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Created February 11, 2009 05:15
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(def #^{:doc "Ignore stack traces from these patterns"}ignore-files
[".*\\.java" "swank-clojure\\.clj" "boot\\.clj" "unit_test\\.clj"])
(defn filter-stacktrace
"Filters a stacktrace removing file patterns defined in ignore-files."
(let [es (to-list (. t getStackTrace))
top (take-while #(not (.contains (.getClassName %) "unit_test$run_test__")) es)
cljs (filter (comp not nil? (memfn getFileName)) top)
ignore-regex (str "(" (apply str (interpose "|" ignore-files)) ")")
ignore-pattern (re-pattern ignore-regex)
junk (filter (comp not
(partial re-matches ignore-pattern)
(memfn getFileName)) cljs)
(defn assoc-append
"Appends an element to a map's list for a particular key."
[map key val]
(assoc map key (cons val (map key))))
(defn show-stacktraces
"Shows a stack trace that has been filtered to hopefully show only the useful information."
(let [f (fn [[name failure] n]
(println (str (inc n) ") " name ": " \newline)
(if (instance? java.lang.AssertionError failure)
(. failure getMessage)
(. failure toString)))
(doall (map (comp (partial println " ") (memfn toString))
(filter-stacktrace failure))))]
(doall (map f failures (range (count failures))))
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