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Last active January 4, 2022 03:05
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Save tomhopper/9674890 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An ordered dot plot with error bars. Demonstrates creating summarized data (e.g. means), ordering by second variable, error bars on dot plots. Based on the bar chart example at
#' Example Cleveland-style dot plot.
#' Two variables plotted on an facet plot.
#' Ordering of the data in the first facet.
#' Error bars plotted with each dot.
#' Create some data for the demonstration
n <- 10
group <- rep(1:4, n)
mass.means <- c(10, 20, 15, 30)
mass.sigma <- 4
score.means <- c(5, 5, 7, 4)
score.sigma <- 3
mass <- as.vector(model.matrix(~0+factor(group)) %*% mass.means) +
rnorm(n*4, 0, mass.sigma)
score <- as.vector(model.matrix(~0+factor(group)) %*% score.means) +
rnorm(n*4, 0, score.sigma)
data <- data.frame(id = 1:(n*4), group, mass, score)
#' Reorder the data on "group," sorted by "mass"
data <- transform(data, group = reorder(group, mass))
#' Change from wide to tall format for ggplot2
melted <- melt(data, id.vars=c("id", "group"))
#' Calculate means and standard deviations
means <- ddply(melted, c("group", "variable"), summarise,
means.sem <- ddply(melted, c("group", "variable"), summarise,
mean=mean(value), sem=sd(value)/sqrt(length(value)))
#' Create the data frame that we will use for the error bars.
means.sem <- transform(means.sem, lower=mean-sem, upper=mean+sem)
#' Note that the order of geoms matters: plot geom_errorbarh first so that the points
#' overlay the error bars. Reversing these plots the error bars over the dots, resulting
#' in a visible gray line through each dot.
#' Note that each geom can work with a different data set than the default passed to
#' ggplot().
means.barplot <- ggplot(data = means, aes(x = mean, y = group)) +
geom_errorbarh(data=means.sem, aes(xmax=upper, xmin=lower), height = 0.15, colour = "grey50") +
geom_point(size = 5) +
facet_grid(facets= . ~ variable, scales="free_x") +
theme(text = element_text(size = 18))
#' Plot to standard graphics window.
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