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Created July 10, 2023 06:02
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Demo program for radvoskyb's recursive file watcher package
// Minimalish, self-contained demo program for
// Here's what this code does.
// 1. Creates a small tree of files for a minimal website.
// 2. Places those files in the directory WWW (configurable).
// 3. Watches the WWW directory and its childrens.
// To use it:
// 1. Open up a terminal
// 2. Change to the source directory, for example,
// $ cd ~/go/watcher/main.go
// 3. Compile and run like this:
// $ go run main.go
// 4. Open up another terminal
// 5. In the new terminal, change to the program directory
// $ cd ~/go/watcher/main.go
// 6. Delete or add files in the demo directory, for example:
// 7. $ echo "hello" > WWW/hi.txt
// 8. $ rm WWW/hi.txt
// 9. Watch what happens in the first terminal window
// when you make changes to files in the demo directory
// Run program, then try adding or deleting files from
// the WWW directory and its subdirectories.
// Based on:
package main
import (
var (
// Location for tree of test files
baseDir = "WWW"
// Contents for a tree of test files, generated right here.
// Array of elements that each consist of
// [0] a filename
// [1] the contents of that file.
testFiles = [][]string{
// Very simple HTML file that links to
// next two files, which are the stylesheets.
// They're in different dirs at different levels
// to make the test worthwhile.
{"index.html", "<!doctype html><title>.</title><head><link rel='stylesheet' href='css/root.css'><link rel='stylesheet' href='assets/img/background.css'></head><h1>hello, world.</h1>"},
// Tiny stylesheet
{"css/root.css", "html {max-width:70ch;font-family:sans-serif;padding:3em 1em;margin:auto;line-height:1.75;font-size:1.25em;}"},
// Repeated background image of a light grey star
{"assets/img/background.css", "body { background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,');"},
// Generate a small tree of files for the
// file preview test. That tree starts
// in location baseDir, which can be anywhere
func createTestDir(baseDir string, testFiles [][]string) {
// Array contains a filename followed by its contents,
// like this:
//{"index.html", "<h1>hello, world.</h1>"},
for _, row := range testFiles {
// First element of the row contains a file path
// designation. Strip the directory from path.
// Append that directory to the base directory.
// So css/root.css becomes WWW/css/root.css
// for example.
dir := filepath.Join(baseDir, filepath.Dir(row[0]))
// Create the specified directory.
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
// Extract the filename from the first element of the row.
filename := filepath.Base(row[0])
// Append it to the directory path to create a
// fully qualified filename.
filePath := filepath.Join(dir, filename)
// Obtain the contents of the file
// from the second element of the row.
// Write the file contents out.
stringToTextFile(filePath, row[1])
// stringToTextFile creates a file called filename without checking to see if it
// exists, then writes contents to it.
// filePath is a fully qualified pathname.
// contents is the string to write. Appends a newline to that string.
func stringToTextFile(filePath, contents string) {
var out *os.File
var err error
defer out.Close()
if out, err = os.Create(filePath); err != nil {
if _, err = out.WriteString(contents + "\n"); err != nil {
func main() {
// Generate directory tree for website from the
// testFiles strucure. Place it in the directory
// specified by baseDir.
createTestDir(baseDir, testFiles)
// Allocate a single watcher.
w := watcher.New()
// SetMaxEvents to 1 allows at most 1 events to be received
// on the Event channel per watching cycle.
// Default is to send all events.
// Not convinced this works.
// Events to notify
w.FilterOps(watcher.Create, watcher.Rename, watcher.Move, watcher.Remove)
go func() {
for {
select {
case event := <-w.Event:
case err := <-w.Error:
case <-w.Closed:
// Watch specified folder recursively for changes.
if err := w.AddRecursive(baseDir); err != nil {
// Print a list of all of the files and folders currently
// being watched and their paths.
fmt.Println("Files being watched:")
for path, f := range w.WatchedFiles() {
if !f.IsDir() {
fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", path, f.Name())
} else {
fmt.Printf("DIR %s/\n", path)
go func() {
// TC: Not sure why this is necessary
// Start the watching process - it'll check for changes every 100ms.
if err := w.Start(time.Millisecond * 100); err != nil {
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