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Created October 24, 2012 13:35
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Save tomellis/3946086 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple AWS PHP SDK example for Eucalyptus
// Source AWS PHP SDK functions
require_once '../sdk.class.php';
// Instantiate the AmazonEC2 class
$options = array(
$ec2 = new AmazonEC2($options);
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { // if page is not submitted to itself echo the form
<title>Run an instance</title>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>">
Image:<select name="emi-id">
// grab list of available EMI
$response = $ec2->describe_images();
// error if response is not ok
if (!($response->isOK())) {
echo "<p class='error'>ERROR! Could not retrieve instance list!</p>";
// Create empty array. We need to sort images as they could be eki, eri or emi. We only want emi.
$images = array( );
// Get all image ids and push them into array $images
foreach ($response->body->imagesSet->item as $item) {
$image = (string) $item->imageId;
array_push($images, $image);
// grep array and return an array containing only emis
$emis = preg_grep('/^emi*/',$images);
// For every emi, add another option in the drop-down box
foreach ($emis as $emi) {
echo "<option value='" .$emi. "'>" .$emi. "</option>";
</select><br />
Zone:<select name="zone-id">
// grab list of available Availability Zones
$response = $ec2->describe_availability_zones();
// error if response is not ok
if (!($response->isOK())) {
echo "<p class='error'>ERROR! Could not retrieve zone list!</p>";
// Get all zones
foreach ($response->body->availabilityZoneInfo->item as $item) {
$zone = (string) $item->zoneName;
echo "<option value='" .$zone. "'>" .$zone. "</option>";
</select><br />
Instance Type: <select name="instancetype">
<option value="m1.small">m1.small</option>
<option value="c1.medium">c1.medium</option>
<option value="m1.large">m1.large</option>
<option value="m1.xlarge">m1.xlarge</option>
<option value="c1.xlarge">c1.xlarge</option>
</select><br />
Amount:<input type="number" name="amount" min="1" max="20" value="1"><br />
<input type="submit" value="Launch" name="submit">
else {
// Grab elements from form
$emi = $_POST["emi-id"];
$instancetype = $_POST['instancetype'];
$zoneid = $_POST['zone-id'];
$keyname = "my-key";
$securitygroup = "default";
$amount = $_POST['amount'];
$sleeptime = 30;
$username = root;
// Boot an instance of the image
$response = $ec2->run_instances($emi, $amount, $amount, array(
'KeyName' => $keyname,
'InstanceType' => $instancetype,
'SecurityGroup' => $securitygroup,
'Placement' => array('AvailabilityZone' => $zoneid),
if (!($response->isOK())) {
echo "<p class='error'>ERROR! Could not create new instance!</p>";
$instance = $response->body->instancesSet->item->instanceId;
$message .= "<p>Your instance has been successfully created.</p>";
$message .= ("<p>Instance ID is: <b>$instance</b><br />");
$instance = $response->body->instancesSet->item->instanceType;
$message .= ("Instance Type is: <b>$instancetype</b><br />");
$instance = $response->body->instancesSet->item->Placement;
$message .= ("Instance is launched in: <b>$zoneid</b></p>");
// Give instance some time to start up
sleep ($sleeptime);
// Get the hostname from a call to the DescribeImages operation.
$response = $ec2->describe_instances($instance);
if (!($response->isOK())) {
echo "<p class='error'>ERROR! Could not retrieve hostname for instance!</p>";
$hostname = $response->body->reservationSet->item->instancesSet->item->dnsName;
// Output the message
$message .= "<p>Your instance hostname is: <b>$hostname</b></p>";
$message .= "<p>You can connect to your instance using this command:<br>" .
"<b>ssh -i $keyname.pem $username@" .$hostname. "</b></p>";
echo $message;
// Query current instances
$response = $ec2->describe_instances();
if (!($response->isOK())) {
echo "<p class='error'>ERROR! Could not retrieve instance list!</p>";
// Display instances
echo "<table align='left' border='1'>";
echo "<tr><b><td>Instance-Id</td><td>State</td><td>Public DNS</td><td>Instance-Type</td><td>Launch Time</td><td>Availability Zone</td></b></tr>";
foreach ($response->body->reservationSet->item as $item)
$instanceId = (string) $item->instancesSet->item->instanceId;
$instanceState = (string) $item->instancesSet->item->instanceState->name;
$instancePubDNS = (string) $item->instancesSet->item->dnsName;
$instanceType = (string) $item->instancesSet->item->instanceType;
$instanceTime = (string) $item->instancesSet->item->launchTime;
$instanceLoc = (string) $item->instancesSet->item->placement->availabilityZone;
echo '<tr> <td> ' . $instanceId . ' </td> <td>' . $instanceState . '</td> <td>' . $instancePubDNS . '</td> <td>' . $instanceType . '</td> <td>' . $instanceTime . ' </td> <td>' . $instanceLoc . '</td> </tr>';
echo "</table>";
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