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Created May 24, 2011 14:28
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Thrift compiler via Maven
# we use antrun:run goal and bind it to the generate-sources lifecycle
# to generate java source files via thrift compiler
$ mvn generate-sources
# or just use
$ mvn compile
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
create (or clear) output directory for generated files
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*" />
generate java source files from ${thrift.interface}
<exec executable="${thrift.exe}">
<arg value="--gen" />
<arg value="java:beans"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="${}"/>
<arg value="${thrift.interface}"/>
copy generated files to ${gendir.src}
<mkdir dir="${gendir.src}" />
<fileset dir="${gendir.src}" includes="**/*"/>
<copy todir="${gendir.src}">
<fileset dir="target/generated-sources/gen-javabean/${gendir.namespace}"/>
assuming the following directory structure
|-- pom.xml
|-- src
| |-- main
| | `-- java
| | `-- com
| | `-- yourdomain
| | `-- yourlib
| | `-- thrift
| | |--
| | `-- gen
| | `-- ...
| `-- test
| `-- ...
`-- thrift
`-- Service.thrift
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