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Created February 13, 2018 00:20
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Events Calendar Pro + Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widgets Modifications
//* -------------------------------------------------
// ---------- GSFC + TEC Customization --------------- *//
//* Event Secondary Thumbnail Call
add_action ( 'gsfc_before_post_content', 'add_event_thumb', 1);
function add_event_thumb() {
$attr = array(
'class' => "event-thumb", // set custom class
'data-adaptive-background' => "1"
$post_thumbnail = MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail('tribe_events', 'featured-image-2', NULL, 'events-thumb-lg', $attr);
echo $post_thumbnail;
//* Outer Wrapper Injection
add_action ( 'gsfc_before_post_content', 'add_outer_wrap', 2);
function add_outer_wrap() {
echo '<div class="outer-wrap">';
//* Modify the Event Entry Output
add_action ( 'gsfc_post_content','add_event_info', 1);
function add_event_info(){
global $post;
echo '<div class="inner-wrap">';
if (tribe_get_start_date() !== tribe_get_end_date() ) {
echo '<div class="info">' . tribe_events_event_schedule_details( null, false) . '</div> ';
} else {
echo '<div class="all-day info">
<meta itemprop="startDate" content="' . tribe_get_start_date( null, false) . '"/>' . tribe_get_start_date( null, false, 'F jS' ) . '</div>';
if(tribe_get_venue()) {
echo '<div class="venue">' . tribe_get_venue_link( get_the_ID() ) . '</div>';
//* Throw in Some Event Button CTAs at the End
add_action ('gsfc_after_post_content', 'add_event_buttons', 11);
function add_event_buttons() {
$post_id = null;
$buy = get_field( 'buy_link' );
global $post;
echo '<a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '" class="button details">Event Details</a>';
if ( $buy ) {
echo '<a href="' . $buy . '" class="button buy">Get Tickets</a>';
echo '</div>';
//* Inject a closing div to wrap it all up
add_action ( 'gsfc_after_post_content', 'end_outer_wrap', 12);
function end_outer_wrap() {
echo '</div>';
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