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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Ultrasound publish
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Spark IDE.
#include "elapsedMillis/elapsedMillis.h"
#define APP_VERSION 1.1
long distance = 0;
long echo = 0;
const int trigPin = D0;
const int echoPin = D1;
const int led = D7;
bool active = FALSE;
bool prevActive = active;
int readings = 0;
int readingIndex = 0;
double avgDistance;
String distances = "";
// Elapsed Millis Stuff
unsigned int publishInterval = 2000; // Every 2000 ms (2 seconds)
unsigned int refractoryPeriod = 10000;
elapsedMillis pTimeElapsed; //declare global if you don't want it reset every time loop runs
elapsedMillis rTimeElapsed;
void setup() {
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
// pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
Spark.publish("status", "{ status: \"started up! "+String(APP_VERSION)+"\"}", 60, PRIVATE );
rTimeElapsed = 0;
pTimeElapsed = 0;
Spark.variable("distance", &distance, DOUBLE);
Spark.function("activation", activation);
void loop() {
if (active) {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
int activation(String state) {
Spark.publish("status", "{ Sensor Activation: " + state +"}");
pTimeElapsed = 0;
rTimeElapsed = refractoryPeriod;
readings = 0;
readingIndex = 0;
distances = "";
if (state == "on") {
active = TRUE;
} else {
active = FALSE;
return 1;
void updateDistance() {
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // Send low pulse
delayMicroseconds(2); // Wait for 2 microseconds
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); // Send high pulse
delayMicroseconds(5); // Wait for 5 microseconds
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // Holdoff
// please note that pulseIn has a 1sec timeout, which may
// not be desirable. Depending on your sensor specs, you
// can likely bound the time like this -- marcmerlin
// echo = pulseIn(ultraSoundSignal, HIGH, 38000)
pinMode(trigPin, INPUT);
// echo = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); //Listen for echo
echo = pulseIn(trigPin, HIGH); //Listen for echo
distance = microsecondsToCentimeters(echo);
// distance = round(distance);
// Spark.publish("distance", "Outside: " + String(distance));
if (readingIndex < 20) {
distances += ", " + String(distance);
if (distance <= 15) {
avgDistance += distance;
} else {
avgDistance = avgDistance/20;
publishDistance(readings, avgDistance);
readings = 0;
readingIndex = 0;
avgDistance = 0;
distances = "";
// if (distance <= 100 && !detected) {
// Spark.publish("distance", "near");
// Spark.publish("distance", String(distance));
// detected = 1;
// }
void publishDistance(int readings, double avgDistance) {
String state;
// if (readings >= 10) {
if (avgDistance < 100) {
state = "near";
// if (rTimeElapsed < refractoryPeriod) {
// return;
// }
} else {
state = "far";
if (pTimeElapsed > publishInterval) {
// Spark.publish("status", "{ Num of Positives: " + String(readings) +"}");
// Spark.publish("status", "{ Distances: " + distances +"}");
Spark.publish("status", "{ Average distance: " + String(avgDistance) +"}");;
rTimeElapsed = 0;
pTimeElapsed = 0;
Spark.publish("distance", state);
long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds) {
// The speed of sound is 340 m/s or 29 microseconds per centimeter.
// The ping travels out and back, so to find the distance of the
// object we take half of the distance travelled.
return microseconds / 29 / 2;
unsigned long pulseIn(uint16_t pin, uint8_t state) {
GPIO_TypeDef* portMask = (PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_peripheral); // Cache the target's peripheral mask to speed up the loops.
uint16_t pinMask = (PIN_MAP[pin].gpio_pin); // Cache the target's GPIO pin mask to speed up the loops.
unsigned long pulseCount = 0; // Initialize the pulseCount variable now to save time.
unsigned long loopCount = 0; // Initialize the loopCount variable now to save time.
unsigned long loopMax = 20000000; // Roughly just under 10 seconds timeout to maintain the Spark Cloud connection.
// Wait for the pin to enter target state while keeping track of the timeout.
while (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(portMask, pinMask) != state) {
if (loopCount++ == loopMax) {
return 0;
// Iterate the pulseCount variable each time through the loop to measure the pulse length; we also still keep track of the timeout.
while (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(portMask, pinMask) == state) {
if (loopCount++ == loopMax) {
return 0;
// Return the pulse time in microseconds by multiplying the pulseCount variable with the time it takes to run once through the loop.
return pulseCount * 0.405; // Calculated the pulseCount++ loop to be about 0.405uS in length.
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