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Created October 9, 2021 14:31
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neovim-qt macOS config
" macOS config used for neovim-qt, as far I tested to reproduce some basic behavior:
" Enable Mouse
set mouse=a
" Set Editor Font
if exists(':GuiFont')
" Use GuiFont! to ignore font errors
" GuiFont {font_name}:h{size}
GuiFont Meslo\ LG\ M\ for\ Powerline:h16
" Disable GUI Tabline
if exists(':GuiTabline')
GuiTabline 0
" Disable GUI Popupmenu
if exists(':GuiPopupmenu')
GuiPopupmenu 0
" Enable GUI ScrollBar
if exists(':GuiScrollBar')
GuiScrollBar 1
" Right Click Context Menu (Copy-Cut-Paste)
nnoremap <silent><RightMouse> :call GuiShowContextMenu()<CR>
inoremap <silent><RightMouse> <Esc>:call GuiShowContextMenu()<CR>
xnoremap <silent><RightMouse> :call GuiShowContextMenu()<CR>gv
snoremap <silent><RightMouse> <C-G>:call GuiShowContextMenu()<CR>gv
" Paste in command line
cnoremap <D-v> <c-r>"
" Paste in other modes
nnoremap <D-v> "+p
inoremap <D-v> <c-o>"+p
" Tabs
nnoremap <D-t> :tabnew<CR>
" Switching tabs
" TODO: should be using the curly bracket but that doesn't work for some
" reason
nnoremap <D-[> :<C-U>tabprevious<CR>
nnoremap <D-]> :<C-U>tabnext<CR>
" Disable switch tab command in insert mode
inoremap <D-[> <nop>
inoremap <D-]> <nop>
" Close tab
nnoremap <D-w> <C-W>q
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