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Last active September 9, 2023 23:56
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from collections import OrderedDict
import datetime
from typing import Iterator, List, Sized, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from psycopg2.extensions import QuotedString
from sqlalchemy import and_, exists, MetaData, Table, Column as SAColumn
import logging
log = logging.getLogger()
#: Number of rows to insert per batch transaction
BATCH_SIZE = 50000
def to_python_type(column):
if str(column.type) == 'UUID':
return str
return column.type.python_type
def to_str(val):
if isinstance(val, bytes):
val = val.decode('utf-8')
return QuotedString((str(val) or "").encode('utf-8')).getquoted().decode('utf-8')
def to_date(value):
dt = pd.to_datetime(value)
return to_str( if dt else None)
def to_datetime(value):
dt = pd.to_datetime(value)
return to_str(dt.to_pydatetime().isoformat() if dt else None)
class Column:
def __init__(self, name: str, python_type: type):
"""Wrapper to cast Python values for use in ad-hoc SQL.
columns = [Column('id', int), Column('amount', float)]
:param name: Name of the column.
:param python_type: Python type e.g. int, str, float.
""" = name
self.python_type = python_type
def escape(self, value) -> str:
"""Escape a value for use in a Postgres ad-hoc SQL statement."""
if pd.isnull(value):
return 'NULL'
func = self.python_type
if isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime, np.datetime64, pd.Timestamp)) or \
func in (, datetime.datetime):
func = to_datetime
elif isinstance(value,
func = to_date
elif issubclass(self.python_type, str):
func = to_str
return func(value)
def __eq__(self, b):
return == and self.python_type == b.python_type
def __repr__(self):
return '{}<name={}, type={}>'.format(
self.__class__.__name__,, self.python_type.__name__)
class ColumnCollection(OrderedDict):
def __init__(self, columns: list):
super().__init__([(, c) for c in columns])
class BulkInsertFromIterator:
def __init__(self, table, data: Iterator, columns: list,
batch_size: int=BATCH_SIZE, header: bool=False):
"""Bulk insert into Postgres from an iterator in fixed-size batches.
bulk = BulkInsertFromIterator(
iter([[1, 'Python'], [2, 'PyPy', 3]]),
[Column('id', int), Column('name', str)]
:param table: Name of the table.
:param data: Iterable containing the data to insert.
:param columns: List of :class:`Column` objects.
:param batch_size: Rows to insert per batch.
:param header: True if the first row is a header.
self.table = table = data
self.columns = columns
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.header = header
if isinstance(, list): = iter(
if not isinstance(, Iterator):
raise TypeError('Expected Iterator, got {}'.format(
if not self.columns:
raise ValueError('Columns cannot be empty')
if isinstance(self.columns[0], tuple):
self.columns = [Column(*c) for c in self.columns]
def batch_execute(self, conn):
"""Insert data in batches of `batch_size`.
:param conn: A DB API 2.0 connection object
def batches(data, batch_size):
"""Return batches of length `batch_size` from any object that
supports iteration without knowing length."""
rv = []
for idx, line in enumerate(data):
if idx != 0 and idx % batch_size == 0:
yield rv
rv = []
yield rv
columns = ColumnCollection(self.columns)
if self.header:
self.columns = [columns.get(h) for h in next(]
columns = ColumnCollection(self.columns)
total = 0
query = BulkInsertQuery(self.table, columns)
for batch in batches(, self.batch_size):
total += query.execute(conn, batch) or 0
yield total
def execute(self, conn):
"""Execute all batches."""
return max(list(self.batch_execute(conn)))
class BulkInsertQuery:
def __init__(self, table: str, columns):
"""Execute a multi-row INSERT statement.
This does not take advantage of parameterized queries, but escapes
string values manually in :class:`Column`.
:param table: Name of the table being inserted into.
:param columns: Columns required for type coercion.
self.table = table
self.columns = columns
self.query = 'INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES '.format(
table, ', '.join([c for c in columns]))
def execute(self, conn, rows: list) -> int:
"""Execute a single multi-row INSERT for `rows`.
:param conn: Function that returns a database connection
:param rows: List of tuples in the same order as :attr:`columns`.
if not len(rows):
raise ValueError('No data provided')
if len(self.columns) != len(rows[0]):
raise ValueError('Expecting {} columns, found {}'.format(
len(self.columns), len(rows[0])))
# Clone the data
rows = list(rows)
conn = conn()
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(self.query + ', '.join(self.escape_rows(rows)))
return len(rows)
def escape_rows(self, rows: list):
"""Escape values for use in non-parameterized SQL queries.
:param rows: List of values to escape.
def to_tuple(values):
rv = []
for column in self.columns:
return tuple(rv)
for idx, row in enumerate(rows):
data = to_tuple(row)
rows[idx] = '({})'.format(', '.join(map(str, data)))
return rows
def as_columns(columns) -> List[Column]:
rv = []
for column in columns:
if isinstance(column, Column):
if isinstance(column, tuple):
if isinstance(column, str):
rv.append(Column(column, str))
if isinstance(column, SAColumn):
rv.append(Column(, to_python_type(column)))
return rv
def from_sqlalchemy_table(table: Table, data: Iterator, columns: List[str],
batch_size: int=BATCH_SIZE) -> BulkInsertFromIterator:
"""Return a :class:`BulkInsertFromIterator` based on the metadata
of a SQLAlchemy table.
batch = from_sqlalchemy_table(
['rating_id', 'repo_id', 'login_id', 'rating']
:param table: A :class:`sqlalchemy.Table` instance.
:param data: An iterator.
:param columns: List of column names to use.
:param batch_size: Number of rows to insert per SQL statement
if not isinstance(table, Table):
raise TypeError('Expected sqlalchemy.Table, got {}'.format(table))
wrapped = []
for name in columns:
column = table.columns.get(name)
wrapped.append(Column(str(, to_python_type(column)))
return BulkInsertFromIterator(table, data, wrapped, batch_size, False)
def create_staging_table(engine, table: Table) -> Table:
"""Create a copy of the table to store intermediary results.
Primary keys and other unique constraints are removed.
:param engine: SQLAlchemy engine
:param table: SQLAlchemy table to clone schema from
table = table.tometadata(MetaData(), schema="staging")
# Remove constraints to prevent errors
for column in table.columns:
if column.primary_key:
column.primary_key = False
table.indexes = []
table.constraints = []
table.primary_key = None'Creating staging table {}.{}'.format(table.schema,
table.drop(engine, checkfirst=True)
return table
def stage_and_merge(engine, target: Table, rows: Union[Iterator, Sized]):
"""Write data to an intermediary staging table before adding to `target`.
:param engine: A instance of :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.Engine`
:param target: Table to write the results
:param rows: Data to write
if isinstance(rows, Sized) and len(rows) > 0:'Staging Rows: {}'.format(len(rows)))
# Drop & recreate the staging table
source = create_staging_table(engine, target)
# Insert data into a temporary staging table prior to copying to the target
bulk = BulkInsertFromIterator(source, rows, as_columns(source.columns))
keys = filter(lambda c: c.primary_key, target.columns)
where = map(lambda c: source.c[] == target.c[], keys)
# Only insert rows that do not exist in the target table
query =*where)))
result = engine.execute(target.insert().from_select(source.c, query))'Updated Row Count: {}'.format(result.rowcount))
def stage_and_replace(engine, target: Table, rows: Union[Iterator, Sized]):
if isinstance(rows, Sized) and len(rows) > 0:'Staging Rows: {}'.format(len(rows)))
# Drop & recreate the staging table
source = create_staging_table(engine, target)
# Insert data into a temporary staging table prior to copying to the target
bulk = BulkInsertFromIterator(source, rows, as_columns(source.columns))
# Re-create the target table prior to inserting
if target.exists(engine):
query =
result = engine.execute(target.insert().from_select(source.c, query))'Updated Row Count: {}'.format(result.rowcount))
def determine_columns(table: Table, rows):
columns = as_columns(table.columns)
if not isinstance(rows[0], dict):
return columns
keys = rows[0].keys()
return list(filter(lambda c: in keys, columns))
def stage_and_update(engine, target: Table, rows: Union[Iterator, Sized]):
"""Write data to an intermediary staging table before adding to `target`.
:param engine: A instance of :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.Engine`
:param target: Table to write the results
:param rows: Data to write
if isinstance(rows, Sized) and len(rows) > 0:'Staging Rows: {}'.format(len(rows)))
# Drop & recreate the staging table
source = create_staging_table(engine, target)
columns = determine_columns(source, rows)
# Insert data into a temporary staging table prior to copying to the target
bulk = BulkInsertFromIterator(source, rows, columns)
keys = filter(lambda c: c.primary_key, target.columns)
where = map(lambda c: source.c[] == target.c[], keys)
# Delete from target table before appending
delete = target.delete().where(exists().where(and_(*where)))
# Copy rows from staging table to target
insert =
result = engine.execute(target.insert().from_select(source.c, insert))'Updated Row Count: {}'.format(result.rowcount))
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