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Last active August 23, 2020 19:41
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  • Save tomaspietravallo/a627bb9ce2e5f07e76e95d7949442a13 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tomaspietravallo/a627bb9ce2e5f07e76e95d7949442a13 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const TG = require("TouchGestures");
const Scene = require("Scene");
const R = require("Reactive");
const DMw = require("DeviceMotion").worldTransform;
const CameraInfo = require("CameraInfo");
const Time = require("Time");
Your scene should have a planeTracker and a nullObject as it's child
Everything under the nullObject (called nullPositioner in this case) will be affected and be modified with the plane tracker values
(async function initPlaneTracker() {
let nullPositioner = await Scene.root.findFirst("nullPositioner"); // CHANGE to the name of your parent null object in the scene
let trackerPlane = await Scene.root.findFirst("planeTracker0"); // CHANGE to the name of your plane tracker in the scene
new Promise(resolve => {Time.setTimeout(()=>{resolve()}, 3000)}).then(()=>{
R.monitorMany({'X': DMw.x, 'Y': DMw.y, 'Z': DMw.z, 'rtx': DMw.rotationX, 'rty': DMw.rotationY, 'rtz': DMw.rotationZ})
trackerPlane.trackPoint(R.div(CameraInfo.previewSize.x, 2).pinLastValue(), R.div(CameraInfo.previewSize.y, 2).pinLastValue());
nullPositioner.transform.scaleX = R.div(1, trackerPlane.worldTransform.scaleX);
nullPositioner.transform.scaleY = R.div(1, trackerPlane.worldTransform.scaleY);
nullPositioner.transform.scaleZ = R.div(1, trackerPlane.worldTransform.scaleZ);
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