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Created January 11, 2016 14:56
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Create a blank Hyper-V VM in the correct location
$vmname = read-host 'What name should the new VM have?'
$destdrive = read-host 'What drive should the new VM live on?'
$sourcevhdx = read-host 'What is the full path to the source VHDX? (enter for blank)'
$lan = read-host 'What virtual switch (name) should the VM be connected to? (enter for default)'
$destpath = $destdrive + ':\HyperV'
$vmrootpath = join-path $destpath $vmname
if (test-path -path $vmrootpath) {
$yn = read-host "Export directory $vmrootpath exists - remove? y/n"
if ($yn -eq "y") {
write-host "Removing $vmrootpath"
remove-item -recurse $vmrootpath
} else {
write-host "Exiting"
new-vm -name $vmname -memorystartupbytes 4096mb -generation 2
set-vmprocessor $vmname -count 2
export-vm -name $vmname -path $destpath
remove-vm -name $vmname -force
$configpath = join-path $vmrootpath "Virtual Machines"
$vhdpath = join-path $vmrootpath "Virtual Hard Disks"
import-vm -path (get-childitem $configpath -file).fullname
$vhdx = join-path $vhdpath ($vmname + '.vhdx')
if ($sourcevhdx) {
write-host Copying source VHDX to $vhdx
copy-item $sourcevhdx $vhdx
} else {
write-host "Creating blank 20GB dynamic VHDX at $vhdx"
new-vhd -path $vhdx -sizebytes 20GB
Add-VMHardDiskDrive -vmname $vmname -controllertype scsi -path $vhdx
set-vmfirmware -vmname $vmname -bootorder (Get-VMHardDiskDrive -vmname $vmname)
if ($lan) {
Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmname -switchname $lan
} else {
$sw = Get-VMSwitch | select-object -first 1
$sw | Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmname
write-host All done.
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