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Last active July 22, 2016 06:36
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Matlab function to plot a matrix as a tabular heat map. Also see
function h = tabularHeatMap(data, varargin)
%% tabularHeatMap
% Author: Thomas Churchman
% Date: 2015/10/14
% Plot a matrix as a tabular heat map.
% data (required) - The matrix to plot as a tabular heat map
% OPTIONS (Optional) - Optional arguments as key-value pairs
% Key | Value
% ----------------------
% 'TextLabels' | Boolean indicating whether textual labels for the
% | values should be printed (default: true)
% 'Colorbar' | Boolean indicating whether a colorbar should be
% | shown
% 'Colormap' | The colormap to use for the heat map color values,
% | either a reference to a built-in colormap or a
% | m x 3 colormap matrix (default: 'jet')
% h - The figure handle
% A = magic(10);
% tabularHeatMap(A);
% confusion = crosstab(responses, correctAnswers);
% h = tabularHeatMap(confusion, 'Colormap', 'winter');
% title('Confusion matrix');
% xlabel('Correct');
% ylabel('Response');
% h.XAxisLocation = 'top';
% h.XTick = [1 2 3];
% h.XTickLabel = {'A', 'B', 'C'};
% h.YTick = [1 2 3];
% h.YTickLabel = {'A', 'B', 'C'};
% Parse optional arguments
p = inputParser;
defaultTextLabels = true;
defaultColorbar = true;
defaultColormap = 'jet';
addOptional(p, 'TextLabels', defaultTextLabels, @islogical);
addOptional(p, 'Colorbar', defaultColorbar, @islogical);
addOptional(p, 'Colormap', defaultColormap);
% Set colormap
% Show data as image (i.e., heat map)
if p.Results.Colorbar
% Show colorbar
h = gca;
if p.Results.TextLabels
% Show textual labels (i.e., making it a tabular heat map)
textStrings = num2str(data(:));
textStrings = strtrim(cellstr(textStrings));
[x, y] = meshgrid(1:size(data,2), 1:size(data,1));
hText = text(x(:), y(:), textStrings(:), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');
% Find colors of data points
cm = colormap;
cLim = get(h,'CLim');
% Find colormap indices of data point values (i.e. normalize to
% [1, n] with n the length of the colormap).
colorsIdx = fix((data-cLim(1))/(cLim(2)-cLim(1)) .* (size(cm,1)-1)) + 1;
% Get the RGB colors the indices represent
colors = arrayfun(@(idx) cm(idx,:), colorsIdx, 'UniformOutput', false);
colors = colors(:);
% Set text color depending on whether the data point is colored
% light or dark for better contrast
for i=1:numel(data)
d = mean(colors{i});
if d < 0.4
% Data point is dark
hText(i).Color = 'white';
% Data point is light
hText(i).Color = 'black';
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