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Created October 11, 2019 19:48
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using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO.Pipelines;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace HtmlRemover
class Program
static string SampleHtml = @"<link rel=stylesheet href='insertUrlHere' ><style> h2 {color:red;}</style><div>This is a div</div><div> </div><script src = 'InsertUrl' > And stuff here</script><div></div ><p style='color: blue'>Text in p tag</p>";
static void Main(string[] args)
var saniHtml = Sanitizer.Sanitize(SampleHtml);
Console.WriteLine("Input String");
Console.WriteLine("Output String");
Console.WriteLine("Expected Output");
Console.WriteLine("<div>This is a div</div><p data-style='color: blue'>Text in p tag</p>");
public interface IHtmlElement
(int fastForwardLength, char[] replacement, bool replaced) FastForward(ReadOnlySpan<char> html);
bool IsMatch(ReadOnlySpan<char> html);
public abstract class BaseHtmlElement : IHtmlElement
private const char NonPrintedSpace = (char)32;
protected abstract char[] TagSymbol { get; }
public virtual bool RemoveEntireElement { get; set; } = false;
public virtual bool RemoveEmptyElement { get; set; } = false;
public char[] FindAttribute { get; set; }
public char[] ReplaceAttribute { get; set; }
public virtual (int fastForwardLength, char[] replacement, bool replaced) FastForward(ReadOnlySpan<char> html)
if (RemoveEntireElement)
return (FindClosingTag(html), default, true);
else if (RemoveEmptyElement)
var (closing, _) = IsClosingTag(html);
if (closing)
// If we're at a closing tag let's bail.
return (default, default, false);
var (_, openTagLength) = IsOpenTag(html);
var currentIndex = openTagLength;
while(html[currentIndex] != '<')
if (html[currentIndex] != NonPrintedSpace && html[currentIndex] != ' ')
if (FindAttribute != null && ReplaceAttribute != null)
var isolatedTag = html.Slice(0, FindClosingTag(html));
var replacementLocation = isolatedTag.IndexOf(FindAttribute);
if (isolatedTag.IndexOf(FindAttribute) > 0)
var lengthDiff = ReplaceAttribute.Length - FindAttribute.Length;
var overallLength = isolatedTag.Length + lengthDiff;
var replacementSpan = new Span<char>(new char[overallLength]);
isolatedTag.Slice(0, replacementLocation).CopyTo(replacementSpan.Slice(0, replacementLocation));
isolatedTag.Slice(replacementLocation + FindAttribute.Length).CopyTo(replacementSpan.Slice(replacementLocation + ReplaceAttribute.Length));
return (overallLength, replacementSpan.ToArray(), false);
return (default, default, false);
return (FindClosingTag(html), default, true);
bool match;
int length;
(match, length) = IsOpenTag(html);
if (match)
return (length, default, true);
(_, length) = IsClosingTag(html);
return (length, default, true);
protected int FindClosingTag(ReadOnlySpan<char> html)
var currentBaseIndex = html.IndexOf('<');
while (true)
var (match, length) = IsClosingTag(html.Slice(currentBaseIndex));
if (match)
return currentBaseIndex + length;
if (currentBaseIndex + 1 == html.Length)
return default;
currentBaseIndex = html.Slice(currentBaseIndex + 1).IndexOf('<') + 1;
public (bool isMatch, int length) IsOpenTag(ReadOnlySpan<char> html)
int length = 1;
bool openBracketFound = html[0] == '<';
bool tagSymbolFound = false;
if (!openBracketFound)
return (false, default);
for (var i = 1; i < html.Length; i++)
if (tagSymbolFound)
if (html[i] == '>')
return (true, length);
if (TagSymbol.Length + i > html.Length)
return (false, default);
if (html.Slice(i, TagSymbol.Length).SequenceEqual(TagSymbol))
tagSymbolFound = true;
var nextChar = html[i + TagSymbol.Length];
if (nextChar != NonPrintedSpace && nextChar != ' ' && nextChar != '>')
return (false, default);
i += TagSymbol.Length - 1;
length += TagSymbol.Length - 1;
if (html[i] != ' ' || html[i] != NonPrintedSpace)
return (false, default);
return (false, default);
public (bool isMatch, int length) IsClosingTag(ReadOnlySpan<char> html)
int length = 0;
bool openBracketFound = html[0] == '<';
bool endSlashFound = false;
bool tagSymbolFound = false;
if (!openBracketFound)
return (false, default);
for (var i = 1; i < html.Length; i++)
if (endSlashFound)
if (tagSymbolFound)
if (html[i] == NonPrintedSpace || html[i] == ' ')
// This is ok.. let's keep looking...
if (html[i] == '>')
return (true, length);
// Something wrong here...This probably isn't a closing tag.
return (false, default);
if (i + TagSymbol.Length > html.Length)
return (false, default);
if (html[i] == '>')
return (false, default);
if (html.Slice(i, TagSymbol.Length).SequenceEqual(TagSymbol))
length += TagSymbol.Length;
// We've found the tag symbol so we need to move the index forward,
// minus 1 because we're currently on the first character of the tag
// symbol.
i += TagSymbol.Length - 1;
tagSymbolFound = true;
if (html[i] != ' ' && html[i] != '/')
return (false, default);
if (html[i] == '/')
endSlashFound = true;
return (false, default);
public bool IsMatch(ReadOnlySpan<char> html)
var (isOpen, _) = IsOpenTag(html);
if (!isOpen)
var (isClose, _) = IsClosingTag(html);
return isClose;
return isOpen;
public class HtmlElementCollection : IEnumerable<IHtmlElement>
public IEnumerator<IHtmlElement> GetEnumerator() => _htmlElements.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();
private static IEnumerable<IHtmlElement> _htmlElements = new IHtmlElement[]
new HtmlLink(),
new HtmlStyle() { RemoveEntireElement = true },
new HtmlDiv() { RemoveEmptyElement = true },
new HtmlScript() { RemoveEntireElement = true },
new HtmlParagraph()
RemoveEmptyElement = true,
FindAttribute = "style".ToCharArray(),
ReplaceAttribute = "data-style".ToCharArray()
public (int fastForwardLength, char[] replacement, bool replaced) HandleTag(ReadOnlySpan<char> html, int currentPosition)
foreach (var element in this)
if (element.IsMatch(html))
var (length, replacement, replaced) = element.FastForward(html);
return (currentPosition + length, replacement, replaced);
return (currentPosition, default, false);
public class HtmlComment : IHtmlElement
public (int fastForwardLength, char[] replacement, bool replaced) FastForward(ReadOnlySpan<char> html) =>
(html.IndexOf(EndSequence) + EndSequence.Length, default, true);
public bool IsMatch(ReadOnlySpan<char> html) => html.Slice(0, 4).SequenceEqual(BeginSequence);
private char[] BeginSequence => "<!--".ToCharArray();
private char[] EndSequence => "-->".ToCharArray();
public class HtmlHtml : BaseHtmlElement
protected override char[] TagSymbol => "html".ToCharArray();
public class HtmlLink : BaseHtmlElement
protected override char[] TagSymbol => "link".ToCharArray();
public class HtmlBody : BaseHtmlElement
protected override char[] TagSymbol => "body".ToCharArray();
public class HtmlHead : BaseHtmlElement
protected override char[] TagSymbol => "head".ToCharArray();
public class HtmlTitle : BaseHtmlElement
protected override char[] TagSymbol => "title".ToCharArray();
public class HtmlStyle : BaseHtmlElement
protected override char[] TagSymbol => "style".ToCharArray();
public class HtmlDiv : BaseHtmlElement
protected override char[] TagSymbol => "div".ToCharArray();
public class HtmlScript : BaseHtmlElement
protected override char[] TagSymbol => "script".ToCharArray();
public class HtmlParagraph : BaseHtmlElement
protected override char[] TagSymbol => "p".ToCharArray();
public static class Sanitizer
private static ArrayPool<char> CharArrayPool = ArrayPool<char>.Shared;
private static HtmlElementCollection HtmlElements = new HtmlElementCollection();
public static string Sanitize(ReadOnlySpan<char> html)
var pipe = new Pipe();
var writer = pipe.Writer;
var reader = pipe.Reader;
int bufferPosition = 0;
char[] buffer = default;
void FlushBuffer()
var workspace = writer.GetMemory(bufferPosition);
CharArrayPool.Return(buffer, true);
bufferPosition = 0;
void PopulateBuffer(char[] value)
var workspace = writer.GetMemory(value.Length);
CharArrayPool.Return(buffer, true);
bufferPosition = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < html.Length; i++)
if (bufferPosition == 100)
if (bufferPosition == 0)
buffer = CharArrayPool.Rent(100);
if (html[i] == '<')
char[] replacement;
bool replaced;
(i, replacement, replaced) = HtmlElements.HandleTag(html.Slice(i), i);
if (replacement != default)
if (replaced && html[i] == '<')
if (i < html.Length)
buffer[bufferPosition++] = html[i];
if (bufferPosition > 0)
reader.TryRead(out var result);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(result.Buffer.ToArray());
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