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Last active June 24, 2016 03:07
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This small Node.JS example can be used to send some data to an Azure Event Hub publisher. The function create_sas_token() shows how to generate the SAS token used to sign the requests.
var https = require('https');
var crypto = require('crypto');
// Event Hubs parameters
var namespace = 'tomhub-ns';
var hubname ='tomtest001';
var devicename = 'device-01';
// Payload to send
var payload = '{\"Temperature\":\"37.0\",\"Humidity\":\"0.4\"}';
// Shared access key (from Event Hub configuration)
var my_key_name = 'send';
var my_key = 'key';
// Full Event Hub publisher URI
var my_uri = 'https://' + namespace + '' + '/' + hubname + '/publishers/' + devicename + '/messages';
// Create a SAS token
// See
function create_sas_token(uri, key_name, key)
// Token expires in 24 hours
var expiry = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000+3600*24);
var string_to_sign = encodeURIComponent(uri) + '\n' + expiry;
var hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', key);
var signature = hmac.digest('base64');
var token = 'SharedAccessSignature sr=' + encodeURIComponent(uri) + '&sig=' + encodeURIComponent(signature) + '&se=' + expiry + '&skn=' + key_name;
return token;
var my_sas = create_sas_token(my_uri, my_key_name, my_key)
// Send the request to the Event Hub
var options = {
hostname: namespace + '',
port: 443,
path: '/' + hubname + '/publishers/' + devicename + '/messages',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': my_sas,
'Content-Length': payload.length,
'Content-Type': 'application/atom+xml;type=entry;charset=utf-8'
var req = https.request(options, function(res) {
console.log("statusCode: ", res.statusCode);
console.log("headers: ", res.headers);
res.on('data', function(d) {
req.on('error', function(e) {
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