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Last active January 27, 2024 19:29
Paste from iCal
;; 1) put somewhere in your graph {{[[roam/cljs]]: ((_block_id))}}
;; 2) create a children block of the block, write `/clojure` and paste this whole code into it
;; 3) replace ((_block_id)) with block reference to the children block
;; 4) click on „Yes, I know what I am doing”
;; ---------
;; 5) go to Apple Calendar
;; 6) step by step Command-click on events that you want to add
;; 7) go to Roam and put the text cursor to position of empty Nautilus children block (as usual when adding events)
;; 8) press Paste (Command-V)
;; - do not worry about how Nautilus looks now -
;; 9) select everything (all rows) you just pasted
;; 10) right-click blocks and choose Extension / Parse iCal Paste
;; You are done. That`s it!
(ns paste-ical-22012024
[clojure.string :as str]
[roam.datascript :as rd]
[ :as ms]
[roam.block :as block]
[promesa.core :as p]))
;; –––––– settings ––––––
(def children-blocks? true) ;; true = it adds descriptions to events (if they exist) as children
;; false = just creates the event with time and title
(def highlight "^^") ;; "^^" – highlights event rows
;; "" – it does not
;; ------ end settings –––––
(defn to-24h [time-str]
(let [[hours mins] (str/split time-str ":")
pm? (re-find #"(?:pm|PM)" mins)]
(str (if pm? (str (+ 12 (js/parseInt hours))) hours)
(str/replace mins #"(?:\sam|\sAM|\spm|\sPM)" ""))))
(defn extract-range [s]
(let [range-format #"(?:\d{1,2}(?::\d{1,2})?(?:\s*(?:\sAM|\sPM|\sam|\spm))?)\s*(?:až|to)\s*(?:\d{1,2}(?::\d{1,2})?(?:\s*(?:\sAM|\sPM|\sam|\spm))?)"
to-form #"(.+)\s(?:až|to)\s(.+)"
full-range-str (re-find range-format s)
[_ from-str to-str] (re-find to-form full-range-str)
from-str-24 (to-24h from-str)
to-str-24 (to-24h to-str)]
(str from-str-24 "-" to-str-24)))
(defn update-block [block-uid text]
(block/update {:block {:uid block-uid :string text}}))
(defn is-title? [s]
(and (str/starts-with? s "**")
(str/ends-with? s "**")))
(defn get-block-info [block]
(let [{:keys [block/order block/string block/uid]}
(rd/pull [:block/uid :block/string :block/order]
[:block/uid block])]
[order string uid]))
(defn create-children [parent-id text-vec]
(doseq [text text-vec]
(p/do! (-> (roam.block/create
{:location {:parent-uid parent-id
:order :last}
:block {:string text}})
(.then #(js/console.log "create ok"))
(.catch #(js/console.log "create fail" %))))))
(defn erase-block [block-uid]
(-> (block/delete
{:block {:uid block-uid}})
(.then #(js/console.log "erase ok"))
(.catch #(js/console.log "erase fail" %)))))
(defn extract-sorted-blocks [blocks] ;; sorts blocks by the order and returns vector
(->> blocks
(mapv get-block-info)
(sort-by first)
(into [])))
(defn go-through-blocks [blocks]
(loop [blocks blocks
event-title nil
title-uid ""
event-children []]
(let [[_ block-text block-uid] (first blocks)]
(if block-text
(if (is-title? block-text)
(if event-title
(update-block title-uid (str highlight (extract-range (first event-children)) " " event-title highlight))
(when children-blocks? (create-children title-uid (rest event-children)))
(recur (rest blocks) block-text block-uid []))
(recur (rest blocks) block-text block-uid event-children))
(erase-block block-uid)
(recur (rest blocks) event-title title-uid (conj event-children block-text))))
(update-block title-uid (str highlight (extract-range (first event-children)) " " event-title highlight))
(when children-blocks? (create-children title-uid (rest event-children))))))))
(defn main []
{:label "Parse iCal paste"
:callback (fn [x]
(let [block-ids (mapv :block-uid (get (js->clj x :keywordize-keys true) :blocks))
sorted-infos (extract-sorted-blocks block-ids)]
(go-through-blocks sorted-infos)))}))
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