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Created February 12, 2013 04:35
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import random
import numpy
class Cell(object):
x = None
y = None
is_alive = None
_neighbors = None
def __init__(self, x, y, world, initially_alive=False):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self._world = world
self._world.cells[x, y] = self
self.is_alive = initially_alive
def _find_neighbors(self):
x = self.x
y = self.y
x_plus_one = x + 1 if x + 1 < self._world.max_x else 0
x_minus_one = x - 1 if x - 1 >= 0 else self._world.max_x - 1
y_plus_one = y + 1 if y + 1 < self._world.max_y else 0
y_minus_one = y - 1 if y - 1 >= 0 else self._world.max_y - 1
yield self._world.cells[x, y_plus_one]
yield self._world.cells[x, y_minus_one]
yield self._world.cells[x_plus_one, y]
yield self._world.cells[x_minus_one, y]
yield self._world.cells[x_plus_one, y_minus_one]
yield self._world.cells[x_minus_one, y_plus_one]
yield self._world.cells[x_plus_one, y_plus_one]
yield self._world.cells[x_minus_one, y_minus_one]
def get_neighbors(self):
if not self._neighbors:
self._neighbors = list(self._find_neighbors())
return self._neighbors
_next = None
def next(self):
if self._next is None:
self._next = 0 # Catch all...
live_neighbors = sum(1 for n in self.get_neighbors() if n.is_alive)
if self.is_alive:
if 2 > live_neighbors < 3:
self._next = 0
if 1 < live_neighbors < 4:
self._next = 1
if live_neighbors == 3:
self._next = 1
return self._next
def step(self):
self.is_alive =
self._next = None
self.changed = None
class World(object):
max_x = None
max_y = None
cells = None
def __init__(self, size, auto_gen_cells=False):
self.max_x = size[0]
self.max_y = size[1]
self.cells = numpy.empty((size[0], size[1],), dtype=Cell)
if auto_gen_cells:
it = numpy.nditer(self.cells, flags=['multi_index', 'refs_ok'])
while not it.finished:
(x, y) = it.multi_index
Cell(x, y, self, initially_alive=(random.randint(0,10000) % 3 == 0))
def next(self):
it = numpy.nditer(self.cells, flags=['multi_index', 'refs_ok'])
while not it.finished:
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