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Created September 1, 2021 22:43
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Example of writing a JSON object and then updating a property via its JSONPath with a filter...
using System;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using NReJSON;
using StackExchange.Redis;
namespace RedisJsonTest
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var muxr = await ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync("localhost");
var db = muxr.GetDatabase(0);
NReJSONSerializer.SerializerProxy = new JsonSerializerProxy();
var result = await db.JsonSetAsync("example_json_key",
new ExampleWrapper(
new Example[]
new(1, "Test 1"),
new(2, "Test 2")
}), "$");
Console.WriteLine($"Write is successful? {result.IsSuccess}");
var initialResult = await db.JsonGetAsync("example_json_key", "$.List[?(@.Id == 2)].N");
var updateResult = await db.JsonSetAsync("example_json_key", "\"Updated Value\"", "$.List[?(@.Id == 2)].N");
Console.WriteLine($"Update is successful? {updateResult.IsSuccess}");
var finalResult = await db.JsonGetAsync("example_json_key");
Console.WriteLine($"Final result: {finalResult}");
record Example(int Id, string N);
record ExampleWrapper(Example[] List);
class JsonSerializerProxy : ISerializerProxy
public TResult Deserialize<TResult>(RedisResult serializedValue) =>
public string Serialize<TObjectType>(TObjectType obj) =>
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