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Last active May 18, 2016 19:15
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Linjer 2.0




Gender links on the left, utility links (About, Cart etc.) on the right, hover over a gender link, a full screen overlay comes up containing the sub-menu ("Women's/Men's collection") and a big image.


Similar to how the current mobile menu works, except collections can now have sub-links (tags probably) which are expandable.

/ ~10-15 hours.


Simple page links, same as current.

Similar to current, except with more fields and a different modal type.

/ ~4 hours.

Full width image slider and featured content (image, title, description, link). / ~5-6 hours.

Sidebar containing collection/tag filters, optional static images inbetween products, grid of products with image, title, price, state etc. / ~6-7 hours, estimate can change depending on how the static image functionality will work and how the layout will change at certain breakpoints (check notes about this).

Featured image, title, description, price, variants, ajax add to cart button, details, shipping info and image/text blocks.

Each product can have one of four states:

  • Normal (product in stock and price full retail)
  • Waitlist (product sold out and waitlist form appears)
  • Deposit pre-order (we haven't decided how this will work with Shopify yet; Ashley discussed maybe having a seperate duplicate of a product, just in "deposit" mode (using a deposit tag or something) so the price is lower)
  • Sale (product compare at price is higher than the actual price)

/ ~15 hours, estimate can change depending on how the deposit state will work.



When I hover over the "Women" menu item, I'm assuming a full screen overlay comes up containing the sub-menu ("Women's collection")? If this is a case, we'll need to throw an an exit icon ("X") for users to be able to exit the menu.


The collection navigation sidebar is always positioned to the far left and the products are center aligned, this is fine for larger screens and I imagine the sidebar will be hidden on mobile, but how should the layout look on tablet-sized screens?

Static images

There's an image at the top of the page, then 6 products are displayed, then another image is displayed, then some more products... How would you want this to work? Will the same pattern follow for every collection or would you want more flexibility? I.e: being able to display an infinite amount of images and control where these images display in the product loop.

"More photos"

Is this a button, or is it signifying users to scroll down to see the product lifestyle shots? Or is it doing something else entirely different?


I'd like to discuss how we're going to pull this off with Shopify some more because I still don't have a solid plan of action.

Man/Woman radio buttons on waitlist form

The app we use for waitlist email notifications doesn't allow this, are the radio buttons necessary?

Non-US/outside EU prices

How will this work? A different price for each product depending on where it's being shipped to? So, just different shipping rates and we display this explicitly on the product page instead of it's usual home in the checkout process?

Use google analytics to decide if male of female, possible? FOR ABCD tests

Trigger event when hover over exit window

Product on 3 states (sale, pre-order and deposit), what happens?

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