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Created April 30, 2021 07:49
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grouped bars
<script src=""></script>
svg{border:1px solid black;}
*{font-family: sans-serif;}
<svg width="500" height="500">
<p>Example of grouped bars where each group has a different number of members</p>
<p>A response to this question on Stack Overflow: <a href="">d3js grouped bar chart, is this possible?</a></p>
// define the groups:
// each has a name and some arbitrary number of values
let groups = [
{ name:'one', values:[1,3,6,2] },
{ name:'two', values:[3,5,7,3,2,5] },
{ name:'three', values:[9,2,5] },
{ name:'four', values:[6] }
// set up some basic infomation about the chart, height, width and margins
const width= 500;
const height=500;
const margin= {top:10,left:10,bottom:20,right:10};
const plotHeight = height-( + margin.bottom);
const plotWidth = width-(margin.left + margin.right);
const groupPadding = 1.3; // the gap between each group as a proportion of a single bar
// we need to know how much horizontal space each group needs
// this depends on the number of values for that group
// we also need to know where each group starts int he final chart layout so
// cumulatively add to their starting point via the currentWidth variable
// in terms of our 'bar' unit
let currentWidth = 0;
groups =>{
group.width = group.values.length;
group.startPosition = currentWidth;
currentWidth += group.width+groupPadding;
return group;
// work out the width needed in terms of bars
// the padding times the number of gaps + the total number of bars
const dataXDomain = [0, (groups.length-1)*groupPadding + d3.sum(groups, d=>d.width)];
// make a scale for the values,
// hard coding it here, but in reality you probably want the domain to relect
// the values in the data so that if the data changes so does the scale
const yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
// ... and for the bars
const xScale = d3.scaleLinear()
// Now we're ready to draw the chart!
//get the SVG and add a group, offset by our defined margins
const chart ='svg')
// for each group in the data add a group on the chart
const barGroups = chart.selectAll('')
.classed('bar-group', true)
.attr('transform', group=>`translate(${xScale(group.startPosition)}, 0)`); // postion each bargroup according to its calculated start position and our x-scale
// for each group...
const barGroup =
// add and position a rectangle for each value
.attr('x',(value, i)=>xScale(i))
.attr('y',value=>plotHeight - yScale(value))
//add some labels for the group
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