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tomdavidson / .editorconfig
Last active March 20, 2021 09:26
coordinated code configs
root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = false
$ cat Dockerfile
$ docker build --tag uscm5 .
STEP 2: COMMIT uscm5
--> d1165f22123
Successfully tagged localhost/uscm5:latest
Successfully tagged
tomdavidson /
Created July 19, 2015 19:11
Installs GNU Command Line Tools & then some.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Installs GNU Command Line Tools & then some. Requires homebrew.
# Most are newer and more powerful that than OSX’s but also solves most OS compatibility issues
echo "Installing GNU coreutils and various."
export PATH="$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
brew install coreutils
brew install binutils
brew install diffutils
brew install ed --with-default-names
brew install findutils --with-default-names
#!/usr/bin/env zx
const shellFiles = globby.globbySync(['**/*.sh', '**/*.bash'], { gitignore: true });
nothrow($`npx -y shellcheck -f diff ssa-pg/scripts/ | git apply`);
tomdavidson /
Created November 5, 2021 09:57
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
help() {
cat <<EOF
Simple monorepo lifecycle/pipeline tool for running one or more commands on one
or more directories that have diffs compared to an ancestor. The primary
tomdavidson /
Created November 20, 2021 05:13
Lowercased, shortened to 63 bytes, and with everything except 0-9 and a-z replaced with '-'. No leading or trailing '-'. Useful with URLs, host names, domain names, and stack names.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s extglob
# Lowercased, shortened to 63 bytes, and with everything except 0-9 and a-z replaced with '-'.
# No leading or trailing '-'. Useful with URLs, host names, domain names, and stack names.
slugify() {
: "${1:?'Usage: slugify NAME'}"
local next="$1"
next="${next,,}" # lowercase
next="${next//+([^a-z0-9])/-}" # replace non-alphanumeric wiht '-'
next="${next#-}" # remove - from the start
tomdavidson /
Last active November 30, 2021 06:07
bootstrap script for setting up toms new computer
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# promts for sudo and can be installed via:
# wget -O - | bash
! type sudo >/dev/null 2>&1 && apt install sudo && usermod -aG sudo "$(whoami)"
export CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT='dots-333103'
# install NodeJS & zx if not already installed
tomdavidson /
Created November 30, 2021 16:06
snippit to help with scripts that should be run as root
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ $SUDO_USER ]; then
realUserHome=$(bash -c "cd ~$(printf %q "$realUser") && pwd")
tomdavidson /
Created January 6, 2022 06:12
moving forward trunk based workflow

Trunk-based Workflow

Multiple "right ways" to implement trunk-based delepment and workflow. For more info checkout Tom's "right way" emphisies forward moving flow and deploying from artifacts rather than git SHAs:

  • All code change starts and ends with the single, long-lived trunk, main. There are no release, prod, or other long-lived branches. Releases are cut from the trunk.

  • Code review will utilize GitHub PRs from short-lived branches targeting the main trunk. We call these short-lived branches, working branches, to avoid conflating feature-based workflow with our trunk-based workflow.

  • Prior to integration, the proposed change is fully tested, even deployed when end-to-end or manual acceptance tests are needed. Git Hooks are used to run unit tests and static analysis prior to pushing.

tomdavidson / output.txt
Created May 4, 2022 21:58
gcp analyze-entities example
$ gcloud ml language analyze-entities --content="Adt Security Systems bankruptcy dept 1501 Yamato Rd. Boca Raton, FL 33431"
"entities": [
"mentions": [
"text": {
"beginOffset": 21,
"content": "bankruptcy dept"