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Created November 5, 2021 09:57
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
help() {
cat <<EOF
Simple monorepo lifecycle/pipeline tool for running one or more commands on one
or more directories that have diffs compared to an ancestor. The primary
use case is for selective CI jobs within a trunk based workflow.
Takes two arguments, <glob> <command>. The command is invoked from each
directory context matching the glob.
lolaus "./tests/* :(top,exclude)**requirements.txt" ls
lolaus "**" pwd
lolaus "*/*/package.json" npm test & lolaus "*/*/requirements.txt" "python"
lolaus "apps/*/index.js"
lolaus "**" ls target-branch other-branch
exit 1
# lolaus <glob> [cmd] [target_ref] [source_ref]
function main() {
[[ $1 == "-h" || $1 == "--help" ]] && help
local cmd
local target_ref
target_ref=$(get_target_ref "${3:-}")
[ -n "${DEBUG}" ] && echo "target: $target_ref"
local source_ref
source_ref=$(get_source_ref "${4:-}")
[ -n "${DEBUG}" ] && echo "source: $source_ref"
local concestor
concestor=$(get_concestor "$target_ref" "$source_ref")
[ -n "${DEBUG}" ] && echo "concestor: $concestor"
local diffs
diffs=$(get_chagned_files "$concestor" "$source_ref")
[ -n "${DEBUG}" ] && echo "diffs: $diffs"
local dirs
dirs=$(files_to_dirs "$diffs")
[ -n "${DEBUG}" ] && echo "dirs: $dirs"
[ -z "${cmd}" ] && echo "$dirs" && exit
cmd_runner "$cmd" "$dirs"
# Invokes the provided command in each provided direcotry
# cmd_runner <cmd> "<dirs>"
cmd_runner() {
: "${1? 'ERROR: cmd_runner *<cmd>* "<dirs>'}"
: "${2? 'ERROR: cmd_runner <cmd> *"<dirs>*'}"
local cmd
declare -a dirs
mapfile -t dirs <<<"$2"
for d in "${dirs[@]}"; do
if [[ ! -d $d ]]; then
echo "cmd_runner only works on dirs, not: $d"
exit 1
local cmds="cd $d; $cmd"
output="$(eval "$cmds" 2>&1)"
[[ -z "$output" ]] && output="$cmd produced no output"
[[ $d == "$PWD" ]] && d='./'
echo -e "$(tput smso) $relative_path $(tput sgr0)\n$output\n"
# Returns list of sorted and unique containing directories from a list of files.
# files_to_dirs "<files>"
files_to_dirs() {
: "${1? 'ERROR: files_to_dirs "<files>"'}"
[[ $# -gt 1 ]] && echo 'ERROR: files_to_dirs takes only one argument'
declare -a files
mapfile -t files <<<"$1"
local path
declare -a dirs
for file in ${files[*]}; do
if [ -n "${file##*/*}" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "${dirs[@]}" | sort -bu
# exits 1 if the provided named ref is not valid.
# is_ref_valid <git-ref>
is_ref_valid() {
: "${1? 'Error: verify_ref needs an argument.'}"
git rev-parse --quiet --verify "$ref" &>/dev/null && return 0
echo "ERROR: $ref, is not a valid git ref." && return 1
# Determines the closest common ansester from two git refs with a default
# strategy of 'fork-point'
# get_concestor <LEFT_REF> <RIGHT_REF> [STRATEGY]
get_concestor() {
: "${1? 'ERROR: get_chagned_files *<left_ref>* <right_ref>'}"
: "${2? 'ERROR: get_chagned_files <left_ref> *<right_ref>*'}"
local left_ref=$1
local right_ref=$2
local strategy=${3:-'fp'}
local concestor
is_ref_valid "$left_ref" || echo 'ERROR: left_ref is not a valid git ref.'
is_ref_valid "$right_ref" || echo 'ERROR: right_ref is not a valid git ref.'
[[ $strategy == 'fp' ]] && concestor=$(git merge-base --fork-point "$left_ref" "$right_ref")
echo "$concestor"
# Returns a list of files with diffs between two git refs with optional glob.
# get_chagned_files <left_ref> <right_ref> [glob]
get_chagned_files() {
: "${1? 'ERROR: get_chagned_files *<left_ref>* <right_ref> [glob]'}"
: "${2? 'ERROR: get_chagned_files <left_ref> *<right_ref>* [glob]'}"
local left_ref=$1
local right_ref=$2
local glob=${3:-':/**'}
is_ref_valid "$left_ref" || echo "ERROR: left_ref is not a valid git ref."
is_ref_valid "$right_ref" || echo "ERROR: right_ref is not a valid git ref."
git diff --name-only "$left_ref".."$right_ref" -- "$glob"
# Returns the verified git reference to target. Defaults to current HEAD.
# get_source_ref [branch name]
get_source_ref() {
local ref=${1:-}
[[ -z "$ref" ]] && git symbolic-ref --short HEAD && exit
[[ -n "$ref" ]] && is_ref_valid "$ref" && echo "$ref" && return 0
echo "ERROR: $ref, is not a valid source git ref." && exit 1
# Returns the verified git reference to target. Defaults to next|master|main.
# get_target_ref [branch name]
get_target_ref() {
local ref=${1:-}
local defaultTargets=('next' 'master' 'main')
if [[ -z $ref ]]; then
for t in "${defaultTargets[@]}"; do
git rev-parse --quiet --verify "$t" &>/dev/null && echo "$t" && exit
! is_ref_valid "$ref" && echo "ERROR: $ref, is not a valid target git ref." && exit 1
echo "$ref"
main "$@"
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