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Created February 15, 2020 23:52
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Braket Border SCSS Style
// for the headings in sidebars
$braket-border-opposites: (
left: right,
right: left,
top: bottom,
bottom: top
@mixin braket-border-child($direction, $border-width, $length) {
content: "";
border: $border-width solid black;
position: absolute;
$opposite: map-get($braket-border-opposites, $direction);
border-#{$opposite}: none;
#{$direction}: 0;
$adjusted-cross-length: calc(100% - #{$border-width});
@if $direction == left or $direction == right {
width: $length;
height: $adjusted-cross-length;
top: 0;
} @else if $direction == top or $direction == bottom {
width: $adjusted-cross-length;
height: $length;
left: 0;
} @else {
@error "Unknown direction #{$direction}.";
@mixin braket-border($border-width: 2px, $length: 10%, $axis: horizontal) {
$first: "";
@if $axis == horizontal {
$first: left;
} @else if $axis == vertical {
$first: top;
} @else {
@error "Unknown axis #{$axis}.";
$second: map-get($braket-border-opposites, $first);
position: relative;
&:before {
@include braket-border-child($first, $border-width, $length);
&:after {
@include braket-border-child($second, $border-width, $length);
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