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Created August 10, 2020 21:11
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  • Save tomaso/1264f9fe5761e1e4c720e141cd092758 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tomaso/1264f9fe5761e1e4c720e141cd092758 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
2020.08.10 21:10:32 INFO app[][o.s.a.AppFileSystem] Cleaning or creating temp directory /opt/sonarqube/temp
2020.08.10 21:10:32 INFO app[][] Elasticsearch listening on /
2020.08.10 21:10:32 INFO app[][o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[[key='es', ipcIndex=1, logFilenamePrefix=es]] from [/opt/sonarqube/elasticsearch]: /opt/sonarqube/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch
2020.08.10 21:10:32 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Waiting for Elasticsearch to be up and running
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
2020.08.10 21:10:32 INFO app[][o.e.p.PluginsService] no modules loaded
2020.08.10 21:10:32 INFO app[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.transport.Netty4Plugin]
2020.08.10 21:10:33 INFO es[][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/ (fuse-overlayfs)]], net usable_space [105.8gb], net total_space [382.5gb], types [fuse.fuse-overlayfs]
2020.08.10 21:10:33 INFO es[][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] heap size [494.9mb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]
2020.08.10 21:10:33 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] node name [sonarqube], node ID [XTpPfYt_TmKwMY2OMQ2D3g]
2020.08.10 21:10:33 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] version[6.8.4], pid[72], build[default/tar/bca0c8d/2019-10-16T06:19:49.319352Z], OS[Linux/5.7.11-100.fc31.x86_64/amd64], JVM[AdoptOpenJDK/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/11.0.6/11.0.6+10]
2020.08.10 21:10:33 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] JVM arguments [-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75, -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly, -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true,, -XX:ErrorFile=../logs/es_hs_err_pid%p.log, -Xmx512m, -Xms512m, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -Des.path.home=/opt/sonarqube/elasticsearch, -Des.path.conf=/opt/sonarqube/temp/conf/es, -Des.distribution.flavor=default, -Des.distribution.type=tar]
2020.08.10 21:10:34 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [analysis-common]
2020.08.10 21:10:34 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [lang-painless]
2020.08.10 21:10:34 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [mapper-extras]
2020.08.10 21:10:34 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [parent-join]
2020.08.10 21:10:34 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [percolator]
2020.08.10 21:10:34 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [reindex]
2020.08.10 21:10:34 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [repository-url]
2020.08.10 21:10:34 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [transport-netty4]
2020.08.10 21:10:34 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] no plugins loaded
2020.08.10 21:10:35 WARN es[][o.e.d.c.s.Settings] [http.enabled] setting was deprecated in Elasticsearch and will be removed in a future release! See the breaking changes documentation for the next major version.
2020.08.10 21:10:36 INFO es[][o.e.d.DiscoveryModule] using discovery type [zen] and host providers [settings]
2020.08.10 21:10:36 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] initialized
2020.08.10 21:10:36 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] starting ...
2020.08.10 21:10:36 INFO es[][o.e.t.TransportService] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}
2020.08.10 21:10:36 WARN es[][o.e.b.BootstrapChecks] max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
2020.08.10 21:10:39 INFO es[][o.e.c.s.MasterService] zen-disco-elected-as-master ([0] nodes joined), reason: new_master {sonarqube}{XTpPfYt_TmKwMY2OMQ2D3g}{TVSbrVwPTGaOk1Draq1axw}{}{}{rack_id=sonarqube}
2020.08.10 21:10:39 INFO es[][o.e.c.s.ClusterApplierService] new_master {sonarqube}{XTpPfYt_TmKwMY2OMQ2D3g}{TVSbrVwPTGaOk1Draq1axw}{}{}{rack_id=sonarqube}, reason: apply cluster state (from master [master {sonarqube}{XTpPfYt_TmKwMY2OMQ2D3g}{TVSbrVwPTGaOk1Draq1axw}{}{}{rack_id=sonarqube} committed version [1] source [zen-disco-elected-as-master ([0] nodes joined)]])
2020.08.10 21:10:39 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] started
2020.08.10 21:10:39 INFO es[][o.e.g.GatewayService] recovered [0] indices into cluster_state
2020.08.10 21:10:39 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[es] is up
2020.08.10 21:10:39 INFO app[][o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[[key='web', ipcIndex=2, logFilenamePrefix=web]] from [/opt/sonarqube]: /opt/java/openjdk/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED -Xmx512m -Xms128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|127.*|[::1] -cp ./lib/common/*:/opt/sonarqube/lib/jdbc/h2/h2-1.4.199.jar /opt/sonarqube/temp/sq-process13937632340140255055properties
2020.08.10 21:10:40 INFO web[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Starting web
2020.08.10 21:10:40 INFO web[][o.a.t.u.n.NioSelectorPool] Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
2020.08.10 21:10:40 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] no modules loaded
2020.08.10 21:10:40 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin]
2020.08.10 21:10:40 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin]
2020.08.10 21:10:40 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.transport.Netty4Plugin]
2020.08.10 21:10:41 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.EsClientProvider] Connected to local Elasticsearch: []
2020.08.10 21:10:41 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.LogServerVersion] SonarQube Server / / 7267e37dda923d9336125657aa6d0878af14af53
2020.08.10 21:10:41 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.EmbeddedDatabase] Starting embedded database on port 9092 with url jdbc:h2:tcp://
2020.08.10 21:10:41 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.EmbeddedDatabase] Embedded database started. Data stored in: /opt/sonarqube/data
2020.08.10 21:10:41 INFO web[][o.sonar.db.Database] Create JDBC data source for jdbc:h2:tcp://
2020.08.10 21:10:41 WARN web[][o.s.db.dialect.H2] H2 database should be used for evaluation purpose only.
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerFileSystemImpl] SonarQube home: /opt/sonarqube
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.u.SystemPasscodeImpl] System authentication by passcode is disabled
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.h.MigrationHistoryTableImpl] Creating table schema_migrations
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin C# Code Quality and Security / / 804f945fb3e4a3534eb903ffec2b6bff24124741
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin Git / / 8002ffb45020fe70f56ebb22075fc5462f64ba7f
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin JaCoCo / / f65b288e6c2888393bd7fb72ad7ac1425f88eebf
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin Java Code Quality and Security / / 83734b1bf28e9f7c0cbcb723ee261a3d4acd7ce3
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin PHP Code Quality and Security / / 01929a7f1f25848f25b6aa60a857a2033bd6dbbc
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin Python Code Quality and Security / / 474d91318dddaab6c1f8a4108f131bca05ac9238
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarCSS / / 8dc9fe17b6230c20715d3b4cb34e0b6d02151afd
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarFlex / / a0c44437f6abb0feec76edd073f91fec64db2a6c
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarGo / / edcc6a9e42fcdd30bb6f84a779c6cd7009ec72fd
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarHTML / / 997a51b39c4d0a5399c73a8fb729030a69eb392b
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarJS / / 3444def97744d3b811822b3a4bca74798de3ded1
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarKotlin / / 4ff3a145a58f3f84f1b39846a205a129d742e993
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarRuby / / 4ff3a145a58f3f84f1b39846a205a129d742e993
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarScala / / 4ff3a145a58f3f84f1b39846a205a129d742e993
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarTS / / 268ba9581b700c4fb2bc194d4069d283da915213
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarXML / / c5b84004face582d56f110e24c29bf9c6a679e69
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin Svn / / 91ccef5aac1f4dd90a7edc2ee3e677fcf4be72bf
2020.08.10 21:10:42 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin VB.NET Code Quality and Security / / 804f945fb3e4a3534eb903ffec2b6bff24124741
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.AutoDbMigration] Automatically perform DB migration on fresh install
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] Executing DB migrations...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1 'Create initial schema'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1 'Create initial schema': success | time=163ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2 'Populate initial schema'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2 'Populate initial schema': success | time=21ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3000 'Set Organizations#guarded column nullable'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3000 'Set Organizations#guarded column nullable': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3001 'Create ProjectQualityGates table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3001 'Create ProjectQualityGates table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3002 'Make index on DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS.RULE_ID non unique'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3002 'Make index on DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS.RULE_ID non unique': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3003 'Populate ProjectQualityGate table from Properties table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3003 'Populate ProjectQualityGate table from Properties table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3004 'Rename ANALYSIS_PROPERTIES.SNAPSHOT_UUID to ANALYSIS_UUID'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3004 'Rename ANALYSIS_PROPERTIES.SNAPSHOT_UUID to ANALYSIS_UUID': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3005 'Remove default quality gate property from Properties table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3005 'Remove default quality gate property from Properties table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3006 'Create NEW_CODE_PERIOD table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3006 'Create NEW_CODE_PERIOD table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3007 'Populate NEW_CODE_PERIOD table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3007 'Populate NEW_CODE_PERIOD table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3008 'Remove leak period properties'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3008 'Remove leak period properties': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3009 'Remove GitHub login generation strategy property'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3009 'Remove GitHub login generation strategy property': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3100 'Create ALM_SETTINGS table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3100 'Create ALM_SETTINGS table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3101 'Create PROJECT_ALM_SETTINGS table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3101 'Create PROJECT_ALM_SETTINGS table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3102 'Migrate property '' to '''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3102 'Migrate property '' to ''': success | time=7ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3103 'Migrate GitHub ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3103 'Migrate GitHub ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3104 'Migrate Bitbucket ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3104 'Migrate Bitbucket ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3105 'Migrate Azure ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3105 'Migrate Azure ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3106 'Delete 'sonar.pullrequest.provider' property'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3106 'Delete 'sonar.pullrequest.provider' property': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3107 'Migrate default branches to keep global setting'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3107 'Migrate default branches to keep global setting': success | time=8ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3108 'Add EXCLUDE_FROM_PURGE column'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3108 'Add EXCLUDE_FROM_PURGE column': success | time=8ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3109 'Populate EXCLUDE_FROM_PURGE column'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3109 'Populate EXCLUDE_FROM_PURGE column': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3110 'Remove 'sonar.branch.longLivedBranches.regex''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3110 'Remove 'sonar.branch.longLivedBranches.regex'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3111 'Rename 'sonar.dbcleaner.daysBeforeDeletingInactiveShortLivingBranches' setting'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3111 'Rename 'sonar.dbcleaner.daysBeforeDeletingInactiveShortLivingBranches' setting': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3112 'Migrate short and long living branches types to common BRANCH type'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3112 'Migrate short and long living branches types to common BRANCH type': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3113 'Migrate short and long living branches types to common BRANCH type in ce tasks table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3113 'Migrate short and long living branches types to common BRANCH type in ce tasks table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3200 'Drop 'In Review' Security Hotspots status '...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3200 'Drop 'In Review' Security Hotspots status ': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3201 'Migrate Manual Vulnerabilities to Security Hotspots '...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3201 'Migrate Manual Vulnerabilities to Security Hotspots ': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3202 'Remove 'newsbox.dismiss.hotspots' user property'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3202 'Remove 'newsbox.dismiss.hotspots' user property': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3203 'Ensure Security Hotspots have status TO_REVIEW'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3203 'Ensure Security Hotspots have status TO_REVIEW': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3204 'Rename table 'PROJECTS' to 'COMPONENTS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3204 'Rename table 'PROJECTS' to 'COMPONENTS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3205 'Add PROJECTS table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3205 'Add PROJECTS table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3206 'Populate PROJECTS table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 projects processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3206 'Populate PROJECTS table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3207 'Drop 'TAGS' column from COMPONENTS table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3207 'Drop 'TAGS' column from COMPONENTS table': success | time=21ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3208 'Remove old Security Review Rating measures'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3208 'Remove old Security Review Rating measures': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3209 'Create ALM_PATS table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3209 'Create ALM_PATS table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3210 'Add index on ALM_slug'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3210 'Add index on ALM_slug': success | time=8ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3211 'Delete conditions using 'security_hotspots' and 'new_security_hotspots' metrics'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3211 'Delete conditions using 'security_hotspots' and 'new_security_hotspots' metrics': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3300 'Add 'summary_comment_enabled' boolean column to 'project_alm_settings''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3300 'Add 'summary_comment_enabled' boolean column to 'project_alm_settings'': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3301 'Enable 'summary_comment_enabled' for GitHub based projects'...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3301 'Enable 'summary_comment_enabled' for GitHub based projects': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3302 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'properties''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3302 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'properties'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3303 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'properties''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3303 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'properties'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3304 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'properties''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3304 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'properties'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3305 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'group_roles''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3305 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'group_roles'': success | time=7ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3306 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'group_roles''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3306 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'group_roles'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3307 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'group_roles''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3307 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'group_roles'': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3308 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'user_roles''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3308 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'user_roles'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3309 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'user_roles''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3309 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'user_roles'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3310 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'user_roles''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3310 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'user_roles'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3311 'Remove column 'id' in 'components''...
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3311 'Remove column 'id' in 'components'': success | time=10ms
2020.08.10 21:10:43 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3400 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'EVENTS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3400 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'EVENTS' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3401 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'EVENTS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3401 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'EVENTS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3402 'Drop column 'ID' of 'EVENTS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3402 'Drop column 'ID' of 'EVENTS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3403 'Add 'uuid' and 'createdAt' columns for notifications'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3403 'Add 'uuid' and 'createdAt' columns for notifications': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3404 'Populate 'uuid' and 'createdAt columns for notifications'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3404 'Populate 'uuid' and 'createdAt columns for notifications': success | time=7ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3405 'Make 'uuid' and 'createdAt' column not nullable for notifications'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3405 'Make 'uuid' and 'createdAt' column not nullable for notifications': success | time=7ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3406 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3406 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3407 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3407 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3408 'Drop column 'ID' of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3408 'Drop column 'ID' of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3409 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'SNAPSHOTS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3409 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'SNAPSHOTS' table': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3410 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'SNAPSHOTS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3410 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'SNAPSHOTS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3411 'Drop column 'ID' of 'SNAPSHOTS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3411 'Drop column 'ID' of 'SNAPSHOTS' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3412 'Drop unique index on 'uuid' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3412 'Drop unique index on 'uuid' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3413 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3413 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3414 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3414 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3415 'Drop column 'ID' of 'CE_QUEUE' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3415 'Drop column 'ID' of 'CE_QUEUE' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3416 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3416 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table': success | time=7ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3417 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3417 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3418 'Drop column 'ID' of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3418 'Drop column 'ID' of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3419 'Add 'uuid' columns for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3419 'Add 'uuid' columns for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3420 'Populate 'uuid' columns for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3420 'Populate 'uuid' columns for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3421 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3421 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3422 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3422 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3423 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3423 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3424 'Drop column 'ID' of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3424 'Drop column 'ID' of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table': success | time=11ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3425 'Add 'uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3425 'Add 'uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3426 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3426 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3427 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3427 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3428 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3428 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3429 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3429 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3430 'Drop column 'ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3430 'Drop column 'ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3431 'Add 'uuid' columns for 'PROJECT_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3431 'Add 'uuid' columns for 'PROJECT_MEASURES'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3432 'Add tech index on 'group_uuid' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3432 'Add tech index on 'group_uuid' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3433 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3433 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_MEASURES'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3434 'Drop tech index on 'group_id' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3434 'Drop tech index on 'group_id' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3435 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3435 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_MEASURES'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3436 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3436 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3437 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3437 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3438 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3438 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3439 'Add 'UUID' column on 'USER_TOKENS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3439 'Add 'UUID' column on 'USER_TOKENS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3440 'Populate 'uuid' for 'USER_TOKENS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3440 'Populate 'uuid' for 'USER_TOKENS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3441 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for user_tokens'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3441 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for user_tokens': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3442 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'USER_TOKENS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3442 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'USER_TOKENS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3443 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'USER_TOKENS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3443 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'USER_TOKENS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3444 'Drop column 'ID' of 'USER_TOKENS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3444 'Drop column 'ID' of 'USER_TOKENS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3445 'Add 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3445 'Add 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3446 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3446 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3447 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3447 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3448 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3448 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3449 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3449 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3450 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3450 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3451 'Add 'uuid' column for 'MANUAL_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3451 'Add 'uuid' column for 'MANUAL_MEASURES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3452 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'MANUAL_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3452 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'MANUAL_MEASURES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3453 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'MANUAL_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3453 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'MANUAL_MEASURES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3454 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3454 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3455 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3455 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3456 'Drop column 'ID' of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3456 'Drop column 'ID' of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3457 'Add 'UUID' column on 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3457 'Add 'UUID' column on 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3458 'Populate 'uuid' for 'GROUP_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 8 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3458 'Populate 'uuid' for 'GROUP_ROLES'': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3459 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUP_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3459 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUP_ROLES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3460 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3460 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3461 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3461 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3462 'Drop column 'ID' of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3462 'Drop column 'ID' of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=8ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3463 'Add 'UUID' column on 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3463 'Add 'UUID' column on 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3464 'Populate 'uuid' for 'USER_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3464 'Populate 'uuid' for 'USER_ROLES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3465 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'USER_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3465 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'USER_ROLES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3466 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3466 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3468 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3468 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3469 'Drop column 'ID' of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3469 'Drop column 'ID' of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3470 'Add 'UUID' column on 'FILE_SOURCES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3470 'Add 'UUID' column on 'FILE_SOURCES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3471 'Populate 'uuid' for 'FILE_SOURCES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3471 'Populate 'uuid' for 'FILE_SOURCES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3472 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'FILE_SOURCES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3472 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'FILE_SOURCES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3473 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'FILE_SOURCES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3473 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'FILE_SOURCES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3474 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'FILE_SOURCES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3474 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'FILE_SOURCES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3475 'Drop column 'ID' of 'FILE_SOURCES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3475 'Drop column 'ID' of 'FILE_SOURCES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3476 'Copy 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table to 'ISSUE_CHANGES_COPY''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3476 'Copy 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table to 'ISSUE_CHANGES_COPY'': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3477 'Drop 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3477 'Drop 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3478 'Rename table 'ISSUE_CHANGES_COPY' to 'ISSUE_CHANGES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3478 'Rename table 'ISSUE_CHANGES_COPY' to 'ISSUE_CHANGES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3479 'Add index on 'ISSUE_KEY' of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3479 'Add index on 'ISSUE_KEY' of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3480 'Add index on 'KEE' of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3480 'Add index on 'KEE' of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3481 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3481 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3483 'Add 'UUID' column on 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3483 'Add 'UUID' column on 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3484 'Populate 'uuid' for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3484 'Populate 'uuid' for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3485 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3485 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS'': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3486 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3486 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3487 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3487 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3488 'Drop column 'ID' of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3488 'Drop column 'ID' of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3489 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3489 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3490 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3490 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3491 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3491 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3492 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3492 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3493 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3493 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3494 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3494 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3495 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3495 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3496 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3496 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3497 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3497 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3498 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3498 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3499 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3499 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3500 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3500 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3501 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3501 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3502 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3502 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3503 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3503 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3504 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3504 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3505 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3505 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3506 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3506 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3507 'Add 'UUID' column on 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3507 'Add 'UUID' column on 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3508 'Populate 'uuid' for 'ACTIVE_RULES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3508 'Populate 'uuid' for 'ACTIVE_RULES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3509 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3509 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3510 'Add 'active_rule_uuid' column on 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3510 'Add 'active_rule_uuid' column on 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3511 'Populate 'active_rule_uuid' for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3511 'Populate 'active_rule_uuid' for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3512 'Make 'active_rule_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3512 'Make 'active_rule_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3513 'Drop index on 'active_rule_id' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3513 'Drop index on 'active_rule_id' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3514 'Add index on 'active_rule_uuid' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3514 'Add index on 'active_rule_uuid' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3515 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3515 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3516 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3516 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3517 'Drop column 'ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3517 'Drop column 'ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3518 'Drop column 'active_rule_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3518 'Drop column 'active_rule_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3519 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3519 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3520 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3520 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3521 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES_PARAMETERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3521 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES_PARAMETERS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3522 'Add 'rules_parameter_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3522 'Add 'rules_parameter_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3523 'Populate 'rules_parameter_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3523 'Populate 'rules_parameter_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3524 'Make 'rules_parameter_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3524 'Make 'rules_parameter_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3525 'Drop column 'rules_parameter_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3525 'Drop column 'rules_parameter_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3526 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3526 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3527 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3527 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3528 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3528 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3529 'Add 'UUID' column on 'METRICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3529 'Add 'UUID' column on 'METRICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3530 'Populate 'uuid' for 'METRICS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3530 'Populate 'uuid' for 'METRICS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3531 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'METRICS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3531 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'METRICS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3532 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3532 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3533 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'PROJECT_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3533 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'PROJECT_MEASURES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3534 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3534 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_MEASURES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3535 'Drop index on 'metric_id' and 'analysis_uuid' columns of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3535 'Drop index on 'metric_id' and 'analysis_uuid' columns of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3536 'Add index on 'metric_uuid' and 'analysis_uuid' columns of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3536 'Add index on 'metric_uuid' and 'analysis_uuid' columns of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3537 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3537 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3538 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3538 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3539 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3539 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3540 'Copy 'LIVE_MEASURES' table to 'LIVE_MEASURES_COPY''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3540 'Copy 'LIVE_MEASURES' table to 'LIVE_MEASURES_COPY'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3541 'Drop 'LIVE_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3541 'Drop 'LIVE_MEASURES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3542 'Rename table 'LIVE_MEASURES_COPY' to 'LIVE_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3542 'Rename table 'LIVE_MEASURES_COPY' to 'LIVE_MEASURES'': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3543 'Add primary key on 'uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3543 'Add primary key on 'uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3544 'Add index on 'project_uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3544 'Add index on 'project_uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3545 'Add index on 'metric_uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3545 'Add index on 'metric_uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3546 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3546 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3547 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'MANUAL_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3547 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'MANUAL_MEASURES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3548 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'MANUAL_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3548 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'MANUAL_MEASURES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3549 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'METRICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3549 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'METRICS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3550 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'METRICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3550 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'METRICS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3551 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3551 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3552 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3552 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3554 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3554 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3555 'Drop column 'ID' of 'METRICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3555 'Drop column 'ID' of 'METRICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3556 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3556 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3557 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3557 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3558 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for user_tokens'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3558 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for user_tokens': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3559 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3559 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3560 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3560 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3561 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3561 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3562 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3562 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3563 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3563 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3564 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3564 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3565 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3565 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3566 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3566 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3567 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3567 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3568 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3568 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3569 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3569 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3570 'Drop unique constraint on 'template_id', 'permission_key' columns 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3570 'Drop unique constraint on 'template_id', 'permission_key' columns 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3571 'Add unique constraint on 'template_uuid', 'permission_key' columns 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3571 'Add unique constraint on 'template_uuid', 'permission_key' columns 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3572 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3572 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3573 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3573 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3574 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3574 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3575 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3575 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3576 'Drop column 'KEE' of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3576 'Drop column 'KEE' of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3577 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PROFILES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3577 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PROFILES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3578 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PROFILES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3578 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PROFILES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3579 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES_PROFILES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3579 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES_PROFILES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3580 'Populate 'rules_profile_uuid' column for 'ORG_QPROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3580 'Populate 'rules_profile_uuid' column for 'ORG_QPROFILES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3581 'Populate 'rules_profile_uuid' column for 'QPROFILE_CHANGES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3581 'Populate 'rules_profile_uuid' column for 'QPROFILE_CHANGES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3582 'Add 'profile_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3582 'Add 'profile_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3583 'Populate 'profile_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3583 'Populate 'profile_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3584 'Make 'profile_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3584 'Make 'profile_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3585 'Drop unique constraint on 'profile_id', 'rule_id' columns 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3585 'Drop unique constraint on 'profile_id', 'rule_id' columns 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3586 'Add unique constraint on 'profile_uuid', 'rule_id' columns 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3586 'Add unique constraint on 'profile_uuid', 'rule_id' columns 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3587 'Drop column 'profile_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3587 'Drop column 'profile_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3588 'Drop unique constraint on 'kee' columns 'RULES_PROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3588 'Drop unique constraint on 'kee' columns 'RULES_PROFILES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3589 'Drop column 'kee' of 'RULES_PROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3589 'Drop column 'kee' of 'RULES_PROFILES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3590 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES_PROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3590 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES_PROFILES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3591 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES_PROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3591 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES_PROFILES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3592 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES_PROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3592 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES_PROFILES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3593 'Add 'uuid' column for 'PROPERTIES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3593 'Add 'uuid' column for 'PROPERTIES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3594 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PROPERTIES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3594 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PROPERTIES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3595 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROPERTIES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3595 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROPERTIES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3596 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROPERTIES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3596 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROPERTIES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3597 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROPERTIES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3597 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROPERTIES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3598 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROPERTIES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3598 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROPERTIES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3599 'Add 'UUID' column on 'GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3599 'Add 'UUID' column on 'GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3600 'Populate 'uuid' for 'GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 2 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3600 'Populate 'uuid' for 'GROUPS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3601 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3601 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS'': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3602 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3602 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3603 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'GROUP_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 6 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3603 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'GROUP_ROLES'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3604 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3604 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3605 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3605 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3606 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3606 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3607 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'GROUPS_USERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 2 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3607 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'GROUPS_USERS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3608 'Make 'group_uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS_USERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3608 'Make 'group_uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS_USERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3609 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3609 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3610 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3610 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3611 'Add 'default_group_uuid' column on 'ORGANIZATIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3611 'Add 'default_group_uuid' column on 'ORGANIZATIONS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3612 'Populate 'default_group_uuid' for 'ORGANIZATIONS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3612 'Populate 'default_group_uuid' for 'ORGANIZATIONS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3613 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3613 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3614 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3614 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3615 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3615 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3616 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3616 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3617 'Make 'group_uuid' column not nullable for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3617 'Make 'group_uuid' column not nullable for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3618 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3618 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3619 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3619 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3620 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3620 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3621 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3621 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'GROUPS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3622 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3622 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3623 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3623 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3624 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'ORGANIZATIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3624 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'ORGANIZATIONS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3625 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3625 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3626 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3626 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3627 'Drop column 'ID' of 'GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3627 'Drop column 'ID' of 'GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3628 'Add 'qgate_uuid' column for quality gates conditions'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3628 'Add 'qgate_uuid' column for quality gates conditions': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3629 'Populate 'qgate_uuid' column for quality gates conditions'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3629 'Populate 'qgate_uuid' column for quality gates conditions': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3630 'drop orphans quality gates conditions'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3630 'drop orphans quality gates conditions': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3631 'Make 'qgate_uuid' column not nullable for quality gates conditions'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3631 'Make 'qgate_uuid' column not nullable for quality gates conditions': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3632 'Drop 'qgate_id' column for quality gates conditions'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3632 'Drop 'qgate_id' column for quality gates conditions': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3633 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3633 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3634 'drop unique index on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3634 'drop unique index on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3635 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3635 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3636 'Drop column 'ID' of 'QUALITY_GATES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3636 'Drop column 'ID' of 'QUALITY_GATES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3637 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3637 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3638 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'GROUPS_USERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 2 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3638 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'GROUPS_USERS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3639 'Make 'user_uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS_USERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3639 'Make 'user_uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS_USERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3640 'Drop index on 'user_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3640 'Drop index on 'user_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3641 'Add index on 'user_uuid' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3641 'Add index on 'user_uuid' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3642 'Drop index on 'user_id', 'group_id' columns of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3642 'Drop index on 'user_id', 'group_id' columns of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3643 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid', 'group_id' columns of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3643 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid', 'group_id' columns of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3644 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3644 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3645 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3645 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3646 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3646 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3647 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3647 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3648 'Drop index on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3648 'Drop index on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3649 'Add index on 'user_uuid' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3649 'Add index on 'user_uuid' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3650 'Drop primary key on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3650 'Drop primary key on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3651 'Add PK on 'user_uuid', 'organization_uuid' columns of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3651 'Add PK on 'user_uuid', 'organization_uuid' columns of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3652 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3652 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3653 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3653 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3654 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3654 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3655 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3655 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3656 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3656 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3657 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'PROPERTIES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3657 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'PROPERTIES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3658 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'PROPERTIES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3658 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'PROPERTIES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3659 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'PROPERTIES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3659 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'PROPERTIES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3660 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3660 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3661 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3661 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3662 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3662 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3663 'Drop unique index on 'user_id','qprofile_uuid' columns of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3663 'Drop unique index on 'user_id','qprofile_uuid' columns of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3664 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid','qprofile_uuid' columns of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3664 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid','qprofile_uuid' columns of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3665 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3665 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3666 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3666 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3667 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'USER_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3667 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'USER_ROLES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3668 'Drop unique index on 'user_id' column of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3668 'Drop unique index on 'user_id' column of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3669 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid' columns of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3669 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid' columns of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3670 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3670 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3671 'Drop unique index on 'user_id' column of 'USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3671 'Drop unique index on 'user_id' column of 'USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3672 'Drop PK index on 'id' column of 'USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3672 'Drop PK index on 'id' column of 'USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3673 'Add PK index on 'uuid' column of 'USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3673 'Add PK index on 'uuid' column of 'USERS' table': success | time=0ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3674 'Drop 'id' column of 'USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3674 'Drop 'id' column of 'USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3675 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3675 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3676 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3676 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3677 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3677 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3678 'Populate 'templateUuid' column for 'RULES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3678 'Populate 'templateUuid' column for 'RULES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3679 'Drop column 'templateId' column for 'RULES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3679 'Drop column 'templateId' column for 'RULES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3680 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3680 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3681 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3681 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3682 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3682 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3683 'Drop primary key on 'RULE_ID' column of 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3683 'Drop primary key on 'RULE_ID' column of 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3684 'Add primary key on 'RULE_UUID' column of 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3684 'Add primary key on 'RULE_UUID' column of 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3685 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3685 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3686 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3686 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3687 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3687 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3688 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3688 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=11ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3689 'Drop indexes on 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3689 'Drop indexes on 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3690 'Add indexes to 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3690 'Add indexes to 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3691 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3691 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3692 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3692 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3693 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3693 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3694 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3694 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3695 'Drop indexes on 'RULE_ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3695 'Drop indexes on 'RULE_ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3696 'Add indexes to 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3696 'Add indexes to 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3697 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3697 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3698 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3698 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3699 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3699 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3700 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3700 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3701 'Drop index on 'RULE_ID' of 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3701 'Drop index on 'RULE_ID' of 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3702 'Add index to 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3702 'Add index to 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3703 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3703 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3704 'Copy 'ISSUES' table to 'ISSUES_COPY'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3704 'Copy 'ISSUES' table to 'ISSUES_COPY': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3705 'Drop 'ISSUES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3705 'Drop 'ISSUES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3706 'Rename 'ISSUES_COPY' table to 'ISSUES''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3706 'Rename 'ISSUES_COPY' table to 'ISSUES'': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3707 'Add indexes to 'ISSUES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3707 'Add indexes to 'ISSUES' table': success | time=14ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3708 'Add primary key on 'KEE' column of 'ISSUES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3708 'Add primary key on 'KEE' column of 'ISSUES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3709 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3709 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3710 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3710 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3711 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3711 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3800 'Remove favourites for components with qualifiers 'DIR', 'FIL', 'UTS''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3800 'Remove favourites for components with qualifiers 'DIR', 'FIL', 'UTS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3801 'Create 'SESSION_TOKENS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3801 'Create 'SESSION_TOKENS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3802 'Create 'SAML_MESSAGE_IDS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3802 'Create 'SAML_MESSAGE_IDS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3803 'Add 'need_issue_sync' column to 'project_branches' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3803 'Add 'need_issue_sync' column to 'project_branches' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3804 'Populate 'need_issue_sync' of 'project_branches''...
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3804 'Populate 'need_issue_sync' of 'project_branches'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:44 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3805 'Make 'need_issue_sync' of 'project_branches' not null'...
2020.08.10 21:10:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3805 'Make 'need_issue_sync' of 'project_branches' not null': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 21:10:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3806 'Drop local webhooks'...
2020.08.10 21:10:45 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 21:10:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3806 'Drop local webhooks': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3807 'Add columns 'CLIENT_ID' and 'CLIENT_SECRET' to 'ALM_SETTINGS' table'...
2020.08.10 21:10:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3807 'Add columns 'CLIENT_ID' and 'CLIENT_SECRET' to 'ALM_SETTINGS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 21:10:45 INFO web[][DbMigrations] Executed DB migrations: success | time=1451ms
2020.08.10 21:10:45 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.Platform] Database has been automatically updated
2020.08.10 21:10:45 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.platform.web.WebServiceFilter@693f1d77 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/system/migrate_db.*, ...], exclusions=[/api/components/update_key, ...]}]
2020.08.10 21:10:45 INFO web[][o.s.s.a.EmbeddedTomcat] HTTP connector enabled on port 9000
2020.08.10 21:10:45 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.UpdateCenterClient] Update center: (no proxy)
2020.08.10 21:10:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [metadatas]
2020.08.10 21:10:46 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [metadatas] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [1]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 21:10:46 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[metadatas][0]] ...]).
2020.08.10 21:10:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type metadatas/metadata
2020.08.10 21:10:46 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [metadatas/xlXIfm_BT9yc4zIxLdquUg] create_mapping [metadata]
2020.08.10 21:10:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [components]
2020.08.10 21:10:46 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [components] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [5]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 21:10:46 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[components][4]] ...]).
2020.08.10 21:10:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type components/auth
2020.08.10 21:10:46 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [components/OEbPvcyNTP2nGDmXOLnlUQ] create_mapping [auth]
2020.08.10 21:10:46 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [projectmeasures]
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [projectmeasures] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [5]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[projectmeasures][4]] ...]).
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type projectmeasures/auth
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [projectmeasures/pamXc77ATE2RKX8G_PDpHQ] create_mapping [auth]
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [rules]
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [rules] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [2]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[rules][0]] ...]).
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type rules/rule
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [rules/rGNbNdDjR3etZGianodA_w] create_mapping [rule]
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [issues]
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [issues] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [5]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[issues][4]] ...]).
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type issues/auth
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [issues/foJe1Fv_SRybEd8nAZtfig] create_mapping [auth]
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [users]
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [users] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [1]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[users][0]] ...]).
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type users/user
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [users/6gKLG1VeQS-Hc1UxXaXEng] create_mapping [user]
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [views]
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [views] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [5]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[views][4]] ...]).
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type views/view
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [views/OLXKoHCoR-W1Rn_MRNEUjA] create_mapping [view]
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.LogServerId] Server ID: BF41A1F2-AXPaNhhcsVSG4N8pJfSJ
2020.08.10 21:10:47 WARN web[][o.s.s.a.LogOAuthWarning] For security reasons, OAuth authentication should use HTTPS. You should set the property 'Administration > Configuration > Server base URL' to a HTTPS URL.
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][org.sonar.INFO] Security realm: LDAP
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.a.l.LdapSettingsManager] User mapping: LdapUserMapping{baseDn="cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=intgdc,dc=com", request=(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={0})), realNameAttribute=cn, emailAttribute=mail}
2020.08.10 21:10:47 INFO web[][o.s.a.l.LdapSettingsManager] Groups will not be synchronized, because property '' is empty.
2020.08.10 21:10:48 INFO web[][o.s.a.l.LdapContextFactory] Test LDAP connection: FAIL
2020.08.10 21:10:48 ERROR web[][o.s.s.p.Platform] Background initialization failed. Stopping SonarQube
org.sonar.api.utils.SonarException: Security realm fails to start: Unable to open LDAP connection
at org.sonar.server.user.SecurityRealmFactory.start(
at org.sonar.core.platform.StartableCloseableSafeLifecyleStrategy.start(
at org.picocontainer.injectors.AbstractInjectionFactory$LifecycleAdapter.start(
at org.picocontainer.behaviors.AbstractBehavior.start(
at org.picocontainer.behaviors.Stored$RealComponentLifecycle.start(
at org.picocontainer.behaviors.Stored.start(
at org.picocontainer.DefaultPicoContainer.potentiallyStartAdapter(
at org.picocontainer.DefaultPicoContainer.startAdapters(
at org.picocontainer.DefaultPicoContainer.start(
at org.sonar.core.platform.ComponentContainer.startComponents(
at org.sonar.server.platform.platformlevel.PlatformLevel.start(
at org.sonar.server.platform.platformlevel.PlatformLevel4.start(
at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl.start(
at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl.startLevel34Containers(
at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl.access$500(
at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$1.lambda$doRun$0(
at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$AutoStarterRunnable.runIfNotAborted(
at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$1.doRun(
at org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformImpl$
at java.base/ Source)
Caused by: org.sonar.auth.ldap.LdapException: Unable to open LDAP connection
at org.sonar.auth.ldap.LdapContextFactory.testConnection(
at org.sonar.auth.ldap.LdapRealm.init(
at org.sonar.server.user.SecurityRealmFactory.start(
... 19 common frames omitted
Caused by: javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials]
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.mapErrorCode(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getUsingURL(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getUsingURLs(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getLdapCtxInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.getInitialContext(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/javax.naming.InitialContext.init(Unknown Source)
at java.naming/javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext.<init>(Unknown Source)
at org.sonar.auth.ldap.LdapContextFactory.createInitialDirContext(
at org.sonar.auth.ldap.LdapContextFactory.createBindContext(
at org.sonar.auth.ldap.LdapContextFactory.testConnection(
... 21 common frames omitted
2020.08.10 21:10:49 INFO web[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Hard stopping process
2020.08.10 21:10:50 WARN web[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint$HardStopperThread] Can not stop in 1000ms
2020.08.10 21:10:50 WARN web[][o.s.s.a.EmbeddedTomcat] Failed to stop web server
org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: A child container failed during stop
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.stopInternal(
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.stop(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.stopInternal(
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.stop(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.stopInternal(
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.stop(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Tomcat.stop(
at org.sonar.process.ProcessEntryPoint$HardStopperThread.lambda$new$0(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)
at java.base/ Source)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at java.base/ Source)
2020.08.10 21:10:50 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.EmbeddedDatabase] Embedded database stopped
2020.08.10 21:10:50 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[web] is stopped
2020.08.10 21:10:50 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[es] is stopped
2020.08.10 21:10:50 WARN app[][o.s.a.p.AbstractManagedProcess] Process exited with exit value [es]: 143
2020.08.10 21:10:50 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] SonarQube is stopped
2020.08.10 20:37:05 INFO app[][o.s.a.AppFileSystem] Cleaning or creating temp directory /opt/sonarqube/temp
2020.08.10 20:37:05 INFO app[][] Elasticsearch listening on /
2020.08.10 20:37:05 INFO app[][o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[[key='es', ipcIndex=1, logFilenamePrefix=es]] from [/opt/sonarqube/elasticsearch]: /opt/sonarqube/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch
2020.08.10 20:37:05 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Waiting for Elasticsearch to be up and running
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
2020.08.10 20:37:05 INFO app[][o.e.p.PluginsService] no modules loaded
2020.08.10 20:37:05 INFO app[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.transport.Netty4Plugin]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/ (fuse-overlayfs)]], net usable_space [106gb], net total_space [382.5gb], types [fuse.fuse-overlayfs]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] heap size [494.9mb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] node name [sonarqube], node ID [VhTrFJLoRfGwQThTJ6N3wQ]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] version[6.8.4], pid[72], build[default/tar/bca0c8d/2019-10-16T06:19:49.319352Z], OS[Linux/5.7.11-100.fc31.x86_64/amd64], JVM[AdoptOpenJDK/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/11.0.6/11.0.6+10]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] JVM arguments [-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75, -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly, -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true,, -XX:ErrorFile=../logs/es_hs_err_pid%p.log, -Xmx512m, -Xms512m, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -Des.path.home=/opt/sonarqube/elasticsearch, -Des.path.conf=/opt/sonarqube/temp/conf/es, -Des.distribution.flavor=default, -Des.distribution.type=tar]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [analysis-common]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [lang-painless]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [mapper-extras]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [parent-join]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [percolator]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [reindex]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [repository-url]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded module [transport-netty4]
2020.08.10 20:37:07 INFO es[][o.e.p.PluginsService] no plugins loaded
2020.08.10 20:37:09 WARN es[][o.e.d.c.s.Settings] [http.enabled] setting was deprecated in Elasticsearch and will be removed in a future release! See the breaking changes documentation for the next major version.
2020.08.10 20:37:09 INFO es[][o.e.d.DiscoveryModule] using discovery type [zen] and host providers [settings]
2020.08.10 20:37:10 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] initialized
2020.08.10 20:37:10 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] starting ...
2020.08.10 20:37:10 INFO es[][o.e.t.TransportService] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}
2020.08.10 20:37:10 WARN es[][o.e.b.BootstrapChecks] max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
2020.08.10 20:37:13 INFO es[][o.e.c.s.MasterService] zen-disco-elected-as-master ([0] nodes joined), reason: new_master {sonarqube}{VhTrFJLoRfGwQThTJ6N3wQ}{sGAUzp9BQ3edtNzuVA0FSA}{}{}{rack_id=sonarqube}
2020.08.10 20:37:13 INFO es[][o.e.c.s.ClusterApplierService] new_master {sonarqube}{VhTrFJLoRfGwQThTJ6N3wQ}{sGAUzp9BQ3edtNzuVA0FSA}{}{}{rack_id=sonarqube}, reason: apply cluster state (from master [master {sonarqube}{VhTrFJLoRfGwQThTJ6N3wQ}{sGAUzp9BQ3edtNzuVA0FSA}{}{}{rack_id=sonarqube} committed version [1] source [zen-disco-elected-as-master ([0] nodes joined)]])
2020.08.10 20:37:13 INFO es[][o.e.n.Node] started
2020.08.10 20:37:13 INFO es[][o.e.g.GatewayService] recovered [0] indices into cluster_state
2020.08.10 20:37:13 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[es] is up
2020.08.10 20:37:13 INFO app[][o.s.a.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[[key='web', ipcIndex=2, logFilenamePrefix=web]] from [/opt/sonarqube]: /opt/java/openjdk/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED -Xmx512m -Xms128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|127.*|[::1] -cp ./lib/common/*:/opt/sonarqube/lib/jdbc/h2/h2-1.4.199.jar /opt/sonarqube/temp/sq-process533511284793533742properties
2020.08.10 20:37:13 INFO web[][o.s.p.ProcessEntryPoint] Starting web
2020.08.10 20:37:14 INFO web[][o.a.t.u.n.NioSelectorPool] Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
2020.08.10 20:37:14 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] no modules loaded
2020.08.10 20:37:14 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin]
2020.08.10 20:37:14 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin]
2020.08.10 20:37:14 INFO web[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.transport.Netty4Plugin]
2020.08.10 20:37:15 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.EsClientProvider] Connected to local Elasticsearch: []
2020.08.10 20:37:15 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.LogServerVersion] SonarQube Server / / 7267e37dda923d9336125657aa6d0878af14af53
2020.08.10 20:37:15 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.EmbeddedDatabase] Starting embedded database on port 9092 with url jdbc:h2:tcp://
2020.08.10 20:37:15 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.EmbeddedDatabase] Embedded database started. Data stored in: /opt/sonarqube/data
2020.08.10 20:37:15 INFO web[][o.sonar.db.Database] Create JDBC data source for jdbc:h2:tcp://
2020.08.10 20:37:15 WARN web[][o.s.db.dialect.H2] H2 database should be used for evaluation purpose only.
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerFileSystemImpl] SonarQube home: /opt/sonarqube
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.u.SystemPasscodeImpl] System authentication by passcode is disabled
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.h.MigrationHistoryTableImpl] Creating table schema_migrations
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin C# Code Quality and Security / / 804f945fb3e4a3534eb903ffec2b6bff24124741
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin Git / / 8002ffb45020fe70f56ebb22075fc5462f64ba7f
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin JaCoCo / / f65b288e6c2888393bd7fb72ad7ac1425f88eebf
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin Java Code Quality and Security / / 83734b1bf28e9f7c0cbcb723ee261a3d4acd7ce3
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin PHP Code Quality and Security / / 01929a7f1f25848f25b6aa60a857a2033bd6dbbc
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin Python Code Quality and Security / / 474d91318dddaab6c1f8a4108f131bca05ac9238
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarCSS / / 8dc9fe17b6230c20715d3b4cb34e0b6d02151afd
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarFlex / / a0c44437f6abb0feec76edd073f91fec64db2a6c
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarGo / / edcc6a9e42fcdd30bb6f84a779c6cd7009ec72fd
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarHTML / / 997a51b39c4d0a5399c73a8fb729030a69eb392b
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarJS / / 3444def97744d3b811822b3a4bca74798de3ded1
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarKotlin / / 4ff3a145a58f3f84f1b39846a205a129d742e993
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarRuby / / 4ff3a145a58f3f84f1b39846a205a129d742e993
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarScala / / 4ff3a145a58f3f84f1b39846a205a129d742e993
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarTS / / 268ba9581b700c4fb2bc194d4069d283da915213
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin SonarXML / / c5b84004face582d56f110e24c29bf9c6a679e69
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin Svn / / 91ccef5aac1f4dd90a7edc2ee3e677fcf4be72bf
2020.08.10 20:37:16 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.ServerPluginRepository] Deploy plugin VB.NET Code Quality and Security / / 804f945fb3e4a3534eb903ffec2b6bff24124741
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.AutoDbMigration] Automatically perform DB migration on fresh install
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] Executing DB migrations...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1 'Create initial schema'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #1 'Create initial schema': success | time=153ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2 'Populate initial schema'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #2 'Populate initial schema': success | time=23ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3000 'Set Organizations#guarded column nullable'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3000 'Set Organizations#guarded column nullable': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3001 'Create ProjectQualityGates table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3001 'Create ProjectQualityGates table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3002 'Make index on DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS.RULE_ID non unique'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3002 'Make index on DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS.RULE_ID non unique': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3003 'Populate ProjectQualityGate table from Properties table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3003 'Populate ProjectQualityGate table from Properties table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3004 'Rename ANALYSIS_PROPERTIES.SNAPSHOT_UUID to ANALYSIS_UUID'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3004 'Rename ANALYSIS_PROPERTIES.SNAPSHOT_UUID to ANALYSIS_UUID': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3005 'Remove default quality gate property from Properties table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3005 'Remove default quality gate property from Properties table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3006 'Create NEW_CODE_PERIOD table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3006 'Create NEW_CODE_PERIOD table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3007 'Populate NEW_CODE_PERIOD table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3007 'Populate NEW_CODE_PERIOD table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3008 'Remove leak period properties'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3008 'Remove leak period properties': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3009 'Remove GitHub login generation strategy property'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3009 'Remove GitHub login generation strategy property': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3100 'Create ALM_SETTINGS table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3100 'Create ALM_SETTINGS table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3101 'Create PROJECT_ALM_SETTINGS table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3101 'Create PROJECT_ALM_SETTINGS table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3102 'Migrate property '' to '''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3102 'Migrate property '' to ''': success | time=7ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3103 'Migrate GitHub ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3103 'Migrate GitHub ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3104 'Migrate Bitbucket ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3104 'Migrate Bitbucket ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3105 'Migrate Azure ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3105 'Migrate Azure ALM settings from PROPERTIES to ALM_SETTINGS tables': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3106 'Delete 'sonar.pullrequest.provider' property'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3106 'Delete 'sonar.pullrequest.provider' property': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3107 'Migrate default branches to keep global setting'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3107 'Migrate default branches to keep global setting': success | time=10ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3108 'Add EXCLUDE_FROM_PURGE column'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3108 'Add EXCLUDE_FROM_PURGE column': success | time=7ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3109 'Populate EXCLUDE_FROM_PURGE column'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3109 'Populate EXCLUDE_FROM_PURGE column': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3110 'Remove 'sonar.branch.longLivedBranches.regex''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3110 'Remove 'sonar.branch.longLivedBranches.regex'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3111 'Rename 'sonar.dbcleaner.daysBeforeDeletingInactiveShortLivingBranches' setting'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3111 'Rename 'sonar.dbcleaner.daysBeforeDeletingInactiveShortLivingBranches' setting': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3112 'Migrate short and long living branches types to common BRANCH type'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3112 'Migrate short and long living branches types to common BRANCH type': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3113 'Migrate short and long living branches types to common BRANCH type in ce tasks table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3113 'Migrate short and long living branches types to common BRANCH type in ce tasks table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3200 'Drop 'In Review' Security Hotspots status '...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3200 'Drop 'In Review' Security Hotspots status ': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3201 'Migrate Manual Vulnerabilities to Security Hotspots '...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3201 'Migrate Manual Vulnerabilities to Security Hotspots ': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3202 'Remove 'newsbox.dismiss.hotspots' user property'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3202 'Remove 'newsbox.dismiss.hotspots' user property': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3203 'Ensure Security Hotspots have status TO_REVIEW'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3203 'Ensure Security Hotspots have status TO_REVIEW': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3204 'Rename table 'PROJECTS' to 'COMPONENTS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3204 'Rename table 'PROJECTS' to 'COMPONENTS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3205 'Add PROJECTS table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3205 'Add PROJECTS table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3206 'Populate PROJECTS table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 projects processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3206 'Populate PROJECTS table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3207 'Drop 'TAGS' column from COMPONENTS table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3207 'Drop 'TAGS' column from COMPONENTS table': success | time=29ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3208 'Remove old Security Review Rating measures'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3208 'Remove old Security Review Rating measures': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3209 'Create ALM_PATS table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3209 'Create ALM_PATS table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3210 'Add index on ALM_slug'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3210 'Add index on ALM_slug': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3211 'Delete conditions using 'security_hotspots' and 'new_security_hotspots' metrics'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3211 'Delete conditions using 'security_hotspots' and 'new_security_hotspots' metrics': success | time=9ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3300 'Add 'summary_comment_enabled' boolean column to 'project_alm_settings''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3300 'Add 'summary_comment_enabled' boolean column to 'project_alm_settings'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3301 'Enable 'summary_comment_enabled' for GitHub based projects'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3301 'Enable 'summary_comment_enabled' for GitHub based projects': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3302 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'properties''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3302 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'properties'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3303 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'properties''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3303 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'properties'': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3304 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'properties''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3304 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'properties'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3305 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'group_roles''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3305 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'group_roles'': success | time=7ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3306 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'group_roles''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3306 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'group_roles'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3307 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'group_roles''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3307 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'group_roles'': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3308 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'user_roles''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3308 'Add 'component_uuid' column to 'user_roles'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3309 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'user_roles''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3309 'Migrate 'resource_id' to 'component_uuid' in 'user_roles'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3310 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'user_roles''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3310 'Remove column 'resource_id' in 'user_roles'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3311 'Remove column 'id' in 'components''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3311 'Remove column 'id' in 'components'': success | time=13ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3400 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'EVENTS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3400 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'EVENTS' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3401 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'EVENTS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3401 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'EVENTS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3402 'Drop column 'ID' of 'EVENTS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3402 'Drop column 'ID' of 'EVENTS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3403 'Add 'uuid' and 'createdAt' columns for notifications'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3403 'Add 'uuid' and 'createdAt' columns for notifications': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3404 'Populate 'uuid' and 'createdAt columns for notifications'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3404 'Populate 'uuid' and 'createdAt columns for notifications': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3405 'Make 'uuid' and 'createdAt' column not nullable for notifications'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3405 'Make 'uuid' and 'createdAt' column not nullable for notifications': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3406 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3406 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3407 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3407 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3408 'Drop column 'ID' of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3408 'Drop column 'ID' of 'NOTIFICATIONS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3409 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'SNAPSHOTS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3409 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'SNAPSHOTS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3410 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'SNAPSHOTS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3410 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'SNAPSHOTS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3411 'Drop column 'ID' of 'SNAPSHOTS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3411 'Drop column 'ID' of 'SNAPSHOTS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3412 'Drop unique index on 'uuid' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3412 'Drop unique index on 'uuid' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3413 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3413 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3414 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3414 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'CE_QUEUE' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3415 'Drop column 'ID' of 'CE_QUEUE' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3415 'Drop column 'ID' of 'CE_QUEUE' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3416 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3416 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table': success | time=17ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3417 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3417 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3418 'Drop column 'ID' of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3418 'Drop column 'ID' of 'CE_ACTIVITY' table': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3419 'Add 'uuid' columns for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3419 'Add 'uuid' columns for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3420 'Populate 'uuid' columns for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3420 'Populate 'uuid' columns for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3421 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3421 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for DUPLICATIONS_INDEX': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3422 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3422 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3423 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3423 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3424 'Drop column 'ID' of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3424 'Drop column 'ID' of 'DUPLICATIONS_INDEX' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3425 'Add 'uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3425 'Add 'uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3426 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3426 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3427 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3427 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3428 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3428 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3429 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3429 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3430 'Drop column 'ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3430 'Drop column 'ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3431 'Add 'uuid' columns for 'PROJECT_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3431 'Add 'uuid' columns for 'PROJECT_MEASURES'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3432 'Add tech index on 'group_uuid' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3432 'Add tech index on 'group_uuid' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3433 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3433 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_MEASURES'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3434 'Drop tech index on 'group_id' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3434 'Drop tech index on 'group_id' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3435 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3435 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_MEASURES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3436 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3436 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3437 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3437 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3438 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3438 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3439 'Add 'UUID' column on 'USER_TOKENS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3439 'Add 'UUID' column on 'USER_TOKENS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3440 'Populate 'uuid' for 'USER_TOKENS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3440 'Populate 'uuid' for 'USER_TOKENS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3441 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for user_tokens'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3441 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for user_tokens': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3442 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'USER_TOKENS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3442 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'USER_TOKENS' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3443 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'USER_TOKENS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3443 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'USER_TOKENS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3444 'Drop column 'ID' of 'USER_TOKENS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3444 'Drop column 'ID' of 'USER_TOKENS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3445 'Add 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3445 'Add 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3446 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3446 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3447 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3447 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_QPROFILES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3448 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3448 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3449 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3449 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3450 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3450 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROJECT_QPROFILES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3451 'Add 'uuid' column for 'MANUAL_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3451 'Add 'uuid' column for 'MANUAL_MEASURES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3452 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'MANUAL_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3452 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'MANUAL_MEASURES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3453 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'MANUAL_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3453 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'MANUAL_MEASURES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3454 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3454 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3455 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3455 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3456 'Drop column 'ID' of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3456 'Drop column 'ID' of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3457 'Add 'UUID' column on 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3457 'Add 'UUID' column on 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3458 'Populate 'uuid' for 'GROUP_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 8 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3458 'Populate 'uuid' for 'GROUP_ROLES'': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3459 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUP_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3459 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUP_ROLES'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3460 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3460 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3461 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3461 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3462 'Drop column 'ID' of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3462 'Drop column 'ID' of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3463 'Add 'UUID' column on 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3463 'Add 'UUID' column on 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3464 'Populate 'uuid' for 'USER_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3464 'Populate 'uuid' for 'USER_ROLES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3465 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'USER_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3465 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'USER_ROLES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3466 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3466 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3468 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3468 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3469 'Drop column 'ID' of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3469 'Drop column 'ID' of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3470 'Add 'UUID' column on 'FILE_SOURCES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3470 'Add 'UUID' column on 'FILE_SOURCES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3471 'Populate 'uuid' for 'FILE_SOURCES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3471 'Populate 'uuid' for 'FILE_SOURCES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3472 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'FILE_SOURCES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3472 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'FILE_SOURCES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3473 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'FILE_SOURCES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3473 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'FILE_SOURCES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3474 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'FILE_SOURCES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3474 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'FILE_SOURCES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3475 'Drop column 'ID' of 'FILE_SOURCES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3475 'Drop column 'ID' of 'FILE_SOURCES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3476 'Copy 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table to 'ISSUE_CHANGES_COPY''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3476 'Copy 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table to 'ISSUE_CHANGES_COPY'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3477 'Drop 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3477 'Drop 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3478 'Rename table 'ISSUE_CHANGES_COPY' to 'ISSUE_CHANGES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3478 'Rename table 'ISSUE_CHANGES_COPY' to 'ISSUE_CHANGES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3479 'Add index on 'ISSUE_KEY' of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3479 'Add index on 'ISSUE_KEY' of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3480 'Add index on 'KEE' of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3480 'Add index on 'KEE' of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3481 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3481 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ISSUE_CHANGES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3483 'Add 'UUID' column on 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3483 'Add 'UUID' column on 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3484 'Populate 'uuid' for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3484 'Populate 'uuid' for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3485 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3485 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3486 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3486 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3487 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3487 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3488 'Drop column 'ID' of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3488 'Drop column 'ID' of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3489 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3489 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3490 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3490 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3491 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3491 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS'': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3492 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3492 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3493 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3493 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3494 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3494 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3495 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3495 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3496 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3496 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3497 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3497 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3498 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3498 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3499 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3499 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3500 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3500 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3501 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3501 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3502 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3502 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3503 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3503 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3504 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3504 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3505 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3505 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3506 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3506 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3507 'Add 'UUID' column on 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3507 'Add 'UUID' column on 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3508 'Populate 'uuid' for 'ACTIVE_RULES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3508 'Populate 'uuid' for 'ACTIVE_RULES'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3509 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3509 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3510 'Add 'active_rule_uuid' column on 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3510 'Add 'active_rule_uuid' column on 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3511 'Populate 'active_rule_uuid' for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3511 'Populate 'active_rule_uuid' for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS'': success | time=7ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3512 'Make 'active_rule_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3512 'Make 'active_rule_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3513 'Drop index on 'active_rule_id' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3513 'Drop index on 'active_rule_id' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3514 'Add index on 'active_rule_uuid' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3514 'Add index on 'active_rule_uuid' column of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3515 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3515 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3516 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3516 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3517 'Drop column 'ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3517 'Drop column 'ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3518 'Drop column 'active_rule_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3518 'Drop column 'active_rule_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3519 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3519 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3520 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3520 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3521 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES_PARAMETERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3521 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES_PARAMETERS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3522 'Add 'rules_parameter_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3522 'Add 'rules_parameter_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3523 'Populate 'rules_parameter_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3523 'Populate 'rules_parameter_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3524 'Make 'rules_parameter_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3524 'Make 'rules_parameter_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3525 'Drop column 'rules_parameter_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3525 'Drop column 'rules_parameter_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULE_PARAMS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3526 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3526 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3527 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3527 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3528 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3528 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3529 'Add 'UUID' column on 'METRICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3529 'Add 'UUID' column on 'METRICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3530 'Populate 'uuid' for 'METRICS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3530 'Populate 'uuid' for 'METRICS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3531 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'METRICS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3531 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'METRICS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3532 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3532 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3533 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'PROJECT_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3533 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'PROJECT_MEASURES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3534 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3534 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'PROJECT_MEASURES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3535 'Drop index on 'metric_id' and 'analysis_uuid' columns of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3535 'Drop index on 'metric_id' and 'analysis_uuid' columns of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3536 'Add index on 'metric_uuid' and 'analysis_uuid' columns of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3536 'Add index on 'metric_uuid' and 'analysis_uuid' columns of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3537 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3537 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3538 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3538 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:17 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3539 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3539 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3540 'Copy 'LIVE_MEASURES' table to 'LIVE_MEASURES_COPY''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3540 'Copy 'LIVE_MEASURES' table to 'LIVE_MEASURES_COPY'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3541 'Drop 'LIVE_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3541 'Drop 'LIVE_MEASURES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3542 'Rename table 'LIVE_MEASURES_COPY' to 'LIVE_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3542 'Rename table 'LIVE_MEASURES_COPY' to 'LIVE_MEASURES'': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3543 'Add primary key on 'uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3543 'Add primary key on 'uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3544 'Add index on 'project_uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3544 'Add index on 'project_uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3545 'Add index on 'metric_uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3545 'Add index on 'metric_uuid' column of 'LIVE_MEASURES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3546 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3546 'Add 'metric_uuid' column on 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3547 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'MANUAL_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3547 'Populate 'metric_uuid' for 'MANUAL_MEASURES'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3548 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'MANUAL_MEASURES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3548 'Make 'metric_uuid' column not nullable for 'MANUAL_MEASURES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3549 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'METRICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3549 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'METRICS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3550 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'METRICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3550 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'METRICS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3551 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3551 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'PROJECT_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3552 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3552 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'QUALITY_GATE_CONDITIONS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3554 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3554 'Drop column 'METRIC_ID' of 'MANUAL_MEASURES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3555 'Drop column 'ID' of 'METRICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3555 'Drop column 'ID' of 'METRICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3556 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3556 'Add 'UUID' column on 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3557 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3557 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3558 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for user_tokens'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3558 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for user_tokens': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3559 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3559 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3560 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3560 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3561 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3561 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3562 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3562 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3563 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3563 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3564 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3564 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3565 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3565 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3566 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3566 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3567 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3567 'Add 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3568 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3568 'Populate 'template_uuid' column for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3569 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3569 'Make 'template_uuid' column not nullable for 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3570 'Drop unique constraint on 'template_id', 'permission_key' columns 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3570 'Drop unique constraint on 'template_id', 'permission_key' columns 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3571 'Add unique constraint on 'template_uuid', 'permission_key' columns 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3571 'Add unique constraint on 'template_uuid', 'permission_key' columns 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3572 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3572 'Drop column 'template_id' of 'PERM_TPL_CHARACTERISTICS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3573 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3573 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3574 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3574 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3575 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3575 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3576 'Drop column 'KEE' of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3576 'Drop column 'KEE' of 'PERMISSION_TEMPLATES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3577 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PROFILES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3577 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PROFILES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3578 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PROFILES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3578 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES_PROFILES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3579 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES_PROFILES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3579 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES_PROFILES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3580 'Populate 'rules_profile_uuid' column for 'ORG_QPROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3580 'Populate 'rules_profile_uuid' column for 'ORG_QPROFILES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3581 'Populate 'rules_profile_uuid' column for 'QPROFILE_CHANGES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3581 'Populate 'rules_profile_uuid' column for 'QPROFILE_CHANGES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3582 'Add 'profile_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3582 'Add 'profile_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3583 'Populate 'profile_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3583 'Populate 'profile_uuid' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3584 'Make 'profile_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3584 'Make 'profile_uuid' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3585 'Drop unique constraint on 'profile_id', 'rule_id' columns 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3585 'Drop unique constraint on 'profile_id', 'rule_id' columns 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3586 'Add unique constraint on 'profile_uuid', 'rule_id' columns 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3586 'Add unique constraint on 'profile_uuid', 'rule_id' columns 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3587 'Drop column 'profile_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3587 'Drop column 'profile_id' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3588 'Drop unique constraint on 'kee' columns 'RULES_PROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3588 'Drop unique constraint on 'kee' columns 'RULES_PROFILES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3589 'Drop column 'kee' of 'RULES_PROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3589 'Drop column 'kee' of 'RULES_PROFILES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3590 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES_PROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3590 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES_PROFILES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3591 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES_PROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3591 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES_PROFILES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3592 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES_PROFILES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3592 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES_PROFILES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3593 'Add 'uuid' column for 'PROPERTIES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3593 'Add 'uuid' column for 'PROPERTIES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3594 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PROPERTIES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3594 'Populate 'uuid' for 'PROPERTIES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3595 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROPERTIES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3595 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'PROPERTIES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3596 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROPERTIES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3596 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'PROPERTIES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3597 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROPERTIES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3597 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'PROPERTIES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3598 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROPERTIES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3598 'Drop column 'ID' of 'PROPERTIES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3599 'Add 'UUID' column on 'GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3599 'Add 'UUID' column on 'GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3600 'Populate 'uuid' for 'GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 2 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3600 'Populate 'uuid' for 'GROUPS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3601 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3601 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3602 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3602 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3603 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'GROUP_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 6 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3603 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'GROUP_ROLES'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3604 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3604 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3605 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3605 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3606 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3606 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3607 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'GROUPS_USERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 2 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3607 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'GROUPS_USERS'': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3608 'Make 'group_uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS_USERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3608 'Make 'group_uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS_USERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3609 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3609 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3610 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3610 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3611 'Add 'default_group_uuid' column on 'ORGANIZATIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3611 'Add 'default_group_uuid' column on 'ORGANIZATIONS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3612 'Populate 'default_group_uuid' for 'ORGANIZATIONS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3612 'Populate 'default_group_uuid' for 'ORGANIZATIONS'': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3613 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3613 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3614 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3614 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3615 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3615 'Add 'group_uuid' column on 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3616 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3616 'Populate 'group_uuid' for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3617 'Make 'group_uuid' column not nullable for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3617 'Make 'group_uuid' column not nullable for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3618 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3618 'Drop index on 'group_id' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3619 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3619 'Add index on 'group_uuid' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3620 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3620 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'GROUPS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3621 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3621 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'GROUPS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3622 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'GROUP_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3622 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'GROUP_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3623 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3623 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3624 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'ORGANIZATIONS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3624 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'ORGANIZATIONS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3625 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3625 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3626 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3626 'Drop column 'group_id' of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_GROUPS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3627 'Drop column 'ID' of 'GROUPS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3627 'Drop column 'ID' of 'GROUPS' table': success | time=9ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3628 'Add 'qgate_uuid' column for quality gates conditions'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3628 'Add 'qgate_uuid' column for quality gates conditions': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3629 'Populate 'qgate_uuid' column for quality gates conditions'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3629 'Populate 'qgate_uuid' column for quality gates conditions': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3630 'drop orphans quality gates conditions'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3630 'drop orphans quality gates conditions': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3631 'Make 'qgate_uuid' column not nullable for quality gates conditions'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3631 'Make 'qgate_uuid' column not nullable for quality gates conditions': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3632 'Drop 'qgate_id' column for quality gates conditions'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3632 'Drop 'qgate_id' column for quality gates conditions': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3633 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3633 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3634 'drop unique index on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3634 'drop unique index on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3635 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3635 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'QUALITY_GATES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3636 'Drop column 'ID' of 'QUALITY_GATES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3636 'Drop column 'ID' of 'QUALITY_GATES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3637 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3637 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3638 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'GROUPS_USERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 2 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3638 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'GROUPS_USERS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3639 'Make 'user_uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS_USERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3639 'Make 'user_uuid' column not nullable for 'GROUPS_USERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3640 'Drop index on 'user_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3640 'Drop index on 'user_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3641 'Add index on 'user_uuid' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3641 'Add index on 'user_uuid' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3642 'Drop index on 'user_id', 'group_id' columns of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3642 'Drop index on 'user_id', 'group_id' columns of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3643 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid', 'group_id' columns of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3643 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid', 'group_id' columns of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3644 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3644 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'GROUPS_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3645 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3645 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3646 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 1 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3646 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS'': success | time=6ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3647 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3647 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3648 'Drop index on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3648 'Drop index on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3649 'Add index on 'user_uuid' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3649 'Add index on 'user_uuid' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3650 'Drop primary key on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3650 'Drop primary key on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3651 'Add PK on 'user_uuid', 'organization_uuid' columns of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3651 'Add PK on 'user_uuid', 'organization_uuid' columns of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3652 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3652 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3653 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3653 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3654 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3654 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS'': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3655 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3655 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3656 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3656 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'PERM_TEMPLATES_USERS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3657 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'PROPERTIES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3657 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'PROPERTIES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3658 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'PROPERTIES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3658 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'PROPERTIES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3659 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'PROPERTIES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3659 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'PROPERTIES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3660 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3660 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3661 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3661 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3662 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3662 'Make 'user_uuid' not-null for 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3663 'Drop unique index on 'user_id','qprofile_uuid' columns of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3663 'Drop unique index on 'user_id','qprofile_uuid' columns of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3664 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid','qprofile_uuid' columns of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3664 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid','qprofile_uuid' columns of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3665 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3665 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'QPROFILE_EDIT_USERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3666 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3666 'Add 'user_uuid' column on 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3667 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'USER_ROLES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3667 'Populate 'user_uuid' for 'USER_ROLES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3668 'Drop unique index on 'user_id' column of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3668 'Drop unique index on 'user_id' column of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3669 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid' columns of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3669 'Add unique index on 'user_uuid' columns of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3670 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'USER_ROLES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3670 'Drop column on 'user_id' column of 'USER_ROLES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3671 'Drop unique index on 'user_id' column of 'USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3671 'Drop unique index on 'user_id' column of 'USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3672 'Drop PK index on 'id' column of 'USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3672 'Drop PK index on 'id' column of 'USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3673 'Add PK index on 'uuid' column of 'USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3673 'Add PK index on 'uuid' column of 'USERS' table': success | time=0ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3674 'Drop 'id' column of 'USERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3674 'Drop 'id' column of 'USERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3675 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3675 'Add 'uuid' column for 'RULES'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3676 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3676 'Populate 'uuid' column for 'RULES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3677 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3677 'Make 'uuid' column not nullable for 'RULES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3678 'Populate 'templateUuid' column for 'RULES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3678 'Populate 'templateUuid' column for 'RULES'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3679 'Drop column 'templateId' column for 'RULES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3679 'Drop column 'templateId' column for 'RULES'': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3680 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3680 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3681 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3681 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3682 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3682 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3683 'Drop primary key on 'RULE_ID' column of 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3683 'Drop primary key on 'RULE_ID' column of 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3684 'Add primary key on 'RULE_UUID' column of 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3684 'Add primary key on 'RULE_UUID' column of 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3685 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_METADATA' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3685 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_METADATA' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3686 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3686 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3687 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3687 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3688 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3688 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3689 'Drop indexes on 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3689 'Drop indexes on 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3690 'Add indexes to 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3690 'Add indexes to 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=5ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3691 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3691 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'RULES_PARAMETERS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3692 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3692 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3693 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3693 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3694 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3694 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3695 'Drop indexes on 'RULE_ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3695 'Drop indexes on 'RULE_ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3696 'Add indexes to 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3696 'Add indexes to 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3697 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3697 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'ACTIVE_RULES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3698 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3698 'Add 'RULE_UUID' column for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3699 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3699 'Populate 'RULE_UUID' column for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3700 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3700 'Make 'RULE_UUID' column not nullable for 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3701 'Drop index on 'RULE_ID' of 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3701 'Drop index on 'RULE_ID' of 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3702 'Add index to 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3702 'Add index to 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3703 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3703 'Drop column 'RULE_ID' of 'DEPRECATED_RULE_KEYS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3704 'Copy 'ISSUES' table to 'ISSUES_COPY'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3704 'Copy 'ISSUES' table to 'ISSUES_COPY': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3705 'Drop 'ISSUES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3705 'Drop 'ISSUES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3706 'Rename 'ISSUES_COPY' table to 'ISSUES''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3706 'Rename 'ISSUES_COPY' table to 'ISSUES'': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3707 'Add indexes to 'ISSUES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3707 'Add indexes to 'ISSUES' table': success | time=11ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3708 'Add primary key on 'KEE' column of 'ISSUES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3708 'Add primary key on 'KEE' column of 'ISSUES' table': success | time=0ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3709 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3709 'Drop primary key on 'ID' column of 'RULES' table': success | time=4ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3710 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3710 'Add primary key on 'UUID' column of 'RULES' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3711 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3711 'Drop column 'ID' of 'RULES' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3800 'Remove favourites for components with qualifiers 'DIR', 'FIL', 'UTS''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3800 'Remove favourites for components with qualifiers 'DIR', 'FIL', 'UTS'': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3801 'Create 'SESSION_TOKENS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3801 'Create 'SESSION_TOKENS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3802 'Create 'SAML_MESSAGE_IDS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3802 'Create 'SAML_MESSAGE_IDS' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3803 'Add 'need_issue_sync' column to 'project_branches' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3803 'Add 'need_issue_sync' column to 'project_branches' table': success | time=1ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3804 'Populate 'need_issue_sync' of 'project_branches''...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3804 'Populate 'need_issue_sync' of 'project_branches'': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3805 'Make 'need_issue_sync' of 'project_branches' not null'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3805 'Make 'need_issue_sync' of 'project_branches' not null': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3806 'Drop local webhooks'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.d.m.s.MassUpdate] 0 rows processed (0 items/sec)
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3806 'Drop local webhooks': success | time=3ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3807 'Add columns 'CLIENT_ID' and 'CLIENT_SECRET' to 'ALM_SETTINGS' table'...
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] #3807 'Add columns 'CLIENT_ID' and 'CLIENT_SECRET' to 'ALM_SETTINGS' table': success | time=2ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][DbMigrations] Executed DB migrations: success | time=1420ms
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.Platform] Database has been automatically updated
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.w.MasterServletFilter] Initializing servlet filter org.sonar.server.platform.web.WebServiceFilter@2f6e5e97 [pattern=UrlPattern{inclusions=[/api/system/migrate_db.*, ...], exclusions=[/api/components/update_key, ...]}]
2020.08.10 20:37:18 INFO web[][o.s.s.a.EmbeddedTomcat] HTTP connector enabled on port 9000
2020.08.10 20:37:19 INFO web[][o.s.s.p.UpdateCenterClient] Update center: (no proxy)
2020.08.10 20:37:19 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [metadatas]
2020.08.10 20:37:19 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [metadatas] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [1]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[metadatas][0]] ...]).
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type metadatas/metadata
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [metadatas/RYH8GAWxT0O-CGQE_KtBMA] create_mapping [metadata]
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [components]
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [components] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [5]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[components][4]] ...]).
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type components/auth
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [components/lPSvBsVLS_iDK7hopXI9pQ] create_mapping [auth]
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [projectmeasures]
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [projectmeasures] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [5]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[projectmeasures][4]] ...]).
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type projectmeasures/auth
2020.08.10 20:37:20 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [projectmeasures/6JWZdySNRVuvpv_ErGpP0A] create_mapping [auth]
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [rules]
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [rules] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [2]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[rules][0]] ...]).
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type rules/rule
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [rules/c7JmsveZSkevORDm3_QeKg] create_mapping [rule]
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [issues]
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [issues] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [5]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[issues][4]] ...]).
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type issues/auth
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [issues/ZEIqBFmTR7q9dQ0mVRbNHQ] create_mapping [auth]
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [users]
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [users] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [1]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[users][0]] ...]).
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type users/user
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [users/zaUtZ1bgSrSQ_DgagakDgQ] create_mapping [user]
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create index [views]
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [views] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [5]/[0], mappings []
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[views][4]] ...]).
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.e.IndexCreator] Create type views/view
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO es[][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [views/1v3yb7sGQWiSvV4uWaZpnw] create_mapping [view]
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][o.s.s.s.LogServerId] Server ID: BF41A1F2-AXPaF3pt-tXDg1wFKhP3
2020.08.10 20:37:21 WARN web[][o.s.s.a.LogOAuthWarning] For security reasons, OAuth authentication should use HTTPS. You should set the property 'Administration > Configuration > Server base URL' to a HTTPS URL.
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][org.sonar.INFO] Security realm: LDAP
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][o.s.a.l.LdapSettingsManager] User mapping: LdapUserMapping{baseDn="cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=intgdc,dc=com", request=(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={0})), realNameAttribute=cn, emailAttribute=mail}
2020.08.10 20:37:21 INFO web[][o.s.a.l.LdapSettingsManager] Groups will not be synchronized, because property '' is empty.
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