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Last active June 19, 2024 00:18
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sphinx config file 7.3.7
from pathlib import Path
CURRENT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent
# Global Variables
author_name = "author name"
project_name = "project name"
release_name = "1.0.0"
version_name = "1"
# Project Configuration
project = f"{project_name}"
author = f"{author_name} and contributors to {project_name}"
copyright = f"2023-Present, {author_name} and contributors to {project_name}"
release = release_name
version = version_name
# General Configuration
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# Sphinx core warnings
# "app.add_node",
# "app.add_directive",
# "app.add_role",
# "app.add_generic_role",
# "app.add_source_parser",
# "config.cache",
# "download.not_readable",
# "epub.unknown_project_files",
# "epub.duplicated_toc_entry",
# "i18n.inconsistent_references",
# "image.not_readable",
# "index",
# "misc.highlighting_failure",
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# "ref.numref",
# "ref.keyword",
# "ref.option",
# "ref.citation",
# "ref.footnote",
# "ref.doc",
# "ref.python",
# "toc.circular",
# "toc.excluded",
# "toc.not_readable",
# "toc.secnum",
# Sphinx 1st party warnings
# "autodoc",
# "autodoc.import_object",
# "autosectionlabel.<document name>",
# "autosummary",
# "intersphinx.external",
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# Internationalization Configuration
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translation_progress_classes = False
# Math Configuration
math_eqref_format = ""
math_number_all = False
math_numfig = True
# Output Configuration
## Apple Help
applehelp_bundle_id = ""
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html4_writer = False
### Single HTML
singlehtml_sidebars = {}
## LaTeX
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## Manual Page
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## Text
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## TexInfo
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## QtHelp
qthelp_basename = project
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# linkcheck builder
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# XML builder
xml_pretty = True
# C Domain
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c_paren_attributes = []
# C++ Domain
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cpp_paren_attributes = []
# Python Domain
python_display_short_literal_types = False
python_maximum_signature_line_length = maximum_signature_line_length
python_use_unqualified_type_names = False
# Javascript Domain
javascript_maximum_signature_line_length = maximum_signature_line_length
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