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Last active August 26, 2022 21:54
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  • Save tomfuertes/9175005 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tomfuertes/9175005 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
create an s3 bucket, config website serving, create cloudfront distribution, sync local dir
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# To run:
# $ brew uninstall s3cmd && brew install s3cmd --HEAD
# $ s3cmd --configure # fill in w/ amazon account vars
# $ cd path/to/local/static/site
# $ wget
# $ bash
# NOTE: cfcreate takes ~15 minutes to run on AWS.
# NOTE: Domains HAVE TO have a subdomain (aka can't use, can use /
set -e
command -v s3cmd >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require s3cmd but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
if [[ ! ( -f ~/.s3cfg ) ]]; then
echo "I require s3cmd to be configured."
echo "Please run 's3cmd --configure' and try again."
exit 1
echo "making s3 bucket s3://$DOMAIN"
s3cmd mb s3://$DOMAIN
echo "public acl on s3://$DOMAIN"
s3cmd setacl --acl-public s3://$DOMAIN
echo "configure website on s3://$DOMAIN"
s3cmd ws-create --ws-index=index.html s3://$DOMAIN
echo "making cloudfront bucket for $domain"
s3cmd cfcreate --cf-default-root-object=index.html --cf-add-cname=$DOMAIN s3://$DOMAIN
echo "syncing ./ with s3://$domain"
s3cmd sync --acl-public --exclude=.git ./ s3://$DOMAIN
echo ""
echo "MANUAL STEP - Now go modify your DNS to CNAME to the url above"
echo ""
echo "To deploy again, just run the following:"
echo ""
echo "s3cmd sync --acl-public --exclude=.git --cf-invalidate --cf-invalidate-default-index ./ s3://$DOMAIN"
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I don't think you need line 30 (setacl), 33 (ws-create) and s3cmd sync --acl-public --exclude=.git, should be s3cmd sync -rr -P --exclude '.git/*'....

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