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Created April 13, 2019 01:34
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use DDP { deparse => 1 };
print "a b(区間)を入力してください(スペース区切り) >";
chomp(my $input = <STDIN>);
my ($a, $b) = split(/ /, $input);
my $n = 10000;
my $scale = ($b - $a) / $n;
my $result = 0;
for my $i (0..($n - 1)){
my $a_val = $a + $i * $scale;
my $b_val = $a_val + $scale;
$result += (function_x($a_val) + function_x($b_val)) * $scale / 2 ;
say "re:$result";
say $result;
sub function_x{
my $x =shift;
return $x ** 2 + 5 * $x + 6;
f(x) = x^2 + 5x + 6
a-b : 入力値による
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