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Last active April 19, 2016 20:18
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["title","time","singlePerson","group","race","gender","quote" ],
["Lucille Teasdale","1960s","Yes","No","White","Female","" ],
["Laura Secord","1810s","Yes","No","White","Female","Take me to Fitzgibbon." ],
["Peacemaker","Unknown","Yes","No","Indigenous","Male","Does the great peace still have power? You're here, aren't you?" ],
["Vikings","1980s","No","Yes","White","Male","" ],
["John Cabot","1490s","Yes","No","White","Male","Fishes enough to feed this kingdom - o, sire, until the end of time!" ],
["Jacques Cartier","1530s","Yes","No","White","Male","But I'm sure it means the houses, the village." ],
["Jean Nicollet","1630s","Yes","No","White","Male","Mississippi! The sea! China!" ],
["Syrup","Unknown","No","Yes","Indigenous","Both","" ],
["Governor Frontenac","1690s","Yes","No","White","Male","I will reply from the mouth of my cannon!" ],
["Hart & Papineau","1800s","No","Yes","White","Male","" ],
["Etienne Parent","1830s","Yes","No","White","Male","Our two races can live side by side without one side enslaving the other." ],
["Baldwin & Lafontaine","1840s","No","Yes","White","Male","Mr. Lafontaine, think of the history we'll make when a French-Canadian runs and wins in York." ],
["Responsible gov't","1840s","Yes","No","White","Female","Responsible government. ... It's a Canadian idea." ],
["Orphans","1850s","No","No","White","Both","" ],
["Underground Railroad","1840s","No","No","Black","Both","Liza!" ],
["Joseph Casavant","1830s","Yes","No","White","Male","I call it the Marching Thunder!" ],
["The Paris Crew","1860s","No","Yes","White","Male","" ],
["Saguenay Fire","1870s","No","No","White","Both","His hair's on fire!" ],
["Jennie Trout","1870s","Yes","No","White","Female","There's no place for women in medical school!" ],
["Sitting Bull","1870s","Yes","No","Indigenous","Male","I do not want lies! These men ... are the first white men who never lied to us!" ],
["Les Voltigeurs de Quebec","1880s","No","Yes","White","Male","Gentlemen, this piece deserves better!" ],
["Sir Sandford Fleming","1860s","Yes","No","White","Male","We aren't just building a railroad, gentlemen! We are building a country!" ],
["Rural Teacher","1880s","No","Yes","White","Female","" ],
["Soddie","1890s","No","No","White","Both","" ],
["Midwife","Unknown","No","Yes","White","Female","" ],
["Basketball","1900s","Yes","No","White","Male","Is this some kind of Canadian joke, sir?" ],
["Sam Steele","1890s","Yes","No","White","Male","Why didn't I shoot him?" ],
["Frontier College","1920s","No","No","White","Male","" ],
["Marconi","1900s","Yes","No","White","Male","Through the air, across the ocean. The first time - ever." ],
["Grey Owl","Unknown","Yes","No","White","Male","Men become what they dream. You have dreamed well." ],
["Valour Road","1910s","No","No","White","Male","" ],
["Winnie","1910s","No","No","White","Male","Oh, Daddy. I just love Winnie. Couldn't we take him home with us?" ],
["Nitro","1880s","No","Yes","Asian","Male","You see, there is one dead Chinese man for every mile of the track!" ],
["John McCrae","1910s","Yes","No","White","Male","John McCrae died in the war, but his poem is still read when children gather to remember." ],
["J.S. Woodworth","1920s","Yes","No","White","Male","Is it too much to ask that Canada take care of poor people, 70 years of age, who helped build this country?" ],
["Halifax Explosion","1910s","No","No","White","Male","" ],
["Joseph-Armand Bombardier","1920s","Yes","No","White","Male","" ],
["Emily Murphy","1920s","Yes","No","White","Female","I, Emily Murphy of Alberta, and all Canadian women after me ... Persons, under the law." ],
["Superman","1930s","Yes","No","White","Male","No ones going to read a comic strip about a superhero in tights, Joe. It'll never fly." ],
["Myrnam Hospital","1930s","No","No","White","Both","" ],
["La Bolduc","1930s","Yes","No","White","Female","" ],
["Inukshuk","1930s","No","No","Indigenous","Both","Now the people will know we were here." ],
["Wilder Penfield","1930s","Yes","No","White","Male","Dr. Penfield, I can smell burnt toast!" ],
["Agnes Macphail","1930s","Yes","No","White","Female","Is this normal?" ],
["Bluenose","1930s","No","Yes","White","Male","Just once more, old girl. Then you can rest." ],
["Emily Carr","Unknown","Yes","No","White","Female","At last, I knew I must see through the eye of the totem itself ... The mythic eye of the forest." ],
["Pauline Vanier","1930s","Yes","No","White","Female","" ],
["Marion Orr","1940s","Yes","No","White","Female","You know what my dream is? To go home when this is all over. Find a grass strip somewhere in Ontario ... Teach flying." ],
["Maurice \"Rocket\" Richard","1940s","Yes","No","White","Male","" ],
["Jackie Robinson","1940s","Yes","No","Black","Male","" ],
["John Humphrey","1940s","Yes","No","White","Male","Say, isn't that the Canadian who actually wrote the declaration of human rights?" ],
["Avro Arrow","1950s","No","No","White","Both","" ],
["Stratford","1950s","No","Yes","White","Both","" ],
["Paule Emile Borduas","1940s","Yes","No","White","Male","Life goes on. The important thing is to be able to create - isn't it?" ],
["Le Reseau","1950s","Yes","No","White","Male","" ],
["Maurice Ruddick","1950s","Yes","No","Black","Male","Closed now ... So much death. But my, didn't we sing those hymns ... Together?" ],
["Jacques Plante","1950s","Yes","No","White","Male","You're a great man, Mr. Plante - standing up to 'em like that." ],
["Marshall McLuhan","1960s","Yes","No","White","Male","It's obvious. The medium IS the message." ],
["Flags","1960s","Yes","No","White","Male","" ],
["Expo 67","1960s","No","Yes","White","Male","" ],
["Nat Taylor","1950s","Yes","No","White","Male","" ],
["Water Pump","1980s","No","Yes","White","Both","Well, maybe today's technology is the problem." ],
["Nellie McClung","1910s","Yes","No","White","Female","Madam Speaker, take it from me ... Nice men don't want the vote." ],
["Louis Riel","1880s","Yes","No","Indigenous","Male","We have a right to God's lands. ... Perhaps I am a prophet. I've suffered enough." ],
["Maple Leaf Gardens","1920s","No","No","White","Male","" ],
["Andrew Mynarski","1940s","Yes","No","White","Male","" ],
["Mona Parsons","1940s","Yes","No","White","Female","Gentlemen, good morning." ],
["Tommy Prince","1970s","Yes","No","Indigenous","Male","" ],
["Vimy Ridge","1910s","No","No","White","Male","And Mother, I thought ... We are a nation! This is us!" ],
["Osborn of Hong Kong","1940s","Yes","No","White","Male","Grenades! Grenades! Grenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ...!!" ],
["Home from the Wars","1940s","No","Yes","White","Both","Is that any way to treat citizens that have gone through what we have gone through?" ],
["Detraze in the Congo","1960s","Yes","No","White","Male","" ],
["Juno Beach","1940s","No","No","White","Male","" ],
["Richard Pierpoint","1810s","Yes","No","Black","Male","With respect, sir, I was born a free man and I intend to die one." ],
["Queenston Heights","1810s","No","Yes","Indigenous","Male","Comrades and brothers, remember the fame of ancient warriors." ],
["Winnipeg Falcons","1920s","No","Yes","White","Male","This is the game we've been saving it for. For us. For Canada." ],
["Terry Fox","1980s","Yes","No","White","Male","I want to set an example that'll never be forgotten." ],
["Nursing Sisters","1910s","No","Yes","White","Female","If this war doesn't end soon't be a man living on the face of the earth. But don't worry. These nurses continue. I continue." ],
["John A. Macdonald","1860s","Yes","No","White","Male","Gentlemen, the time for union is now. I ask you to take the dare!" ],
["George-Etienne Cartier","1880s","Yes","No","White","Male","Bold as a lion, Confederation could not have happened but for him." ],
["Joseph Tyrell","1880s","Yes","No","White","Male","The blackfoot called them the grandfather of the buffalo. It would prove to be one of the richest dinosaur deposits in the world." ]
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<div class="gi-heading">All previous Heritage Minutes, by race and gender</div>
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