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Last active February 12, 2016 20:27
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Save tomek-f/1552d52639ad6bbe829d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var eartMeanRadiusInMeters = 6378137;
function rad(x) {
return x * Math.PI / 180;
function distHaversine(p1, p2) {
var radLat = rad( -;
var radLng = rad(p2.lng() - p1.lng());
var intermediate =
Math.sin(radLat / 2) * Math.sin(radLat / 2) +
Math.cos(rad( * Math.cos(rad( * Math.sin(radLng / 2) * Math.sin(radLng / 2);
return eartMeanRadiusInMeters * 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(intermediate), Math.sqrt(1 - intermediate));
// function getRadius() {
// var currentBounds = map.getBounds(),
// southWestOld = currentBounds.getSouthWest(),
// northEastOld = currentBounds.getNorthEast(),
// point1 = new google.maps.LatLng(, southWestOld.lng()),
// point2 = southWestOld;
// return Math.ceil(distHaversine(point1, point2) / 2);
// }
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