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Created December 7, 2013 15:46
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Template-based Visitor pattern implementation in C++ PS: Even more generic version. Notice that actual visitor class have non-virtual methods. This allows to have them templated.
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
template <typename ... Types>
class Visitor;
template <typename T>
class Visitor<T> {
virtual void visit(T & visitable) = 0;
template <typename T, typename ... TList>
class Visitor<T, TList ...> : public Visitor<TList ...> {
using Visitor<TList ...>::visit;
virtual void visit(T & visitable) = 0;
template <typename ... TList>
class Visitable {
virtual void accept(Visitor<TList ...> & visitor) = 0;
template <typename Derived, typename ... TList>
class VisitableImpl : public Visitable<TList ...> {
virtual void accept(Visitor<TList ...> & visitor) {
visitor.visit(static_cast<Derived &>(*this));
class Expression {
virtual std::string name() = 0;
template <typename T> class Constant;
class Variable;
template <typename T>
class Constant : public Expression, public VisitableImpl<Constant<T>, Constant<T>, Variable> {
virtual std::string name() {
return "Constant";
class Variable : public Expression, public VisitableImpl<Variable, Constant<double>, Variable> {
virtual std::string name() {
return "Variable";
template <typename ... TList>
class GenericVisitor;
template <typename U, typename T>
class GenericVisitor<U, T> {
U u;
template <typename ... ParamList>
GenericVisitor(ParamList && ... plist)
: u(std::forward<ParamList>(plist) ...) { }
virtual void visit(T & t) {
template <typename U, typename T, typename ... TList>
class GenericVisitor<U, T, TList ...> : public GenericVisitor<U, TList ...> {
template <typename ... ParamList>
GenericVisitor(ParamList && ... plist)
: GenericVisitor<U, TList ...>(
std::forward<ParamList>(plist) ...
) { }
using GenericVisitor<U, TList ...>::visit;
using GenericVisitor<U, TList ...>::u;
virtual void visit(T & t) {
class WtfVisitor {
WtfVisitor(int i = -1, int j = -1, int k = -1) {
std::cout << "WtfVisitor(" << i << ", " << j << ", " << k << ")\n";
template <typename T>
void visit(Constant<T> c) {
std::cout << "VISITED: Constant\n";
void visit(Variable c) {
std::cout << "VISITED: Variable\n";
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
Variable var;
Constant<double> con;
GenericVisitor<WtfVisitor, Constant<double>, Variable> v(5, 6);
return 0;
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Notice that actual visitor class have non-virtual methods where ? They all have virtual methods! I have not tested it seems missing virtual destructors.

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