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Created February 29, 2012 22:36
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BitVector introduction
* A BitVector is a fixed-length sequence of bits. It's an extremely
* powerful class because of the huge number of ways that it allows the
* bits to be accessed and modified. Algorithms that rely heavily on bit
* manipulation can improve their performance by reducing the frequency
* with which bit data needs to be moved between different data
* structures; they can rely on BitVector for all the bit manipulations
* they require.
* There are many perspectives from which a BitVector can be viewed.
* The simplest is to see it as an indexed sequence of bits with a
* fixed size. This creates a BitVector of size 10:
BitVector v = new BitVector(10);
* It's fine to have an empty BitVector:
BitVector empty = new BitVector(0);
* The size of a bit vector is fixed and accessible.
assertEquals(10, v.size());
assertEquals(0, empty.size());
* Initially all of the bits are zero. The BitVector class
* universally represents bits as booleans (true/false) rather than
* (0/1) since it naturally provides a much better API. So to set
* the first bit of a BitVector we can call:
v.setBit(0, true);
* As this makes clear (if it were necessary), the bits are zero
* indexed. In addition to being zero indexed, bits are arranged
* 'big-endian' for consistency with the Java language. Normally
* this is of no concern, since the internal representation of the
* bits is rarely an issue when using the class. One place where it
* may be seem confusing at first is the toString() method:
assertEquals("0000000001", v.toString());
* If thinking of BitVector as a straightforward list one might
* expect the first bit to appear on the left. Instead, it's best to
* regard the zeroth bit of a BitVector as being the least
* significant bit - and in binary representation that appears on
* the right.
* It's also possible to construct a BitVector directly from a
* string. This is analogous to BigInteger's String constructor.
assertEquals(new BitVector("0000000001"), v);
* Here's just one of the basic bit level operations that is
* available:
v.orBit(1, true);
assertEquals(new BitVector("0000000011"), v);
* In addition to OR, AND and XOR are also available. Any operation
* can be applied to a range rather than a single bit:
v.xorRange(1, 5, true);
assertEquals(new BitVector("0000011101"), v);
* Observe that, as is the norm in Java, the lower bound is
* inclusive and the upper bound is exclusive. Additionally, Any
* operation can be applied using the bits from a byte, int or long.
* Here we AND the binary representation of 9 ending at the 1st bit:
v.andByte(1, (byte) 9);
assertEquals(new BitVector("0000010001"), v);
* This is subtle, but nevertheless powerful: all of the eight bits
* spanned by the byte have been ANDed and none of the other bits
* are modified. Conversely, all the targeted bits must lay within
* the span of the vector. So what if you have a number but you only
* want to apply some of its bits? For this, the number of (least
* significant bits) that should be modified can specified
v.setBits(6, 12, 4); // apply 4 bits starting at index 6
assertEquals(new BitVector("1100010001"), v);
* The NOT operation is also supported, but is referred to as "flip"
* for consistency with other classes in the standard Java
* libraries.
assertEquals(new BitVector("1100010101"), v);
assertEquals(new BitVector("1100010001"), v);
* For convenience, it's easy to target every bit in a single
* operation. For example, this will clear all bits:
assertEquals(new BitVector("0000000000"), v);
* and this will flip them all:
assertEquals(new BitVector("1111111111"), v);
* For every method that applies a bit operation, there is a
* corresponding method which does the same thing, but takes the
* operator as an additional parameter. The following pairs of calls
* are equivalent:
v.andBit(0, true);
v.modifyBit(Operation.AND, 0, true);
v.setRange(8, 10, true);
v.modifyRange(Operation.SET, 8, 10, true);
* Just as Java's integral primitives are fixed-width bit words, a
* BitVector can be regarded as an integral value, but in contrast
* to Java, BitVector values are always unsigned. It's easy to
* create a BitVector from a number using the string constructor
* which takes a radix.
String monsterDigits = "808017424794512875886459904961710757005754368000000000";
BitVector v = new BitVector(monsterDigits, 10);
* BitVectors can also be constructed from BigIntegers.
BigInteger monsterInteger = new BigInteger(monsterDigits);
BitVector w = BitVector.fromBigInteger(monsterInteger);
assertEquals(v, w);
* BitVectors constructed in this way will always contain the least
* number of bits required to contain the number; in other words,
* the most significant bit is always 1.
assertTrue(v.getBit(v.size() - 1));
* Another consequence is that a BitVector constructed from the
* number zero will have a size of zero.
assertEquals(0, new BitVector("0", 10).size());
assertEquals(0, BitVector.fromBigInteger(BigInteger.ZERO).size());
* If a greater number of bits is required, the size can be supplied
* as an extra parameter when constructing a BitVector from a
* BigInteger:
assertEquals(new BitVector("00000001"),
BitVector.fromBigInteger(BigInteger.ONE, 8));
* Note that, because BitVectors are unsigned, any attempt to
* construct one from a negative number will fail. So far we've
* dealt with converting numbers into BitVectors, of course, it's
* possible to do the reverse and convert a BitVector back into a
* number:
assertEquals(monsterInteger, v.toBigInteger());
* Reflecting BitVector's role in storing numeric values, the class
* implements the Number interface and any BitVector can be
* converted into primitive values via that interface.
assertEquals(monsterInteger.longValue(), v.longValue());
assertEquals(234, new BitVector("234", 10).intValue());
* As with all other implementations of Number in the core Java
* packages, these methods take the least significant bits of the
* BitVector and silently truncate any other bits.
assertEquals(85, new BitVector("0101010101010101").byteValue());
* Note that truncation can result in negative values being returned
* from these methods even though the BitVector itself always
* represents a positive whole number.
assertTrue(monsterInteger.longValue() < 0L);
* It is also possible to extract bits from any position in the
* BitVector as a primitive value.
assertEquals((byte) (v.longValue() >>> 56), v.getByte(56));
* To make the following exposition clearer, we define a method
* bitVector() which simply constructs a BitVector from a string.
* Just as Java provides bit shift operators for ints and longs,
* BitVector provides the same functionality (and more) but for
* potentially much larger bit sequences. BitVector provides a
* single method that handles all of Java's bit shift operators
* (>>>, >> and <<). It takes two parameters, the first indicates
* how far the bits should be shifted with the sign of the number
* indicating the direction (negative is left, positive is right)
* and the second gives the value that should used to populate the
* vacated bits.
BitVector v = bitVector("11001010");
v.shift(1, true);
assertEquals(bitVector("10010101"), v);
v.shift(-2, false);
assertEquals(bitVector("00100101"), v);
* There is no limit to the distance that a BitVector may be
* shifted. Obviously any shift distance that exceeds the size of
* the BitVector will eradicate all bits.
v.shift(8, false);
assertEquals(bitVector("00000000"), v);
* Similar to bit shifts, BitVector can also rotate bits. Bits that
* are pushed off one end populate the vacated positions at the
* other.
v = bitVector("11001010");
assertEquals(bitVector("10010101"), v);
* As with shifting, there is no limit to the distance over which
* bits can be rotated. But unlike shifting, bits are never lost.
v = bitVector("11001010");
assertEquals(bitVector("11001010"), v);
* In addition to shifts and rotations, BitVector can reverse the
* order of the bits.
assertEquals(bitVector("01010011"), v);
* Reversing a BitVector twice will naturally restore the bits to
* their original order.
assertEquals(bitVector("11001010"), v);
* Finally, you should be aware that all of these operations
* (shifting, rotating and reversing) are available over arbitrary
* ranges. Here are some examples:
v = bitVector("11001010");
v.shiftRange(0, 4, 1, false);
assertEquals(bitVector("11000100"), v);
v.rotateRange(2, 7, -1);
assertEquals(bitVector("11100000"), v);
v.reverseRange(2, 8);
assertEquals(bitVector("00011100"), v);
* It is frequently necessary to duplicate BitVectors. There are two
* ways of doing this which have very different semantics. One of
* them is copying; this forms a new copy of the bits inside the
* BitVector that won't be modified by changes to the original.
BitVector original = new BitVector(10);
BitVector copy = original.copy();
assertNotSame(original, copy);
assertEquals(original, copy);
original.setBit(0, true);
* On the other hand, it's possible to create a new view over the
* bits of the original BitVector. In this case changes to either
* one will be reflected in the other.
BitVector view = original.view();
assertNotSame(original, view);
assertEquals(original, view);
original.setBit(0, false);
assertEquals(original, view);
* If the creation of views was limited to this one method, they
* wouldn't be very useful. But there are many other methods for
* creating views and copies, two of which can create views/copies
* of a subrange of the original BitVector.
original = new BitVector("0011100000");
copy = original.rangeCopy(5, 8);
assertEquals(3, copy.size());
* Although most BitVector operations can be performed over
* subranges, some cannot and ranged views can prove very useful
* limiting the scope of such operations.
view = original.rangeView(5, 8);
* Ranged views can also be used to adjust the indexing of bits,
* since the bits of a view are always indexed from zero. This can
* simplify the implementation of some algorithms at the expense of
* creating intermediate view objects.
view.setBit(0, true);
* In addition to adjusting ranges, views and copies can also
* control mutability. When first constructed, all BitVectors are
* mutable, this means that the bits they contain can be changed.
* But in many situations it's important to prevent code from
* accidentally modifying a BitVector. The simplest way to do this
* is to create an immutable copy.
copy = original.immutableCopy();
try {
// the method won't complete normally ...
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// ... the copy cannot be modified
* But this may not be the most efficient way, depending on the
* application. The immutableCopy() will always create a copy
* even if the original is itself immutable.
assertNotSame(copy, copy.immutableCopy());
* This is often unnecessary, so an immutable() method is also
* available which only creates a copy if the original is not
* already immutable.
assertNotSame(original, original.immutable());
assertSame(copy, copy.immutable());
* The corresponding methods mutableCopy() and mutable() go the
* other way. They can take an immutable BitVector and make one that
* is mutable. The difference between the two is again that the
* latter method will avoid creating a copy if the BitVector is
* already mutable.
assertSame(original, original.mutable());
assertNotSame(copy, copy.mutable());
assertNotSame(original, original.mutableCopy());
* The problem with creating all of these copies is that all the bit
* data is repeatedly duplicated. This takes may require significant
* amounts of memory and processor time for large BitVectors.
* Often a copy is not required, and all that is needed instead is
* an immutable view. Immutable views can be safely shared between
* methods (the methods cannot modify the bits) but changes to the
* original BitVector (the one over which the view was taken) WILL
* be visible.
* Immutable views are much more efficient than immutable copies for
* large BitVectors. Whether it is necessary to create a copy, or a
* view suffices depends on the application.
view = original.immutableView();
try {
// the method won't complete normally ...
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// ... the view cannot be modified directly ...
// ... but it can be modified via the original
* Returning to the simple view() and copy() methods described
* earlier. It's important to know that both of these methods
* preserve the mutability of the original. A new BitVector created
* with these methods will be mutable if and only if the original is
* mutable.
BitVector mutable = original.mutableCopy();
BitVector immutable = original.immutableCopy();
* In addition to all the copy and view related methods described above,
* versions of the methods that operate on ranges are also available.
* For example:
copy = original.immutableRangeCopy(0, 5);
view = original.immutableRangeView(0, 5);
* Finally, it's worth noting that the BitVector class implements
* Cloneable. The clone() method is logically equivalent to calling
* view() but may be slightly more efficient, though perhaps less
* explicit.
view = original.clone();
* Again, for clarity we introduce a new method bitVector() that just
* constructs a BitVector from a BigInteger.
* The BitVector class implements the Comparable interface to allow
* different instances to be ordered in relation to each other.
* Comparison is consistent with the BigInteger value of the
* BitVector.
BigInteger a = BigInteger.valueOf(86400000);
BigInteger b = BigInteger.valueOf(16777216);
BigInteger c = BigInteger.valueOf(10000000);
assertTrue(bitVector(a).compareTo(bitVector(b)) > 0);
assertTrue(bitVector(b).compareTo(bitVector(b)) == 0);
assertTrue(bitVector(c).compareTo(bitVector(b)) < 0);
* Under this comparison equal BitVectors will always compare to
* zero, but the converse is not necessarily true since the
* shorter BitVector is implicitly padded with leading zeros.
assertTrue(bitVector("00110").compareTo(bitVector("00110")) == 0);
assertTrue(bitVector( "0110").compareTo(bitVector("00110")) == 0);
assertTrue(bitVector( "110").compareTo(bitVector("00110")) == 0);
* The same ordering is provided by a statically defined comparator
* which may be useful if the ordering needs to be adapted.
*/"100"), bitVector("001"));
* For BitVectors that are the same size, this numerical ordering is
* equivalent to a lexical ordering of the bits.
String s = "00110";
String t = "01011";
String u = "01101";
* If a real lexical ordering is required, a second statically
* defined comparator is available.
*/"100"), bitVector("11"));
* In addition to the orderings provided by these comparators, the
* BitVector class supports a second notion of comparison that is
* related to operations on sets.
* The AND operation of one bit vector on another can be viewed as
* finding the intersection of the two vectors, ie. identifying all
* of the bits which are set in both vectors.
* Sometimes, it can be useful to know whether two bit vectors
* intersect without going so far as to compute the intersection.
* This can be done as follows:
BitVector v = new BitVector("01110");
BitVector w = new BitVector("01010");
BitVector x = new BitVector("10101");
* It is also possible to test whether one bit vector contains all
* the bits set in a second bit vector:
* Finally, it is possible to test that one bit vector contains
* exactly those bits set in a second bit vector, ie. that the
* two vectors have the same pattern of bits.
* Each test (INTERSECTS, CONTAINS and EQUALS) can be performed
* using a single method which takes the test to perform as an
* additional parameter. The following pairs of tests are
* equivalent:
v.test(Test.INTERSECTS, x)
v.test(Test.CONTAINS, w)
v.test(Test.EQUALS, w)
* Note that tests can only be performed between bit vectors of the
* same length.
// TODO - awaiting explanation...
// first, last, count, all, next
{ // BYTES
// byte static factory method
// operations on byte arrays
// write/read methods
// iterator, listIterator, positionIterator
// asList
// asSet
// cloneable
// serializable
// equals, hashcode
// alignment
// avoiding no-ops
// getThen... methods
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singhperryo1 commented Aug 9, 2020

Thank you for your work.
It would be really helpful if you could explain this in brief

    v.andByte(1, (byte) 9);
assertEquals(new BitVector("0000010001"), v);

 * This is subtle, but nevertheless powerful: all of the eight bits
 * spanned by the byte have been ANDed and none of the other bits
 * are modified. Conversely, all the targeted bits must lay within
 * the span of the vector. So what if you have a number but you only
 * want to apply some of its bits? For this, the number of (least
 * significant bits) that should be modified can specified

v.setBits(6, 12, 4); // apply 4 bits starting at index 6
assertEquals(new BitVector("1100010001"), v);

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