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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save tomhopper/9000495 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tomhopper/9000495 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Plot XmR charts (individuals and moving range) in R using the qcc library.
#' The data, from sample published by Donald Wheeler
my.xmr.raw <- c(5045,4350,4350,3975,4290,4430,4485,4285,3980,3925,3645,3760,3300,3685,3463,5200)
#' Create the individuals chart and qcc object
my.xmr.x <- qcc(my.xmr.raw, type = "", plot = TRUE)
#' Create the moving range chart and qcc object. qcc takes a two-column matrix
#' that is used to calculate the moving range.
my.xmr.raw.r <- matrix(cbind(my.xmr.raw[1:length(my.xmr.raw)-1], my.xmr.raw[2:length(my.xmr.raw)]), ncol=2) <- qcc(my.xmr.raw.r, type="R", plot = TRUE)
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