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Created October 4, 2011 15:56
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  • Save tomaslin/1262005 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tomaslin/1262005 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a groovy file ( ) that will import your Pivotal Tracker stories into your Trello board. It works with an empty board and will add stories to the first list.
import geb.Browser
def fileLocation = 'secret_escapes_20111004_1436.csv' // the location of your csv file. You can go to your pivotal board and do an export to CSV.
def trelloBoard = ''
def trelloUserName = 'username'
def trelloPassword = 'password'
// firefox 7 is not supported yet by selenium, we use the version here -
System.setProperty( "webdriver.firefox.bin", "/home/tomas/Downloads/firefox/firefox")
try{ {
go ''
$('#email-login').value( trelloUserName )
$('#password-login').value( trelloPassword )
// web driver throws a stale element exception
} catch( Exception e ){
def storiesAdded = 0
boolean firstLine = true
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(fileLocation));
String[] nextLine;
go trelloBoard
while ((nextLine = reader.readNext()) != null)
next Line parameters in our export are
0 Id
1 Story
2 Labels
3 Iteration
4 Iteration Start
5 Iteration End
6 Story Type
7 Estimate
8 Current State
9 Created at
10 Accepted at
11 Deadline
12 Requested By
13 Owned By
14 Description
15 URL
if( storiesAdded == 25 ){
go trelloBoard
def( title, description, requestedBy, labels ) = [ nextLine[1], nextLine[14], nextLine[12], nextLine[2] ]
def existingStoryCount = $( 'h3.list-card-title a' ).size()
waitFor( 15 ){ $( 'textarea[class=new-card]' ).first().displayed }
def textArea = $('textarea[class=new-card]').first()
waitFor( 15 ){ $( 'input[value=Add]' ).displayed }
textArea.value( "PV${ storiesAdded }: ${ title }" )
$( 'input[value=Add]' ).click()
} catch (Exception e) {
println "PV${storiesAdded} error setting title \n ${title}"
waitFor(30){ $( 'h3.list-card-title a', text: startsWith( "PV${ storiesAdded }:" ) ).displayed }
$( 'h3.list-card-title a', text: startsWith( "PV${ storiesAdded }:" ) ).click()
waitFor( 15 ){ $( 'div.window' ).displayed }
waitFor( 15 ){ $( 'a.js-edit-desc' ).displayed }
$( 'a.js-edit-desc' ).first().click()
waitFor( 15 ){ $( 'input.js-save-edit' ).displayed }
$( 'div.card-detail-edit textarea' ).value( "${description}\r\nRequested By: ${requestedBy}\r\n Labels: ${labels}" )
$( 'input.js-save-edit' ).click()
$( 'a.js-close-window' ).click()
waitFor( 15 ){ !$( 'div.window' ).displayed }
} catch( Exception e ){
println "PV${storiesAdded} error setting description\n ${description}\r\nRequested By: ${requestedBy}\r\n Labels: ${labels}"
println "Imported ${ storiesAdded } stories"
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