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Last active July 31, 2019 20:54
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Example of measuring atmega VCC using the bandgap method (no external hardware or voltage divider needed).
Example of measuring atmega VCC using the bandgap method (no external hardware or voltage divider needed).
Based on:
// Arduino Nano / Atmega328 tested
static int vccRead () {
ADMUX = bit(REFS0) | 14; // use Vref=VCC and measure internal bandgap channel 1.1V
delayMicroseconds(250); // wait for bandgap to stabilize
bitSet(ADCSRA, ADEN); // enable ADC
bitSet(ADCSRA, ADSC); // start conversion
while (ADCSRA & (1<<ADSC)); // wait till conversion stops
return ADC; // return value in 0-1023 range
void setup() {
// adc = 1100 / vcc * 1024
void loop() {
byte x = vccRead();
Serial.println(1100 * 1023L / x); // power supply (VCC) voltage
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