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Created December 2, 2016 12:55
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Perl入学式 #3 復習問題
use strict;
use warnings;
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
use Data::Dumper;
my $alice = {
name => 'Alice',
country => 'England',
perl => 60,
python => 80,
ruby => 80,
php => 50,
binary => 30,
my $bob = {
name => 'bob',
country => 'America',
perl => 40,
python => 10,
ruby => 20,
php => 30,
binary => 50,
my $carol = {
name => 'Carol',
country => 'England',
perl => 100,
python => 70,
ruby => 80,
php => 50,
binary => 50,
my $dave = {
name => 'Dave',
country => 'Canada',
perl => 10,
python => 11,
ruby => 1,
php => 100,
binary => 100,
my $ellen = {
name => 'Ellen',
country => 'America',
perl => 1,
python => 15,
ruby => 0.5,
php => 60,
binary => 0.01,
my @people = ($alice, $bob, $carol, $dave);
my @people2 = @people;
my @languages = qw(perl python ruby php binary);
for my $personaldata (@people){
$personaldata->{sum} = 0;
for my $lang (@languages){
$personaldata->{sum} += $personaldata->{$lang};
print Dumper @people;
my $average = {};
for my $personaldata (@people){
my $three_score = $personaldata->{ruby} + $personaldata->{perl} + $personaldata->{python};
$average->{$personaldata->{name}} = ($three_score / 3);
print Dumper $average;
for my $personaldata (@people){
print "$personaldata->{name}\n";
for my $lang (@languages){
print " $lang : ";
my $starcount = int($personaldata->{$lang} / 20);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $starcount; $i++){
print '*';
print "\n";
my $highscore = {};
for my $personaldata (@people){
my $perlscore = $personaldata->{perl};
if ($perlscore >= 60){
my $country = $personaldata->{country};
push @{$highscore->{$country}}, $personaldata->{name};
print Dumper $highscore;
my @strseeds;
push @strseeds, "[";
for my $personaldata (@people){
my @keys = keys %$personaldata;
push @strseeds, " {";
for my $key (@keys){
if ($key eq 'name' || $key eq 'country'){
push @strseeds ," \"$key\":\"$personaldata->{$key}\"";
push @strseeds, " \"$key\":$personaldata->{$key}";
push @strseeds, " },";
$strseeds[-1] = ' }' if $strseeds[-1] eq ' },';
push @strseeds, "]";
print join "\n", @strseeds;
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