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Last active May 15, 2018 14:42
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Weechat Replace Scryfall MTG Shortcode
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import weechat
import re
import urllib2
weechat.register("mtg_replace", "tomatosoup", "0.1", "GPL3", "replaces mtg shortcodes and resolves scryfall images and replaces those too", "", "UTF-8")
weechat.prnt(" ", "Hello world")
mtgmatch = re.compile("^(.*)(:mana(.*):)(.*)")
halfmatch = re.compile(".**utm_source=slack.*")
boldmatch = re.compile("(?:^|\s)\*.*\*(?:$|\s)")
itamatch = re.compile("(?:^|\s)_.*_(?:$|\s)")
urlmatch = re.compile("(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)")
swaplist = [
urlreg = re.compile('(*utm_source=.*)\)')
imgreg = re.compile('border-.*src="(.*jpg)')
date1 = re.compile('!date.*?{time} ')
def mtgchange_cb(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
string = string.replace("IRCCloud :]","crypt")
string = string.replace("dxbot2.0 :]","[dxboi]")
string = string.replace("Scryfall :]","[scryfall]")
if mtgmatch.match(string) or halfmatch.match(string):
w = 0
string = string.replace("::",": :").replace("00-1: :","00-1::").replace("00-2: :","00-2::").replace("00-3: :","00-3::").replace("00-4: :","00-4::")
for x in re.findall(urlreg, string):
w = 1
if w == 0:
string = string.replace("_","").replace("*","")
y = 0
for x in swaplist:
secmatch = re.compile("(:"+swaplist[y][0]+":)")
for z in re.findall(secmatch, string):
string = string.replace(":"+swaplist[y][0]+":",swaplist[y][1],1) % swaplist[y][2]
y = y + 1
for x in re.findall(urlreg, string):
urlfir = str(x)
page = urllib2.urlopen(urlfir)
for z in re.findall(imgreg,
string = string.replace(urlfir, str(z))
return string
for x in re.findall(date1, string):
string = string.replace(str(x), "")
for x in re.findall(urlmatch, string):
return string
for x in re.findall(boldmatch, string):
string = string.replace("*",weechat.color("bold"),1).replace("*",weechat.color("-bold"),1)
for x in re.findall(itamatch, string):
string = string.replace("_",weechat.color("italic"),1).replace("_",weechat.color("-italic"),1)
return string
weechat.hook_modifier("weechat_print", "mtgchange_cb", "")
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