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Last active March 12, 2017 11:18
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a set of rules, that will allow you to query Neo4j faster and more fun
Rules for labels
1. We use labels to group entities together -- (:Person),(:Company)
2. We use additional labels as a preprocessed way of filtering nodes faster -- (:Person:Expert),(:Company:VIP)
3. We can use labels for marking steps in our process -- (:Order:ExportedToElastic),(:Order:Error)
Rules for date format
1. Neo4j does not support date format out of the box
2. Parse all dates to unix epoch time in seconds or miliseconds
3. Pick seconds or miliseconds and be consistent
4. Use (days * hours * minutes * seconds) in calculations for cleannes of the code
Rules for Location/timeseries (hiearchical) trees
1. All relationships are directed from children to parents, going up the hiearchy
2. We have a single type for all relationships. (PARENT...;FROM...)
2. Every node has a single outgoing relationship to it’s parent.
3. Every node has one or multiple incoming relationships from its children.
Triggers for automation
CALL apoc.trigger.add('timestampNodes','UNWIND {createdNodes} AS n SET n.created_at = timestamp()', {phase:'after'});
CALL apoc.trigger.add('timestampRels','UNWIND {createdRelationships} AS n SET n.created_at = timestamp()', {phase:'after'});
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