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Last active May 1, 2019 12:53
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A proposal for requests III.

Feature support

  • HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 Support.
  • async/await support for non-thread-blocking HTTP requests.
  • Fully type annotated.
  • 98% test coverage.

Plus all the standard features of requests...

  • International Domains and URLs
  • Keep-Alive & Connection Pooling
  • Sessions with Cookie Persistence TODO
  • Browser-style SSL Verification
  • Basic/Digest Authentication TODO
  • Elegant Key/Value Cookies TODO
  • Automatic Decompression
  • Automatic Content Decoding
  • Unicode Response Bodies
  • Multipart File Uploads TODO
  • HTTP(S) Proxy Support TODO
  • Connection Timeouts
  • Streaming Downloads
  • .netrc Support TODO
  • Chunked Requests


Making a request:

import httpcore

client = httpcore.Client()
response = await client.get('')
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.text == 'Hello, world'

Alternatively, thread-synchronous requests:

import httpcore

client = httpcore.SyncClient()
response = client.get('')
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.text == 'Hello, world'

API Reference

Client([ssl], [timeout], [pool_limits], [max_redirects])

  • .request(method, url, ...)
  • .get(url, ...)
  • .options(url, ...)
  • .head(url, ...)
  • .post(url, ...)
  • .put(url, ...)
  • .patch(url, ...)
  • .delete(url, ...)
  • .prepare_request(request)
  • .send(request, ...)
  • .close()



  • .status_code - int
  • .reason_phrase - str
  • .protocol - "HTTP/2" or "HTTP/1.1"
  • .url - URL
  • .headers - Headers
  • .content - bytes
  • .text - str
  • .encoding - str
  • .json() - Any TODO
  • .read() - bytes
  • .stream() - bytes iterator
  • .raw() - bytes iterator
  • .close() - None
  • .is_redirect - bool
  • .request - Request
  • .cookies - Cookies TODO
  • .history - List[Response]
  • .raise_for_status() - Response TODO
  • .next() - Response

Request(method, url, content, headers)


URL(url, allow_relative=False)

A normalized, IDNA supporting URL.

  • .scheme - str
  • .authority - str
  • .host - str
  • .port - int
  • .path - str
  • .query - str
  • .full_path - str
  • .fragment - str
  • .is_ssl - bool
  • .origin - Origin
  • .is_absolute_url - bool
  • .is_relative_url - bool
  • .copy_with([scheme], [authority], [path], [query], [fragment]) - URL
  • .resolve_with(url) - URL


A normalized, IDNA supporting set of scheme/host/port info.

>>> Origin('') == Origin('HTTPS://EXAMPLE.ORG:443')
  • .is_ssl - bool
  • .host - str
  • .port - int


A case-insensitive multi-dict.

>>> headers = Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
>>> headers['content-type']


## Alternate backends

### `SyncClient`

A thread-synchronous client.

### `TrioClient`



## The Stack

The `httpcore` client builds up behavior in a modular way.

This makes it easier to dig into an understand the behaviour of any one aspect in isolation, as well as making it easier to test or to adapt for custom behaviors.

You can also use lower level components in isolation if required, eg. Use a `ConnectionPool` without providing sessions, redirects etc...

* `RedirectAdapter` - Adds redirect support.
* `EnvironmentAdapter` - Adds `.netrc` and envvars such as `REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE`.
* `CookieAdapter` - Adds cookie persistence.
* `AuthAdapter` - Adds authentication support.
* `ConnectionPool` - Connection pooling & keep alive.
  * `HTTPConnection` - A single connection.
    * `HTTP11Connection` - A single HTTP/1.1 connection.
    * `HTTP2Connection` - A single HTTP/2 connection, with multiple streams.
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