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Created July 14, 2014 08:45
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PPH PredictionIO import
use PredictionIO\PredictionIOClient;
class ReengagementHourlieCommand extends ConsoleCommand
private $_client;
public function init()
$this->_client = PredictionIOClient::factory(["appkey" => "T9iitaXRTWNOBEZzd0PiCAkaTuGn9XDr8Qdp6Mdy0vCoKoUyzdObMrCcI8yi0Zca"]);
* Import data to the service
* Usage:
* ./yiic ReengagementHourlie import
public function actionImport()
* Tell about all our members - in their terminology, users
public function actionImportMembers()
$page = 0;
while(true) {
$dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider("Members", array(
"criteria" => array(
"select" => "mem_id",
"scopes" => array("active"),
"pagination" => array(
"pageSize" => 2000,
"currentPage" => $page,
foreach($dataProvider->data as $model) {
echo "Add user ". $model->mem_id . "\n";
$command = $this->_client->getCommand('create_user', array('pio_uid' => $model->mem_id));
$response = $this->_client->execute($command);
if ($page + 1 >= $dataProvider->pagination->pageCount) {
* Tell about all our Hourlies - in their terminology, items
public function actionImportHourlies()
$page = 0;
while(true) {
$dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider("Hourlie", array(
"criteria" => array(
"select" => "id",
"scopes" => array("active","visible"),
"pagination" => array(
"pageSize" => 2000,
"currentPage" => $page,
foreach($dataProvider->data as $model) {
echo "Add item ". $model->id . "\n";
// TODO - set pio_itypes, see
$command = $this->_client->getCommand('create_item', array('pio_iid' => $model->id, 'pio_itypes' => 'hourlies'));
$response = $this->_client->execute($command);
if ($page + 1 >= $dataProvider->pagination->pageCount) {
public function actionImportViews()
$page = 0;
while(true) {
$dataProvider = new EMongoDocumentDataProvider('MHourlieLogDocument', array(
"criteria" => array(
'conditions'=>array('memId'=>array('>' => 0)),
"pagination" => array(
"pageSize" => 2000,
"currentPage" => $page,
foreach($dataProvider->data as $model) {
echo "User ". $model->memId . " views item ". $model->hourlieId ."\n";
try {
$command = $this->_client->getCommand('record_action_on_item', ['pio_action' => 'view', 'pio_iid' => $model->hourlieId]);
$response = $this->_client->execute($command);
} catch (PredictionIO\UnidentifiedUserException $e) {
echo "Don't know about User ".$model->memId."\n";
if ($page + 1 >= $dataProvider->pagination->pageCount) {
* Usage:
* ./yiic ReengagementHourlie show --u=199099
public function actionShow($u=199099,$engine='engine1')
echo "Retrieve top 5 recommendations for user ". $u . "\n";
try {
// Identify the user ID that will be used by all subsequent actions
$rec = $this->_client->execute($this->_client->getCommand('itemrec_get_top_n', array('pio_engine' => $engine, 'pio_n' => 15)));
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
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