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Created June 4, 2011 16:09
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Simple php front controller
namespace Framework;
* Front controller - routes all request and dispatch it to modules.
* (MVC pattern)
* @package FrameWork
* @subpackage FrontController
* @author Tomislav Biscan
* @version 0.1
class FrontController
protected $namespace = "";
public function __construct($namespace = "")
$this->namespace = $namespace . "\\Controller\\";
* Front controller loader
public function load()
$controller = $this->routeFrontToController();
if(isset($controller)) return $this->dispatch($controller);
else return '404 - router has nothing';
* Method for routing request with controller
* @return array controller specs
protected function routeFrontToController()
$urlArray = $this->parseUrlRequest();
$urlBuilder = $this->urlBuilder();
if(!$urlArray && isset($urlBuilder['']))
return $this->compareControllerWithUrl(array('frontcontroller' => array(
'url' => '',
'controller' => 'Home',
'action' => 'view'
)), '');
return $this->compareControllerWithUrl($urlBuilder[$urlArray['controller']], $urlArray['params']);
elseif(isset($urlBuilder['*']) && !isset($urlArray['params']))
return array(
'url' => '',
'controller' => 'Content',
'action' => 'view',
'params' => array('contentUrl' => $urlArray['controller'])
return array(
'url' => ':contentUrl',
'controller' => 'Error404',
'action' => 'view',
'params' => array('requestedUrl' => '404')
* Parsing request to parameter array
* @return array $front
protected function parseUrlRequest()
$url = '';
if(isset($_REQUEST['rewrite'])) $url = $_REQUEST['rewrite'];
$config = Registry::fetch('config');
$multiLanguage = $config->multiLanguage();
$session = Registry::fetch('session');
if($url == '')
if($multiLanguage) $session->language = $config->defaultLanguage;
return false;
if(substr($url, -1, 1) == '/') StatusCodes::permanentRedirect('/' . substr($url, 0, strlen($url)-1));
$url = explode('/', $url);
$front = array();
$count = count($url);
* Multilangauge site begins with language name
if(!in_array(strtolower($url[0]), $multiLanguage)) return array('url' => ':contentUrl', 'controller' => 'Error404', 'action' => 'view', 'params' => array('requestedUrl' =>'Error404'));
Registry::fetch('session')->language = strtolower($url[0]);
if($count == 1 && $url[0] == $config->defaultLanguage) StatusCodes::permanentRedirect('/');
if(!isset($url[1])) return false;
$front['controller'] = $url[1];
if($count > 2)
$front['params'] = array();
for($i = 2; $i < $count; ++$i) $front['params'][] = $url[$i];
$front['controller'] = $url[0];
if($count > 1)
$front['params'] = array();
for($i = 1; $i < $count; ++$i) $front['params'][] = $url[$i];
return $front;
* Compares url array and controller array and returns
* matched controller array with url parameters
* @param array $module
* @param array $url
* @return array controller details and url params
protected function compareControllerWithUrl($controller, $url)
if($url == '')
foreach($controller as $key => $value) if($value['url'] == '') return $controller[$key];
* If controller version without url params does not exists - show 404
return array('url' => ':contentUrl', 'controller' => 'Error404', 'action' => 'View');
$count = count($url);
foreach($controller as $key => $value)
$match = 0;
$controller[$key]['params'] = isset($value['params']) ? $value['params'] : null;
$controllerParam = explode('/', $value['url']);
if($count == count($controllerParam) && $value['url'] != '')
foreach($controllerParam as $controllerKey => $controllerValue)
if($controllerValue{0} == '*')
if($controllerValue{0} == ':')
$controller[$key]['params'][substr($controllerValue, 1)] = $url[$controllerKey];
if($controllerValue == $url[$controllerKey]) ++$match;
else break;
if($match == $count) return $controller[$key];
* 404 behavior if none matched
return array('url' => ':contentUrl', 'controller' => 'Error404', 'action' => 'view');
* Dispatch parameters to module
* @param array $params
protected function dispatch($params)
$config = Registry::fetch('config');
$controllerName = $this->namespace . $params['controller'];
$controllerObject = new $controllerName($params['action'], isset($params['params']) ? $params['params'] : false);
/* URL Builder
* controller, action, parameters syntax:
* url:
* abc - any string for matching
* :abc - param name
* * - wildcard (ignore field)
* @return array url list
* @todo put this method as abstract - each site need to
* have it's own implementation
* <pre>protected function urlBuilder()
* {
* return array('vijesti' => array(
* array('url' => 'arhiva/kategorija/:categoryId/*',
* 'controller' => 'news',
* 'action' => 'view'),
* array('url' => 'kategorija/:categoryId/*', 'module' => 'news', 'controller' => 'category', 'action' => 'view'),
* array('url' => 'stranica/:controller',
* 'controller' => 'news',
* 'action' => 'view'),
* array('url' => 'uredi/:controllerId',
* 'controller' => 'news',
* 'action' => 'edit'),
* array('url' => 'uredi',
* 'controller' => 'news',
* 'action' => 'read'),
* array('url' => 'tguz/:someId',
* 'controller' => 'news',
* 'action' => 'edit'),
* array('url' => '',
* 'controller' => 'news',
* 'action' => 'view')),
* 'oglas' => array(
* array('url' => '', 'controller' => 'classifieds', 'action' => 'view'),
* array('url' => 'kategorija/:categoryId/* /:controller/:sort', 'controller' => 'classifieds', 'action' => 'view'))
* );
* }</pre>
protected function urlBuilder()
return Registry::fetch('config')->urlBuilder();
* Set's the missing rewrite $_GET variables into $_REQUEST
/*protected function fetchGetMethod()
$pos = strpos($uri, '?');
if($pos !== false)
$uri = substr($uri, ($pos+1));
$getAll = explode("&", $uri);
foreach($getAll as $key => $singleGet)
list($variable, $value) = explode("=", $singleGet);
if($variable && $value)
$_REQUEST[$variable] = $value;
$_GET[$variable] = $value;
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