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Last active June 11, 2024 11:54
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  • Save tometchy/53a5f6c30830f1f58875dbc0a62eb81c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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The Best Git aliases to put in your .gitconfig file - Git alias I use the most is snapshot, which can even take argument (description).
# Download free cheatsheets and other materials from https://DevOps.Broker/free-materials
# Put this file in your home directory: ~/.gitconfig.aliases
# Include this in your own .gitconfig by using the
# [include] directive with the path to this file
# [include]
# path = ~/.gitconfig.aliases
# If you don't have any existing includes, you can add this via the following command
# git config --global include.path ~/.gitconfig.aliases
# Feel free to PR your favourite aliases to this file and of course give it a star if you like it :)
lg = log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(reset)%>(12)%ad %C(green)%<(7)%aN%C(yellow)%d %C(reset)%s'
current = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
behind-remote-log = !CURRENT=$(git current) && git lg HEAD..origin/$CURRENT
behind-remote-log-verbose = "!f() { echo \"Commits added in remote:\"; git behind-remote-log; }; f"
ahead-remote-log = !CURRENT=$(git current) && git lg origin/$CURRENT..HEAD
ahead-remote-log-verbose = "!f() { echo \"Commits not pushed to remote:\"; git ahead-remote-log; }; f"
st = status
sta = !git behind-remote-log-verbose && git status && git ahead-remote-log-verbose # Note that this alias requires aliases above
sts = status --short
stsa = !git behind-remote-log-verbose && git status --short && git ahead-remote-log-verbose # Note that this alias requires aliases above
cnf = config --global -e
conf = cnf
d = diff
dcw = diff --color-words
ds = diff --staged
dscw = diff --staged --color-words
dt = difftool
dty = difftool -y
dts = difftool --staged
dtsy = difftool --staged -y
vd = difftool --tool=vimdiff
vdy = difftool --tool=vimdiff -y
vds = difftool --tool=vimdiff --staged
vdsy = difftool --tool=vimdiff --staged -y
p = push
pfl = push --force-with-lease
wip = !git add --all && git commit -m "WIP"
unwip = reset --soft HEAD^
san = snapshot
snapshot = "!f() { git add --all; git commit -m \"SNAPSHOT_$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') ${1}\" --allow-empty; git reset --soft HEAD^; git status --short; }; f"
show-snapshot = "!f() { git log --walk-reflogs --grep=\"SNAPSHOT\" -p ${1}; }; f"
hard-undo-all = !git clean -df && git reset --hard
co = commit
cov = commit -v
com = commit -m
coa = commit --amend
coane = commit --amend --no-edit
a = add
aa = add -A
aap = add -A -p
ai = add -i
r = reset
rs = reset --soft
rei = rebase -i
rec = rebase --continue
pur = pull --rebase
mt = mergetool
c = clean
cp = cherry-pick
cpc = cherry-pick --continue
show-assumed-unchanged = !git ls-files -v | grep "^[[:lower:]]"
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