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Created March 4, 2012 00:44
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Generation of De Bruijn sequence using BitVector
// generates a binary De Bruijn sequence over words of length n
private BitVector generateDeBruijn(int n) {
// Check arguments
if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n is negative");
if (n > 31) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n exceeds 31");
// There are 2^n words in the entire sequence
int length = 1 << n;
// Create a set that records which words we have already seen
Set<Integer> memory = new BitVector(length).asSet();
// Store the sequence with an extra n bits
// makes things easier for enumerating the values
BitVector sequence = new BitVector(length + n);
// Seed the sequence with the initial value (n 1s)
sequence.setRange(0, n, true);
// Populate the sequence
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Extract the current word from the sequence
int word = (int) sequence.getBits(i, n);
// Record that we've seen it
// Shift the word left, populating the rightmost bit with zero
// if we've seen the word before, use a one instead
sequence.setBit(i + n, memory.contains(word >> 1));
return sequence;
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