>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
template <typename ... TList>
struct DefaultParsersTuple;
* (Simple) CSV reader.
* I wanted just simple class but it went out of my controll ;)
template <typename ... TList>
class CSVReader {
using row_type = std::tuple<TList ...>;
std::vector<row_type> rows_;
std::ifstream stream_;
std::tuple<std::function<TList(const std::string &)>...> parsers_ =
DefaultParsersTuple<TList ... >::get();
char separator_ = ',';
char quote_ = '"';
char escape_ = '\\';
bool ignore_bad_row_length_ = false;
bool skip_empty_lines_ = true;
std::size_t skip_first_lines_ = 1;
bool first_lines_skipped_ = false;
explicit CSVReader(const char * filename);
explicit CSVReader(const std::string & filename);
void open(const char * filename);
void open(const std::string & filename);
bool is_open();
bool is_open() const;
char & separator();
const char & separator() const;
char & quote();
const char & quote() const;
bool & ignore_bad_row_length();
const bool & ignore_bad_row_length() const;
bool & skip_empty_lines();
const bool & skip_empty_lines() const;
std::size_t & skip_first_lines();
const std::size_t & skip_first_lines() const;
row_type operator[] (std::size_t i);
const row_type operator[] (std::size_t i) const;
std::size_t rows() const;
std::size_t read_rows(
std::size_t n = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
void close();
template <typename T>
struct DefaultParser {
static T parse(const std::string & str) {
if (str.empty())
return T();
std::istringstream stream(str);
T t;
stream >> t;
if (
throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported format of '" + str + "' (fail bit set)");
return t;
template <>
struct DefaultParser<std::string> {
static std::string parse(const std::string & str) {
return str;
template <typename T>
struct DefaultParsersTuple<T> {
using parsers_type = std::tuple<std::function<T(const std::string &)>>;
static parsers_type get() {
return parsers_type(DefaultParser<T>::parse);
template <typename T, typename ... TList>
struct DefaultParsersTuple<T, TList...> {
using parsers_type = std::tuple<
std::function<T(const std::string &)>,
std::function<TList(const std::string &)>...>;
static parsers_type get() {
return std::tuple_cat(
std::function<T(const std::string &)>(
template <typename Tuple, std::size_t N>
struct TuplePrinter {
static std::ostream & print(std::ostream & out, const Tuple& tuple) {
TuplePrinter<Tuple, N-1>::print(out, tuple);
return out << ", " << std::get<N-1>(tuple);
template <typename Tuple>
struct TuplePrinter<Tuple, 1> {
static std::ostream & print(std::ostream & out, const Tuple& tuple) {
return out << std::get<0>(tuple);
template <typename ... TList>
std::ostream & tuple_printer(
std::ostream & out,
const std::tuple<TList...> & tuple) {
return TuplePrinter<
>::print(out << "(", tuple) << ")";
template <typename Row, typename Parsers, std::size_t N>
struct RowParser {
static void parse(
Row & row,
const Parsers & parsers,
const std::array<
> & parts) {
std::get<N-1>(row) = std::get<N-1>(parsers)(parts[N-1]);
RowParser<Row, Parsers, N-1>::parse(row, parsers, parts);
template <typename Row, typename Parsers>
struct RowParser<Row, Parsers, 1> {
static void parse(
Row & row,
const Parsers & parsers,
const std::array<
> & parts) {
std::get<0>(row) = std::get<0>(parsers)(parts[0]);
template <typename Row, typename Parsers>
void parse_row(
Row & row,
const Parsers & parsers,
const std::array<
> & parts) {
>::parse(row, parsers, parts);
template <typename ... TList>
CSVReader<TList ...>::CSVReader() = default;
template <typename ... TList>
CSVReader<TList ...>::CSVReader(const char * filename)
: stream_(filename) { }
template <typename ... TList>
CSVReader<TList ...>::CSVReader(const std::string & filename)
: stream_(filename) { }
template <typename ... TList>
void CSVReader<TList ...>::open(const char * filename) {;
template <typename ... TList>
void CSVReader<TList ...>::open(const std::string & filename) {;
template <typename ... TList>
bool CSVReader<TList ...>::is_open() {
return stream_.is_open();
template <typename ... TList>
bool CSVReader<TList ...>::is_open() const {
return stream_.is_open();
template <typename ... TList>
char & CSVReader<TList ...>::separator() {
return separator_;
template <typename ... TList>
const char & CSVReader<TList ...>::separator() const {
return separator_;
template <typename ... TList>
char & CSVReader<TList ...>::quote() {
return quote_;
template <typename ... TList>
const char & CSVReader<TList ...>::quote() const {
return quote_;
template <typename ... TList>
bool & CSVReader<TList ...>::ignore_bad_row_length() {
return ignore_bad_row_length_;
template <typename ... TList>
const bool & CSVReader<TList ...>::ignore_bad_row_length() const {
return ignore_bad_row_length_;
template <typename ... TList>
bool & CSVReader<TList ...>::skip_empty_lines() {
return skip_empty_lines_;
template <typename ... TList>
const bool & CSVReader<TList ...>::skip_empty_lines() const {
return skip_empty_lines_;
template <typename ... TList>
std::size_t & CSVReader<TList ...>::skip_first_lines() {
return skip_first_lines_;
template <typename ... TList>
const std::size_t & CSVReader<TList ...>::skip_first_lines() const {
return skip_first_lines_;
template <typename ... TList>
typename CSVReader<TList...>::row_type CSVReader<TList ...>::operator[] (
std::size_t i) {
return rows_[i];
template <typename ... TList>
const typename CSVReader<TList...>::row_type CSVReader<TList ...>::operator[] (
std::size_t i) const {
return rows_[i];
template <typename ... TList>
std::size_t CSVReader<TList ...>::rows() const {
return rows_.size();
template <typename ... TList>
std::size_t CSVReader<TList ...>::read_rows(std::size_t n) {
std::size_t rows_readed = 0;
std::string line;
bool is_escaped;
std::size_t k;
std::size_t last_part;
bool quoted;
if (!first_lines_skipped_ && skip_first_lines_ > 0) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < skip_first_lines_; ++i)
std::getline(stream_, line);
first_lines_skipped_ = true;
while (rows_readed < n) {
if (!stream_)
std::array<std::string, sizeof...(TList)> parts;
std::getline(stream_, line);
if (skip_empty_lines_ && line.empty())
row_type row;
is_escaped = false;
k = 0;
last_part = 0;
quoted = false;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < line.length(); ++i) {
if (line[i] == escape_) {
is_escaped = true;
} else is_escaped = false;
if (!is_escaped && line[i] == quote_) {
quoted = !quoted;
if (!is_escaped && !quoted &&
(line[i] == separator_ || i == line.length() - 1)) {
if (k >= std::tuple_size<decltype(parsers_)>::value) {
if (ignore_bad_row_length_)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Bad row length. Expected " +
std::to_string(sizeof...(TList)) +
" got more.");
parts[k] = line.substr(
i - last_part + ((i == line.length() - 1) ? 1 : 0));
last_part = i + 1;
if (!ignore_bad_row_length_ &&
k != std::tuple_size<decltype(parsers_)>::value)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Bad row length. Expected " +
std::to_string(sizeof...(TList)) + " got " +
std::to_string(k) + ".");
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i)
std::cout << parts[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
parse_row(row, parsers_, parts);
return rows_readed;
template <typename ... TList>
void CSVReader<TList ...>::close() {
main() {
CSVReader<std::string, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double> reader("CME_ES1.csv");
tuple_printer(std::cout, reader[0]) << std::endl;
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Compiled using Clang 3.4. Please don't look at binary size especially with debugging symbols (816 KB in my case).

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