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Last active April 12, 2024 03:28
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YTApiaryDeviceCrypto implemented in Python 3. Original by @leptos-null ( A working version can be found at the end of the gist (
# Go here for the working version:
import hashlib
from pprint import pprint
import base64
import bytebuffer #, pip install bytebuffer
# Other ByteBuffer classes I've found:,
import secrets
import pyaes #, pip install pyaes
This code is a Python translation of LMApiaryDeviceCrypto, originally written in Objective-C.
The LMApiaryDeviceCrypto class was reverse engineered by Leptos from YouTube by Google.
This version does *not* work, however a working version can be found at the end of the gist
I used Teleriks Fiddler as a proxy, enabled https decrypting, installed and trusted their https certificate on my phone,
then connected to the proxy server from my phone to sniff the https packets.
Things I'm unsure of:
1) Is the HTTP Body the request body, or the response body?
2) (See code comments)
PROJECT_KEY = b'WrM95onSB5FfXofSzKWgkNZGiosfmCCAcTH4htvkuj4=' # YouTube Music Base64 Encoded Project Key
API_KEY = 'AIzaSyDK3iBpDP9nHVTk2qL73FLJICfOC3c51Og' # One of YouTube Musics API Keys
HMAC_LENGTH = 4 # LMApiaryDeviceCrypto.h specifies '@param hmacLength Specify 4'?
URL = '' # The test url to sign
HTTP_BODY = [0x0A, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x0A, 0xCA, 0x02, ..., 0x92, 0x01, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x01, 0x03] # Unfortunately this also contained personal information, so has been redacted
HTTP_BODY = bytes(HTTP_BODY) # Not sure if this is the correct http body, but this is the (protobuf?) request body it sent to the api server.
class ByteBuffer2: # Is this better than @alon-sage's bytebuffer? (I found this on github somewhere, but can't find it again)
Bytebuffer of flexible size
def __init__(self, size=None):
self.__size = size
self.__bytebuffer = bytearray()
def put(self, b):
return self.__put(b)
def __put(self, b):
def put_int(self, i):
Adding an integer to the bytebuffer.
Adds 3 bytes.
:param i: Integer
self.__put(i.to_bytes(3, 'big'))
def put_long(self, l):
Adding a 'Long' to the bytebuffer.
Adds 8 bytes.
(Python doesn't truly deal with longs, so give an integer with the same maxsize as a long.)
:param l: Integer 'Long'
self.__put(l.to_bytes(8, 'big'))
def get_bytebuffer(self):
Return the bytebuffer (type bytearray())
:return: bytearray() bytebuffer
return bytes(self.__bytebuffer)
def get_length(self):
return len(self.__bytebuffer)
class NetCryptoError(Exception): pass
class ApiaryDeviceCrypto(object):
def __init__(self, project_key, sign_length): # project_key (bytearray), sign_length (int)
self.hmac_length = sign_length
internal_hmac_length = 0x10
project_key_length = len(project_key)
if project_key_length >= internal_hmac_length:
project_key = project_key[:internal_hmac_length]
self.hmac_key = project_key[internal_hmac_length:project_key_length - internal_hmac_length]
self.project_key = project_key
def set_device_components(self, id, key): # id (string), key (string)
self.device_key = self.decrypt_encoded_string(key)
self.device_id = id
def sign_connection(self, url, http_body): # url (bytes), http_body (bytes)
signed_url = self.sign_data(url, True, HMAC_LENGTH)
signed_content = self.sign_data(http_body, False, CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH)
compound_value = f'device_id={self.device_id},data={signed_url},content={signed_content}'
return {'X-Goog-Device-Auth': compound_value}
def sign_data(self, data, pad, hmac_length):
digest = hashlib.sha1()
hashed_data = digest.digest()[:4]
# Pad data here?
append_length = hmac_length # min(hmac_length, ...)?
zero_byte = bytes([0])
new_data = bytebuffer.ByteBuffer.allocate(len(hashed_data) + append_length + 1)
new_data.put(bytearray(, data, hashlib.sha1)), 0, append_length)
encoded_data = base64.b64encode(new_data.get_bytes()).rstrip(b'=') # Is this equivelant to Base64 encoding 'without padding'?
return encoded_data.decode('utf-8')
def perform_crypto(self, data, output_len, iv, operation):
key = self.project_key[:0x10]
aes = pyaes.AESModeOfOperationCTR(key)
if operation == 'encrypt': return aes.encrypt(data)[:output_len] # Does the iv need to be used here?
elif operation == 'decrypt': return aes.decrypt(data)[:output_len] # Does the iv need to be used here?
def padded_data(self, data):
pad_mod = 0x10
data_length = len(data)
length_mod = data_length % pad_mod
if length_mod != 0:
pad_data = data + b'\x00' * (pad_mod - length_mod) # Is this the correct way of padding the data?
return pad_data
return data
def project_key_signature(self):
magic = 0x10000000000000001
data = ByteBuffer2() # Note: using a different bytebuffer here
digest = hashlib.sha1()
return digest.digest()[:4]
def decrypt_encoded_string(self, encoded):
decoded = base64.b64decode(encoded)
first_byte = decoded[0]
if int(first_byte) == 0:
if len(decoded) > 0xc:
low_pad = self.padded_data(decoded[5:8])
some_val = len(decoded) - self.hmac_length - 0xd
high_pad = self.padded_data(decoded[0xd:some_val])
if some_val >= 0:
if self.verify_signed_data(decoded):
high_pad = self.padded_data(decoded[0xd:some_val])
return self.perform_crypto(high_pad, some_val, low_pad, 'decrypt')
raise NetCryptoError("Could not verify encrypted data")
raise NetCryptoError("Could not determine cipher")
raise NetCryptoError("Could not determine initializion vector")
raise NetCryptoError("Could not determine key sign")
def encrypt_and_encode(self, data):
zero_byte = bytes([0])
project_sig = self.project_key_signature()
iv_data = secrets.token_bytes(8) # Is this a correct iv, is it needed?
crypto = self.perform_crypto(self.padded_data(data), len(data), self.padded_data(iv_data), 'encrypt')
ret_pre = len(project_sig) + len(iv_data) + len(crypto)
bytebuffer.ByteBuffer.allocate(ret_pre + self.hmac_length)
magic_byte = bytes([83])
more_data = bytebuffer.ByteBuffer.allocate(ret_pre + 9)
more_data.put(mut_data._array, 0, ret_pre)
mut_data.put(, more_data.get_bytes(), hashlib.sha1), 0, self.hmac_length)
encoded_data = base64.b64encode(mut_data.get_bytes())
return encoded_data.decode('utf-8')
def verify_signed_data(self, data):
project_hash = data[1:4]
if project_hash == self.project_key_signature:
length_diff = len(data) - self.hmac_length
if length_diff >= 0:
high_data = data[length_diff:self.hmac_length]
low_data = data[0:length_diff]
mut_data = bytebuffer.ByteBuffer.allocate(length_diff + 9)
magic_byte = bytes([83])
check_data =, mut_data.get_bytes(), hashlib.sha1)
return high_data == check_data
return False
def pad_b64(string):
remainder = len(string) % 4
if remainder:
return string + '=' * (4 - remainder)
return string
# Found by using 'requests' as follows: (pip install requests)
device = \
'id': '<<Not sure if private, so have redacted>>',
'key': '<<Not sure if private, so have redacted>>',
adc = ApiaryDeviceCrypto(base64.b64decode(PROJECT_KEY), HMAC_LENGTH)
adc.set_device_components(device['id'], pad_b64(device['key'])) # Haven't got past this yet, keep getting: NetCryptoError: Could not verify encrypted data
# signed_url = adc.sign_data(URL.encode(), True, HMAC_LENGTH)
# adc.sign_connection(URL.encode(), HTTP_BODY)
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@leptos-null Thank you so much, this got it working! I really hope this is able to help others beside myself, and I look forward to fully implementing this in my project. I'll make sure to properly update this gist and will be uploading all of my code in due course. Thanks again for everything!

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hello sir How do we create an "HTTP BODY"?.I ran this library but "File" ", line 95 compound_value = f'device_id = {self.device_id}, data = {signed_url}, content = {signed_content} '" I get such an error.

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