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Tomas Bulva tomasbulva

View GitHub Profile
  1. answers:
  • a. Links with authentication tokens in the email will always carry a degree of danger, as emails are not secure at all. Therefore depending on the specific industry and product there would be different sets of rules and measures that makes sense to implement.

    It has been a while since I used a relational database directly without some kind of abstraction layer in between. For this example I will assume we are using GraphQL.

    link with token -> back-end will decode token -> DB get user data


01hU31givCeuw3NGGxtqbpfhhZj1: {

"name": "Tomas Bulva",
"label": "Web Developer",
"picture": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "+31 6 3822 8443",
"website": "",
"summary": "I am a full stack software developer with over a decade of experience. A polyglot with experience ranging from building server apps to desktop apps, websites and everything in between. I am proficient in vanilla Javascript as well as all modern frameworks from Nodejs/Expressjs, Angularjs/Angular, React to Vue. I know my way around Python, Vala, PHP, C, Typescript and others. I have worked for a vast range of companies from global corporations to local businesses and agencies such as Electronic Arts, Sony Entertainment, Accenture, Fjord, National Geographic, c|change Inc. and Lynx. I am very interested in the open source community and an avid linux user.",
/* jslint esversion: 6 */
// Lynx Mobile Integrated Browser
// will inject the lynxMobile SDK object
// into the page.
// Your app will have access to the global lynxMobile
// Add an event listner on window like below to be notified
// once the lynxMobile object has been added to window.
window.addEventListener( "lynxMobileLoaded", function()
set -x
SECOND_MONITOR=$(xrandr | grep -q "DP-2 disconnected" && echo 0)
This normally happens when you git commit and try to git push changes before git pulling on that branch x. Normal flow would as below,
STEP 1 git stash your local changes on that branch
STEP 2 git pull origin branchname -v to pull and merge to locally commited changes on that branch, give the merge some message, fix conflicts if any
STEP 3 git stash pop stash changes
STEP 4 git push origin branchname -v merged changes Replace branchname with with master for master branch.
tomasbulva / comment98.json
Created March 11, 2015 15:27
From /wp-json/pages/119/comments/98
{ "ID": 98, "post": 119, "content": "<p>test 4</p>\n", "status": "approved", "type": "comment", "parent": 0, "author": { "ID": 1, "name": "tomas.bulva", "URL": "", "avatar": "" }, "date": "2015-03-11T15:20:31", "date_gmt": "2015-03-11T15:20:31", "meta": { "links": { "up": "http://sda2015tomas:8888/wp-json/posts/119" } }, "acf": { "length": "" } }